Fortress Idea?

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Fortress Idea?

Post by Snxpflash »

1st of all.. if you're interested in just trolling this topic with negative bs, please close your eyes.. imagine posting your comment and the following responses.. then kindly open your eyes and browse to facebook and start something dramatic there :).

So, here is my idea.. for those of you who have played games like: Halo, Call of Duty, Starcraft 2 ect ect.. There is a lobby where players can create their own games. If Arama had something like this, it would be very easy to organize fortress matches! If you could only get 3 of 4 of your teammates together, you could just host a 4 v 4 fortress match. When players enter the lobby they see the available matches and join, once enough players join match can be started. This would generate a lot of motivation and popularity back into Armagetron. Of course this would translate to other game modes too! I understand it wouldnt be 'easy' however, considering its been done by almost every popular team play game out there.. why not in Arma? We keep talking about kick-starters and bringing new people to Arma, but.. when I see our server list.. and its ancient appearance and lack of organization I get a little depressed. IF something is not done soon to modernize the interface and give more control to the players this game we all love will soon die. Iv been browsing the server list for weeks nice just checking the server activity and its nearly non-existent. On average, around 4 servers at any given time have any players and that usually consists of 1 sumo server with 8 playable spots and 15 players sitting in there waiting.. a HR server with 4-5 players, cheers or possibly some random server with a few players.. That is what Armagetron is becoming. We all talk about all the fun/cool ways to fix our lack of popularity and even OUR own lack of interest.. But nothing is being done? I do understand finances are a huge aspect.. I wish I had them to give! But, even worse... i dont have the skill-set of coding and game development or I would sacrifice even more of the time I waste on here to improve the experience. What can we do? Can we make 1 last legit run at improving this platform and building interest in this game? If so.. after completion it will be MUCH easier to build a sweet teaser trailer and promote Armagetron and it's modes to the public eye! We need to set cookie trails for newbies to follow to gradually learn/understand how Arama works to keep their interest. How many players download Arama.. go into the online server list.. see 1 server with some players in it, it happens to be fortress.. several players treat them like crap and they just ditch and go back to minecraft or LoL.. :P. There is so much more fun to be had here than any of us have yet experienced.... I am half-ass decent with graphics, and could definitely help in that aspect. Who has the skills to put something like this together? DEV's I'm talking to you guys too! Yes you're super busy and dont have the time or money but.. What has all of this been for if you let it go now after all this time? You've created on of THE most addicting fun to play games on the net yet nobody knows it exists... 5 - 10 years ago, promoting Arma would have been much more difficult than it is now. Nows the time to make a final stand and see what potential Armagetron has for the real world.

Again.. If all you're going to say it "this is dumb, it cant/wont be done.. we've tried it.. blah blah blah" Save it. Im not asking what 'cant' be done.. Im asking what 'can' be. If everyone with skills that can be contributed would make themselves available, and anyone with funds as well.. we can put together a team to help the DEV's to build a New Beta, give it an awesome Project title.. have a team for Dev and a team for Publicity and marketing..

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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by sinewav »

Back in 2006 it was decided that, while feasible, it would be better to have Arma included in an external game tracker system. 2020 proposed the lobby idea again in 2009, which lead to another game tracker thread. Since many of the players here do play other games together (LOL, chess, COD, etc...) the idea of having Arma coupled into another, successful infrastructure is probably the way to go and would take the least amount of work for the most benefit.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by takburger »

I think that is a lot of dev expected for something that could almost be done with irc or a dynamic website. (but I recon it would be cool)

You could chose to learn those simple stuff (web dev or irc bots) and make a complex system with your free time :P (I recon also gave up on the thing I started for tron...)
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Snxpflash »

To me.. it's not just about "can this be done the way we regulars are use to?" it's about.. an upgraded experience! Its about... ease of operation. New players can browse a server list much easier this way. Different chat options to be made available and always have IRC for helping new players with Q and A. Eventually, new servers will be popping up all over the place! As new players come, more donations can be made to the DEV and better servers will come then too. If the domino's are setup correctly with much strategy and thought (this community has some extremely intelligent minds) the sky's the limit.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Titanoboa »

Just stopping by to tell ourselves not to discard things right away. It's easy to find flaws and shoot things down. This particular idea has been brought up a couple times a year for almost 10 years, from all kinds of players. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all? I think it would be to our advantage in the end.

