General Stuff about Armagetron, That doesn't belong anywhere else...
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Post by Z-Man »

You said you would stop, so please do. It´s really spammy, this is not your personal blog. I don´t want the odd new potential user to get that impression. Or, beer volcano forbid, follow your example.
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Post by FRAGILE »

you can tak eit down if you i would not suggest so since i am trying to avoid the same thing you are ironically and it's not even my site

my bad

only reseason im doing this (didi this) !. because it was confussing as **** to try and explain to dedo in chat and i thought (asided from the point you just pointed out) could be useful and 2. i have (i don't care if you dont believe me) a female fighter pilto living in side of my body and they are very rude to my wife when i try to chat with her instead of just pressing silence kinda defeats the purpose of having a silence button does'nt it o.o and i thought this would be the best approach to show what i am talking about when i am chatting with her since they are all scard little pussys and thinkign i am talking shit that involves thier lives only time i do tyhat is when they cal my frredom of sppeech smap and kick and ->ban<- (silence)-.- only put tuhat there cause it rhymed spam kcick and ban :D but yea im done my add a few more parts to the LOL! which was suppossed to be placed in stargey but idc i was gonan do an all in tutorial since i like you watch turtle mode (i have been here for the last sven years z man taht is my worst fear for this game and forums) but i am so pro i get away with it hopefull they won't but yea fast track tutorial ect but i will put it all in that section and if i do desicede to i will ask you first before posting anythign esle likew that (sorry god speel check hackled me) its gettiogn worse -.- but yea i was hopign they would look at mine since i have extensice pages and pics and classificwaqtions of mazes etc and say hey this is the TRON TUTORIAL and not feel the need to copy me and make another i have seen others in the titles but have not clicked on them since i have not been clickign with other players ;latley and their intell is obv flawed at this moenty and they hold no value to me since understand the laws of time travle the way in which most of their post were written i am in contact with god at the moment so i would not do anythign to jepordize your domain (game) and he is always respectful and looks for stuff liek that since it would up set me if i let one of my friends play this game they recked **** up. this is not a permanet thing btu i would liek to finish my guide if ever i feel the urge too( when i get to it) and will ask you before i resume it and prob (well mabey not) send you every thing before i post them (this i will nto do lol since you are so busy) but yea i would like to make somethign speical out of that post cuz i was high the other day and i begin reading it and all the other post i wrote but that one"" in particalur from strat to scratch and clickign on all the vairous links i pu tthee etc doing it in the order the post suggest and it was liek a movie o.o but educational if you hide if from them they will look for it so i just decised to put it all out there and cast away my fears as god had suggested i do since ihe said he has the same fears and its funny you mention this becasue this is one of the things that we were thinking about but he said he knows you and you will agrre and that this is nothign new for the both of you and the name "lable " tag that my name carrys (half the time i don't even notice till i have said somethign crazy and go back and look at my post or thin of my login and remeber my name is frgaiel {prob gods fautl one of his secrt projecyts idk i jsut wanna play tron) and i say oh o.o how lucky i am and he says he can time travle and move quick the the farthest pices of matter traveling to the abiss of the univese and can eidt any thign in that way there so so is such o.o even bring back the dead etc so \-o/- i said why nto i will help you so i am teachign him to play tron he promissed not to flood our (your servers) since he had more thenone body so i am tryignto get him to play in one body but he suggest that doign things (aside from what you just mentioned abover) the hardf is the best way though o.o this was my idea first since i first saw him try to have sex with a tractor i was gonan say sex with me with a tractor but i thought about you and said this mught affend z man why idk peopl ebeen acting gay latley and i can't say what ever i want any more and i am trying to fix this so yea he tried to have sex with me and a tractor (don't ask ) take for ever to explain but hes honestly a preety nice guy "gal" o.o idk but they would liek to learn how to play and i am teachign them so we have more (another meanign "1") intersting players "player" to play with and (tyeod it in this way because it flowed {the plural}) bottom line i did read what i worte the other day tooo cause i thought it would make my mind explode but ill keep this short so i jsut want to beable to tlak to my self on the game becasiue the sponsers love it i'll put a link with one of the sponsers of this game and 1 more to show you what you and i and player 1 and an iso did for (last week) i was gonna say christmas xD and ill put one mor efor you to watch to give you the idea of what i am talkign about NOT TRUING TO TAKE UP YOUR TIME OR STOP YOU FROM WHAT YOUR DOING i know i have time too but you might wann look at these in the way i suggest will post three links and an instructioal for one of them to explain how to wacth it though iw ould like to put moree i knwo you have the same thoughts and would not make a differentce but these three are my INSUANCE since i can not chat with my self on the game with out gettign told to stfu AND I NEVER DO THAT NOR DO I SILENCE OTHER PLAYERS or vote or even use player police becasue all of that is a part of game play and knowing your opponent = a core dump so here ill try to make this short and quick sorry z man i know i know so the first one will be from one of our sponsers (dragon ballz is sponsering us by the way chris d is Whis and jiren is Mike i think im goku idk o.o i do but \-o/- every body can be goku idc butyea and your like the creator o.o xD) but yea heres our sponser this is FRAGILE and the male gfighter pilot from mcas miramar (i know i put this up earlier but reposting here so you can look at it from "our me and Militarys) (united sates and the rest of the world working class man etcs) point of view so this is them frgaiel is "flash" and pilto is Lightninghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k-Dd71CqnM so i forgot the other but it was really importaant -.