Breakfast in Hell down for maintenance

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Breakfast in Hell down for maintenance

Post by Lucifer »

Breakfast in Hell and the team server are both down for routine maintenance. This includes the Breakfast off the Grid website (which was down most of yesterday for driving) and my own personal site, my domain, etc. My server is down. :)

Getting a case change. The hand-me-down case my Dad gave me has slots for terrabytes worth of hard drives. So the server should run cooler (bigger case, more fans, etc) and I'll also upgrade the processor while it's apart to a 900mhz Duron (currently 800mhz Duron). The chip is also a bit newer, so it's probably going to be noticeably faster.

And cleaning up the motherboard, you know, that sort of thing. :)

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Post by Lucifer »

Up again, hopefully. If so, this will be the first time I've done some work to a computer and screwed the case back up without having to reopen it to fix something stupid. ;)

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Post by n54 »

Maintenance in hell eh?


was it the heater?

:P :)
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Post by Phytotron »

It also wasn't on the list for a few days there about a week and a half ago, right. I don't know about the time since, because I've been away from home, but I'm glad it's back just in time for my return. Es ist mein Lieblings server. (Hope I didn't butcher that too badly.)
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Post by Lucifer »

Oscilloscope wrote:It also wasn't on the list for a few days there about a week and a half ago, right. I don't know about the time since, because I've been away from home, but I'm glad it's back just in time for my return. Es ist mein Lieblings server. (Hope I didn't butcher that too badly.)
Yeah, I forgot to tell you guys it was going down when I drove to New Mexico, and then when I drove back of course (I took the server with me and plugged it into my Dad's router while I was down there). I had intended to do the maintenance before bringing it back up after the drive home, but I needed to check my email, so I needed to restart the server.

Anyway, looks like I got it back up before anyone even noticed it was down again. ;)

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Post by Walking Tree »

Oscilloscope wrote:Es ist mein Lieblings server. (Hope I didn't butcher that too badly.)
pretty good, except itz should be 'Lieblingserver' (one word) ...
strange lingo, eh ?
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Post by Phytotron »

I thought that might have been the proper way, as in Lieblingsfarbe. :)
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Post by Phytotron »

Alright, so you said you did maintenance recently, so I reckon this would be as good a place as any to report this. Breakfast in Hell is, or at least seems to be, a lot laggier lately. Pings jump around and spike constantly -- I know pings change, but it's like, ongoing and by large amounts...a jump from 96 to 380, for instance. And even when the pings remain stable, there are regular instances of (what I'm assuming is) the server getting all "burpy" for a period of time. So, just wondering what's up.

Also, incidentally I querry, are you trading off days between Hell and Team Play being on the list?
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Post by Lucifer »

1. It's a mail server as well. THe bumps and burps are because of that.

2. No, it usually runs with Teams, but I'm experimenting with something and only wanted the one server going for now

3. I live a ways out in the country, so I don't get the best cable service around. It's good, and it's lots of bandwidth, but I'm far out too.

I should really compile these into an faq or something. :)

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Post by Tank Program »

Oscilloscope wrote:the server getting all "burpy" for a period of time
I've seen behaivour like this on other servers. I'm starting to wonder if it isn't my client... What version are you using? (And what version is the server on?)
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Post by Phytotron »

I'm still using won't run on lower than Mac OSX 10.4, and I have 10.2.8. I'm hoping this will be rectified.

btw, do you know what I mean by burps? Suddenly, even though pings are reported as unchanged, everyone experiences mega-sliding and redraw and jumping across the arena. Of course, subsequently followed by boom boom boom, heh.
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Post by dlh »

Oscilloscope wrote:I'm still using won't run on lower than Mac OSX 10.4, and I have 10.2.8. I'm hoping this will be rectified.

btw, do you know what I mean by burps? Suddenly, even though pings are reported as unchanged, everyone experiences mega-sliding and redraw and jumping across the arena. Of course, subsequently followed by boom boom boom, heh.
Um. 10.3.

Edit: And the game will run on 10.2.8, I am working on it.
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Post by Phytotron »

nemo: OK, thanks mang. Gratitude.

Lucifer: That's all perfectly understandable, but it seems like it's been a lot worse lately. Is it just me?
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Post by Phytotron »

Say, is it down again? It hasn't been on my list for a few days. I miss it. :cry:
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Post by Lucifer »

Oscilloscope wrote:Say, is it down again? It hasn't been on my list for a few days. I miss it. :cry:
Yeah, sorry Silly. I'll get it back up, hopefully tonight after my homework is done I'll be able to beat on it some more. I'm upgrading it to 0.2.8_beta2 right now, but still using the default map. I want to get the feel worked out so when 0.2.8 is released as stable, I can upgrade to that and make a big noise about it. :)

So definitely keep me posted on a version of the game that'll run on your computer, Silly, because I'd like to switch to a new map as soon as possible after figuring out what the right feel of the server should be.

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