don't change the settings!

For things that have to do with those crazy test servers... and yeah. By request of z-man, and, of course, you gotta obey...

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don't change the settings!

Post by 2020 »

changing the settings
forces all experienced players to change their strategies
and this will only **** them off

please set the fortress as it is
finalise the settings

if people want to play around with variations
then that's up to them
in their servers

in order to give players a chance of learning how to win
as a team
then they need to be sure the settings don't change

be cool
fortress is amazing....
don't **** about with a winning formula
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Post by Lucifer »

Um, the "CVS TEST" part of the name kinda requires the settings to change every now and then. It's a test server. z-man and many others (myself included) have invited people to setup clones, essentially a production server rather than a test server. :)

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wake up

Post by 2020 »

i am merely requesting
since i have no server
that the settings remain
since it is so much fun
as well as giving a few significant reasons

and you justify it because of its NAME??

how long are you going to keep testing...?
what is the result of the testing...?
what are you trying to prove....?

i am a bit sore
with people's lack of constructive criticism...
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Post by Lucifer »

Pardon me for chuckling, 2020. :) Fortress was created by z-man to test the fortress code, and he has continually updated it (or rather, has a script that does it) so he can continue testing the server. Developers need development servers, and sometimes people enjoy playing on them. We set up servers specifically for development from time to time (I ran quite a few servers throughout the betas, but dropped off around beta4). But in order to test a long-running server, we need a long-running server. And that's the one that got made. It's purpose has always been testing. It's name follows its purpose.

And the fact that it's so popular makes it a very good test server. It load-tests the server pretty well, probably better than any other server out right now. So the 0.2.8 release is going to really freaking rule in large part because of this server.

What's going to happen with it after 0.2.8? We're going to develop more features to test on servers and clients alike. What happens then? Who's going to run another test server? No doubt nemo and I will each set some up occasionally, but also there's little doubt ours won't be long-running. I might setup a long-running server that only accepts cvs clients, I've done that before, no reason I wont' do it again.

Really, it's z-man's server, he'll do what he wants with it. But "cvs test" was added to the name primarily so people would know that it's a test server, so it'll have bugs, and the settings will change from time to time.

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Post by wrtlprnft »

Uh, different opinion.

It is not because of the name, it is because the reason that z-man runs this server is to find bugs.
This means that all settings are subject to change as z-man sees fit. The result of this testing is that he already found bugs and got serverside recordings of it to fix them...

Every server needs a few changes from time to time or it gets boring for older players. It might be that not everyone likes every change, but it is worth trying it and eventually most people will like it.

There are a lot of clones out there, use those if you really can't stand a change.
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Post by Z-Man »

True, it's not because of the name. It's because it *is* a test server, that's the common cause for the name and me reserving the right to do silly changes from time to time.
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Post by Lucifer »

Presumably Tank will make a big announcement, but check out Tigers Fortress now. :) I got a comparable ping to it that I get to z-man's, and it's in Central Europe too. ANd it's the only straight up copy of the settings you guys love so much in existence. All the others have their own little touches, which are nice, but for some reason people have a preference for this.

A little story. This sorta came out of a discussion between me and wrtlprnft. Basically, we agreed that fortress doesn't get fun until you have 8 players or more, and neither of us have the bandwidth to host that. My server's always been limited by 8. z-man runs test servers only, apparently. :) The only person I know of around here who has the bandwidth to run a server that starts to get fun around 8 players is Tank. So we (mostly I) asked him to set it up. And Tank being the kind and generous person he is, he did it.

So, we're all looking at bandwidth as being the limiting factor right now. So check it out, you'll probably like it just fine. :) I couldn't tell the difference between the two, but as z-man's server moves to test mroe and more stuff, the two will probably diverge quite a bit.

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Post by wrtlprnft »

I think it might actually be quite helpful if CVS Fortress "disappeared" for a day or two so that people get forced to try out other servers. Currently a lot of people use bookmarks to get into fortress (at some times of the day it's the only way to get in there anyways) and don't really look at what else is out there
Lucifer wrote:So we (mostly I) asked him to set it up.
Just you, actually ;)
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Post by 2020 »

thanks for the clarification

i think z-man's design is superb
and i trust his judgement
including any changes he wishes to make
both to test technical capacity of server and client versions
the parameters of the gameplay for fortress

he has done a great job
and i hope continues to do it

as a player
i merely request to standardise the settings
perhaps because of my lack of imagination --
i can't imagine fortress getting better!

this is quite apart from my desires as a player
to improve teamplay
to create a more gentle entry for noobs
to start developing teamwork
and thereby realising what has remained so much on forums:
exciting new strategies and tactics through co-operative teamplay

i look forward to seeing you all on the grid!
on whatever server!
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Post by longballlasch »

both demomatt|MBC| and the members of our school and i really like Lucifer's server. It had low pings and was great.
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