To Durf (open letter, if you will)

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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Word »

Certain people keep asking for more of my voice
By telling you to shut up to reflect about yourself and your views for some time? Granted, you can type faster than anyone I know (besides Hamar and Sixzero, who even take part in competitions for that...) but it seems like you spend no time to think about what you write. You're not self-reflective in the way that most people are and it wouldn't surprise me if that's not even your fault in the sense that you can't do much about it, but it's evident in each of your attempts to defend an already absurd opinion. And posting the PM history won't help when you're comparing people to nazis (suddenly they're bad enough for that even though you claim here it's just an innocent thing to associate oneself with) who are simply dead tired of your mantra and you continue to suspect they all conspire against you (hint: this mindset is completely insane and if you post your PM history with Z-Man you probably just reinforce that you're the crazy guy in the room right now).

No, I certainly wouldn't have started this again like Titanoboa (and say that I want to physically hurt you for your posts) but he does have a point regardless*. Feel free to reply to all of that but understand that you are just reaffirming what everyone is thinking of you by now instead of, say, switch to damage control.

*Since he and I have a history of diverging approaches and opinions concerning almost everything, which goes back 7 years, it seems fair to say that it's a bit of a warning sign to you if the two of us are on common ground for once. To Titan: Please erase this post from your memory. :)
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Z-Man »

Durf wrote:but then call me an idiot...
I did not. I quoted forum rule #1. And even if you did not get that, "Don't be X" does not imply "You are X" or "I think you are X" in any context. You demand that we read only the best into your posts, yet you yourself fail to parse even a simple 5 word sentence (counting the contraction as 2, dunno if that is correct, don't care) accordingly. That, in a nutshell, is why communicating with you is so grating and I try to do as little of it as possible.

And why are you responding to this half in public, half in PM?

Anyway, you seem determined in your righteousness. I'm done trying to stop you with reason.
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by TaZ »

Let him post the PMs, Z-Man!
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Vogue »

Z-Man wrote:And why are you responding to this half in public, half in PM?
He's hard to get, baby.
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Kinda Slow »

Will Job and his friends ever come to a resolution?
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Lucifer »

Kinda Slow wrote:Will Job and his friends ever come to a resolution?
I wouldn't know. I skipped to the next book because I was tired of Job's whining.

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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Durf »

To anyone who doesn't care: Just ignore. You won't be making it seem like I'm causing trouble by posting in this tread asking for a response; you will only show how people constantly instigate responses from me. If you don't care, ask yourself why you'd even post.
If you do care and have something to say, then you should feel free to post.

@word: Just stop already. You aren't doing anything to help anyone by continuing trying to force the opinion that I'm doing something wrong (or am "crazy", even if I was, you're the guy talking to the crazy guy). You're just filling this thread with more unneeded posts.

1) Reread the first post. Tell me where it says for me to shut up and reflect. Show me how I should have NOT responded to the thread in the first place. Honestly're making yourself look stupid. Like I said to Titanoboa, I'm not the one trying to ruin anything here. I'm only responding to the people trying to bring up more bullshit (like you).
2) The speed at which I can type is unrelated. It makes no difference how fast I can type. How is this even a point you're trying to make? How does this relate to anything?
3) You're making assumptions about my lifestyle. You claim it is evident (that I'm "not self-reflective") yet I see no evidence to support your claim (when something is evident, it is relative - I could easily argue that you, and maybe a few others, are deluded into assuming what is "evident"). All you have said was an opinion (that I make attempts to defend an absurd opinion). What opinion is so absurd? Please enlighten everyone here of the absurd opinion I'm supporting in this thread...please word. Even if I have absurd opinions, how does this mean that I don't "self-reflect"? Though you're right about one thing; it's certainly not the same way; not in the limited ways people like you "self-reflect". I could teach you things.
4) Posting PM history has nothing to do with any previous thread. It is in response to this thread and not meant to continue anything from before. Furthermore, I wasn't comparing anyone to Nazis. Wtf are you talking about?
Suspicions of people conspiring against me isn't the way I would put it. I mean, it's clear to everyone who are the ones being an ass in their posts. The fact of the matter is, even if I am being an ass, I'm just one person. There ARE multiple people that have "contributed" much worse material than I have. It wouldn't be so far-fetched to think that posts like yours (suggesting many, many false accusations) are merely there to discredit me. Conspiring isn't required for a bunch of people to post for a cause. Overall, I can't prevent other people from being an idiot.
The "mindset" as you call it, is not what you think it is. Not by a long shot. The one thing you will always be wrong about is your perception of how I think.
I offered to post PM history as a means of offering evidence (something everyone can see for themselves) of what I have been claiming regarding my dealings with the moderators (as a means to show everyone why I'm posting what I'm posting). You haven't seen this evidence, nor do you even know what you're talking about anymore (unless you have an inside source?). You can try to make me seem like a crazy guy all you want; you'll just be wasting everybody's time. I guess I could also ask, why do you even care? What possible reason do you have to post in this thread? Other than being an ass. How are you not crazy for even bothering with any of this? You had nothing to do with any of this to begin with, so explain why you're here (to show everyone how you're not crazy)