I think it would be very cool if done right, but we should indeed not fool ourselves into thinking it isn't a big project, because it definitely is. Let's not be so hasty to shoot it down immediately, though.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by sinewav »

Most of what is needed already exists in one form or another. We don't need to add a single line of code to Armagetron. The whole thing can be accomplished with a website.

Embed a chat window in the page. Visitors have the option of joining chat as a registered user or guest. Next to the chat window is a server browser. Clicking on any of the servers will launch your local copy of Armagetron (this is probably the hardest part to get working). Don't have a local copy? Press the big button and download the best and most stable release. Don't know what Armagetron is? Watch a 30 second video (should be an updated version of this). Use the space below chat for important news and tournament dates.

Really, we just need 1-3 people with enough web development experience to get it rolling. I could probably donate a little cash to the development, but not much. Kinda broke right now.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Titanoboa »

Good idea
(wish there were a +1 button ;))
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Venijn »

Titanoboa wrote:Good idea
(wish there were a +1 button ;))
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by kah_yoN »

damn, didn't manage to recover my account (if anyone has an idea of what e-mail address I could have used there…)

I love the idea and would be glad to put some time into it! I got all the web thingie skills.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by delinquent »

Unpopular opinion:

I think we need to change our collective attitude towards people who are unskilled at armagetron. So much negativity flies around, it's not exactly a welcoming atmosphere.

Also, I think a large platform like Steam would help us a lot. There are placeholders within the valve network to put guides and information on the various game modes, and plenty of bandwidth for videos. Plus, this would take minimal effort and time to do, along with pretty much no investment. It also opens up the door for developers to make their own moviepacks, and charge for them if they so wish. This would double or even triple our userbase, and a fair percentage of that would translate into regular players.

Edit: I could also help with the SDK integration. I'm a C# developer, which is beneficial considering the SDK is written in C++.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Titanoboa »

delinquent wrote:and charge for them if they so wish.
Not to be boring or counterproductive, but I'd feel* really bad about "new people" coming in and selling moviepacks, when our real devs never got paid with anything more than a few "thank you"s.

*My feelings are not necessarily objective truth. Thought I should mention that too ;P
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by delinquent »

Essentially and morally, you're right. That being said, it's not mandatory that moviepacks will come at a price.

Besideswhich, it would be a direct denouement of the path that Armagetron took to get here (assuming steam went ahead). Plenty of games have gone through a similar stage, although few I think have taken such a lengthy time to flourish as such.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by takburger »

If I remember correctly, Steam thing has been discussed beforehand. And the issue is about copyright stuff.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Snxpflash »

I love the idea of Steam and honestly anything that will generate popularity is worth doing. Movie Packs use to be very popular but really are not anymore. So, if people want to make badass Movie Packs and sell them for a few bucks.. no reason DEV's and anyone else in the community couldnt turn around and do the same thing with the new arrangement. Im not familiar with what would need done to get us on steam however, I still think the platform we use needs a face lift and we still need a really nice video to advertise Arma, and the community. It's true, we are not the *warmest* community and tbh it needs to change.. we need to start treating each other as well as newbies with respect, otherwise all the effort we're about to implement will be wasted.
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Re: Fortress Idea?

Post by Vogue »

Steam won't fix anything if the community isn't interested in it. There's an armagetron steam group already and there are like 7 people in it, also you can add non-steam games manually and it'll show that you're playing that game in the client.
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