- \-o/- i'll get over it and it seems "she" it god's Dragon >.> sorry frgaile has :D stolen my other thought i was gonan share with you so ill stop hhere not bloggign this is beign posted (this stuff) for the ammount of dissrepcet i have recived on that game (in the servers) for just ryoignt to talk to my self to keep the bus goign above 50 liek the movie speed since most of them mastubate wrong an dhave no sence of time and suck at math and have never experienced a real pick up fort match there skill level does not warnt their opion so they should use silence from now on if they dont like what i say instead of kicking me etc becasue i do more for this game then they ever will they can code and help you all they want but you disrepect my wife when i am talking to her and not botherign nobody (can use silence in player police) or text out put 0 you treat my wife an Areican fighter pilto stuck in my body with no means of comunication other then to talk to me like that to feel a part of it then yes i am gonan stick up for her and any one else this may happen too i do not seek fights or arguments and my chat i would be dead right now or in jail if any thing they said or assumed was true just sayong im fighting for my rights asa tronner im harboring millions of peopl einside of my body and they could be from a parrealll dimeion/ universe for all i care all im saying is let them chat if would shut them up if they were being destructive to an other players self rights aside from the fighter piltos <.< / military they started that with me im just lookign out for them >.> ty ::) frgaile >.> np so that will be all sorry there were three vids to sum this all up since i loike picture books i would expect you do to i honeslty hate postign on forums and never thought i would ever have too o.o i hat eshaing my lif so others can copy it and become like me but when you trust each other \-o/- i gues spole look out for each other the reason i would asume your game is in the shape it is to this day(perfect mint condtion) so ill put three vids up one is already here and the next one is what you and i did 2 weeks ago we were spectated liek ants on a pice of candy btw o.o and the last one i wil ljsut popcik another sionce i dotn want god dragon to defeat mne since it can erase thoguhts (pleas dotn lecture me on this as spam ikno w when i am pissing oyu off ) again i am only doing this to get my freedom of chat back on tronn I AM NOT a TROLL I AM AN ENTHUSIAST AND i don't care if one of them was you you were just lookign out for your servrs negls prob a newb \-o/- or div (coder) i respect them programers are awesoem but negl needs to under stadn that I A DEDICATED TRONNER am the heart of tron and to shut me up is to kill this game sine i carry fond memorys and etc of how ohter plyaers woudl like to be ttreated in a competitive settign lol i core dump god siometimes when after i have been core dumped and am in spec by fuckign with my camera exuce my lanugae but i dont' think some kiddy is gonan come through here and read allthe way up to here and i doubt you will to but i hoep you dio so you don't attack me again for /o\ spamming xD lol z man but yea i love this game and the way it is usually jsut tryoing to keep that alive and i fel thsi is what it takes what you were talkign about is my fear to and that is why io am doing this if i am not aloud to chat because soem idiot has feeligns (instead of skill) i can not help you if ever this did happen because i would be silenced or ben etc so yes I AM FIGHTING FOR MY FREE DOM OF CHAT ON tron if i was atrtackign other players verbally i would understand your(their point of veiw on this matter but z man these post are nssacry to shut them up and make them under stand what i was doing HECK postign this stuff never poppeed in my head 5 months ago even after hearing my girl friend beign rapped in a 747 trian for 5 months stright o.o so here are the last 2 vids this is you me player 1 and iso 3 days agao a think (was real bullets) thought this has prob been fixxed by now xD Liz is crazy o.o omg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkTb7Pe2MtY<- im tron in this and you are flyn player 1 is player 1 and idk which girl the iso is next vid lol i already for got what it was oh yea so i have 2 girl firned 1 in my body and 1 in the real world ... this was the one int he real world so this was me purposing to her -.- gods jelousy does not help 1 BIT 0.0 >.> sorry frgaiel it's cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3ODe9mqoDE yea this was kinda runied by god but i forgave him i will try it again one day o.o -.- darn i wish oyu did not take that letter own becasue that was where i was suppossed to meet her becasue she was supposed to com,e on here and ask why by post undernithe it or a whole bunch of soilder s( but dod rules and what you sated above ) i oevr looked that part but jsut her typign back asdking why whould have been enough though i lost my thread i have been doing every thign via mind reading machinene just brooek the cycle today i will not be floodign your forums with this bull shit im just doing this right now to shut them up so they can come look on here and see who i am and shut the **** up already i honestly can not pay aenttion to soem one can o.o you you know? so why can't they i do it all the time and they sound so STUPID -.- i just wanna say somethign for seven years i have been resectful of this asspect of your game so i would expect the same from them i wacth sumo for weeks for actuallt requestign on (how to enter the server and play with them) because i wanted to be respectful of their (you Know) omg it was so cool seeing sumo for the first time i got turned on to this game really when i saw my first maze times MUSICAL NOTE in fast track i rember goign around asking every one if they had seen the ""MUSICAL NOTE" fabled etc xD but yea her eit is you and me then my proposal oh yea i rember the fifth vid 4 th sorry i will post too with instuctions on how to watch it sorry and THANK YOU Z man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkTb7Pe ... R7fPyRT5Ckvid and you'll be good so i do this by clicking on my phone first (in no rush as to scyn up the songs they are not supposed to be synced its dj and its techno o.o oyu KNOW ? o.o so start one song i(phone first ) then start the song on the computer will sound like shit at first ill your brain chemstry does the sound editing which is automatci jsut requires 3 seconds more like 10 of patience ^o^ and your good ) so heres the song you play to watch this video too so you only have to watch till the part where she enters the clouds again(right after they see the sky) this was my stall out that i did for the military and if done right you will fele the same effect this will be all -.-