The fact remains that you are persistently overbearing in your own absurd opinions.
Try not posting stupidity if you want results. Your unfounded accusations, and the act of me replying to them, only serve to reaffirm that I actually give you enough respect to take your post seriously and respond to each and every thought you had. You can be upset all you want that I don't agree with you. Get over it. Not everyone has to agree with you.
In other words, shut up and do some self-reflection. I'm surprised you try to argue that I'm a problem here when you and your posts only serve to support what I'm saying; who are the people that can't just "drop it"?
Oh and btw, don't respond to this (even though I asked you questions - if you do, I will blame you for being stubborn, crazy, and not being able to just "drop it" <-- obvious taste of your own medicine, I actually don't mind if you respond)

@Z-Man: Nice try, but you wouldn't have quoted the rule unless you intended to imply that I am or would be violating the rule (being an idiot) by the act of posting the PM history. Clearly you don't want me to post the PM history; the question being asked was "why?". Regardless of why, your choice to respond in the way you did implies your opinion (you were calling me an idiot - or at the least, an idiot if I were to post the history - my response to you is the same). Furthermore, for a written rule, that is pretty bad (shoddy). Like as if it was an excuse for you to call people idiots so you can enforce your opinion over theirs >_>
Hence why I said you're the only one being an idiot about this. You shouldn't bend rules conveniently to serve your needs - don't be an idiot = don't be an idiot. I'm going to point out your faults whether you like it or not.

It's most likely "grating" because you haven't had to deal with such scrutiny before I came along; and you wouldn't have had to either if you didn't give me reason to show you (and everyone) your hypocrisy. I told you exactly when you dishonored yourself to the point of losing the respect that would spare your feelings (you're lucky I was even kind enough to tell you like you were a person with at least half a brain). You made a mistake (showing users favoritism and disrespecting people, including me, for no reason; let alone the moderator abuse you are endorsing. Some moderator you are.), get over it. Are you so intolerant that you are unfit to fulfill your duty as moderator? You're one of the biggest hypocrites I know now (gz); you claim that posts made specifically to insult me (literally no reason or valid argument made in them) is just "flak" and claim that I'm unable to take it (when I'm responding to them just fine), yet when ACTUAL criticism (without insults) is given to you, you can't talk to me anymore because it's grating? PLEASE Z-Man. You disgrace yourself.

Why does it matter how I responded? Please Z-Man, please explain to everyone how you're not just trying to instigate more bullshit with this question. Seriously Z-Man, are you so bum-hurt about what has been happening that you jump at any remote chance to start some bullshit with me? This is getting pitiful.
To answer your question, I posted a reply in this thread first. Then I was replying to your PM, which happened to demand a similar response. Since I would have just been repeating myself, I linked the post with the relevant response.
If you want everyone to see, then by all means, post the rest of my response from the PM. You are so stuck-up that you can't even consider that I was taking in interest in the continuity of this thread; and how you might not want what I say to go public (because I'm still a little considerate, even to the dishonorable). This question itself seems as if you want me to post the PM...make up your mind; either you understand why a person chooses to make things private (multiple reasons) or you don't (you will be taught). Shall I just make all the PMs public to show everyone? I don't mind, only your hurt feelings do.

@Vogue, I bet a lot of people seem that way to you. Relative perspective is funny like that.

@Kinda Slow & Lucifer: Off topic? What are you doing? Purposely polluting a thread so as to give it a reason to be locked should be against the rules. Not that I mind if it gets locked, it's not like this thread served much of a purpose to begin with. But you don't (rather shouldn't) have the ability to control the outcome of a thread being locked just by your bad posts (if moderators did their job, they would moderate for the continuity of the thread, not add to irrelevant material - what's your excuse Lucifer? Do you know how to moderate anymore? Has it been that long?)
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Phytotron »

Perdonen su francés.
Perdonen su francés.
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But really, Titanaoboa, thanks a lot for making another damn thread giving attention and forum to this egomaniacal fool. What about all the other locked threads didn't give you a clue?
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Amaso »

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Durf: 7
Forum Mods: 3
Tronic Community: 2
Trolls: 5

mad or nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Now do I think the mods are stupid? No
Do I believe they are a joke? Without a doubt
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But hey what are you gonna do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Monkey »

We need some kind of resolution here. This thread was inflammatory from the start and should have been locked early on. Can we all agree that it should now be locked?

