What do you want to see here? Some more categories, forums, and mods? Hmm...
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Post by Fonkay »

Anyone have any idea what is? I got it instead of here today, when I tried to reach the forums. said to try again in 5-10 mins, I tried again in a couple seconds, and I got here, but I'm still confused.
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Post by Jonathan » is registered there.
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Post by Lucifer »

no-ip is a dynamic dns service. When your IP address changes periodically (like on most cable/dsl connections), no-ip offers a service where you can still point dns names at your IP address. You install a special client that will periodically phone home to their servers to tell it what your IP address is, and their dns servers will tell everyone else.

They have a free service, where you don't get to pick your domain name (or rather, you have one of several choices, being one of them).

Then they have a paid service where you can register your own domain name (such as or

They have other services which I've found useful. I've subscribed to their mail server service, where my mail server uses theirs to send mail, to get around spam blocks. A lot of mail servers reject mail from dynamic IP addresses because of worms and viruses and crap, so if you want to run your own mail server from home you need someone to give you a static IP address to send mail. Otherwise you can do everything else a mail server does. So, for $20/year, I get to send up to 150 emails a day through their server. (You pay more for more mail, so people don't subscribe to the service to send spam)

Be the devil's own, Lucifer's my name.
- Iron Maiden
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