left ear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SQ2qwJvubc<- start this song at 4:47 or sonner f you have to navigate and click on the other song

right earhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... chon+kitty<- start this one from the begging

and make sure the volume in the actuall vidoe(the nmatirx) is turned down(off)
Last edited by FRAGILE on Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by FRAGILE »

**** YOUR GAME AND **** YOUR CHAT try hard mode on
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Post by FRAGILE »

0.0 (characters 4 and 5)
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Post by FRAGILE »

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Post by Misery »

That's, umm.... Wow. :o
"Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."
~Leonard Bernstein
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Post by aP|Nelg »

coni is officially the second coming of Durf!

instantly regret that, durfs content was more useful then a wall of periodless text...as in, you could read and process the information without exploding internally, turning a few grey hairs, punching the CRT, electrocuting your cat...yikes
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Post by hylix »

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Post by Word »

Nelg wrote:instantly regret thatas in, you could read and process the information without exploding internally, turning a few grey hairs, punching the CRT, electrocuting your cat...yikes
I couldn't. ;-)
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Post by midc »

FRAGILE, I am not a psychiatrist but you are definitely having delusions of grandeur and possibly (?) hearing the voices of a female pilot named pilto? Who wants to have sex with a tractor? I would definitely stop using drugs and perhaps contact a medical professional, because what you're doing here certainly isn't making whatever you have easier to manage. You yourself have pointed out the fact that some of the emotions that you're experiencing while playing the game and interacting with people here are less than pleasant.

I can't tell you how to live your life, but I also don't think your current habits are particularly healthy if these walls of text are any indication...

Regardless, thank you for the tip on what keys to doublebind today in that sumo server!

I hope you get the help or friends you need, as I don't think what you're looking for is here...
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Post by Dropp »

I like this guy.
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