I agree with the vast majority of what you are saying and have myself been tempted to reply to several of the posts here, however, I'm not now because I think all that needed to be said has been said. Let's not go round in circles; we know who is guilty of what here, please agree to the lock.
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Lucifer »

Clearly it's time to lock the thread.

I would like to clear something up, though: @Durf: In the thread "What do you expect from your moderators?" there is a lot of discussion on exactly what the moderators' jobs are. This is not a job description you get to write all by yourself. If you'd like to discuss what the moderators' jobs are, that is the thread to do it in. Use the search feature to find it.

As to this thread, it's now going in circles, and I believe someone (Phyto, again?) was right when he suggested that threads of this sort need to stop. Therefore, I will lock any thread without warning when it veers in this direction again, and reserve the right to ban without warning repeat offenders as needed. We all know how to behave. ;)

It's real simple. If Durf is right, then he should be able to stop talking about it and be proven right by everybody's actions involved. Further trolling is unnecessary and futile. Let actions speak for themselves. Give it time.

Now then, any last words?

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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by DragonHeart »

Lucifer wrote: Now then, any last words?
Love ya Looooceeeeeeeeeeeeee <3 :P
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Durf »

Durf wrote:Not that I mind if it gets locked, it's not like this thread served much of a purpose to begin with.
I can't say that I want it to be locked. Neither can I say that I don't. I don't think I have enough emotional investment to actually say one way or the other.

Lucifer wrote:I would like to clear something up, though: @Durf: In the thread "What do you expect from your moderators?" there is a lot of discussion on exactly what the moderators' jobs are. This is not a job description you get to write all by yourself. If you'd like to discuss what the moderators' jobs are, that is the thread to do it in. Use the search feature to find it.
Sure thing I might post in there. Thanks for pointing that out. Though when I talk about what I think the due process should be, regarding the warnings and bans, I was speaking from (real-world) administrative experience and have seen the procedure I describe work well, not just for internet applications, but all-round it has less problems to deal with. Plus, I understand that there's a difference between "procedure" and "policy" <snipped things that should be posted in the thread you suggested>
To clear things up for the remainder of this thread: when I was saying things like "doing their job", I was referring to the definition of what a "moderator" is, what they do, and relating it to the point I was making in this thread regarding favoritism. (we don't need to talk about it anymore unless this isn't clear; this is an explanation "to clear things up").
Again, thanks for the thread, I'm pretty sure I've seen it before; I may be posting there soon.

I don't think Titanoboa has even posted twice in this thread. Perhaps they had nothing to say <snipped some more cus it was "long">
I think if the topic isn't giving further reason to be locked, then it should be allowed to continue (if it even can) or simply die on it's own.. IMO
Lucifer wrote:Now then, any last words? ... last-words
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by /dev/null »

You are both food, quit crying.

If it takes most of a page to explain your tears, keep them to your ******* self, we dont care.

Enjoy hiding on the easy mode servers, we all know who, and why you are.
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Re: To Durf (open letter, if you will)

Post by Durf »

/dev/null wrote:You are both food, quit crying.
Eat me

/dev/null wrote:If it takes most of a page to explain your tears, keep them to your ******* self, we dont care.
Durf wrote:I don't think I have enough emotional investment to actually say one way or the other.
You are mistaking a willingness to respond for "crying" (as you call it). The length of my posts is not related to the emotion I am feeling, rather, to the number of points I am addressing and the required amount of words to properly articulate my thoughts. Really, I don't care if you see everyone on these forums as sniveling, you are free to think what you want. But as soon as you jump in the hot tub, you are part of the soup (lol idk - hopefully you know what I mean. Screw metaphors.)

/dev/null wrote:Enjoy hiding on the easy mode servers, we all know who, and why you are.
If you're making a claim that I don't do anything but easy game modes, you'd be wrong (not only do I spend time creating new game types and servers - but I also play most other game types). Neither can I tell who else you might be talking about so..
...just wondering how this relates to anything at all; or if you are just stigmatizing the game types you get pwnt at :o (that's right I went there)