Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

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Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Snxpflash »

I think I had a dream about this last night because I woke up and couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't have this figured out perfectly in my head though so I wanted to get the main idea out on paper and have you guys help me piece it all together. So without further adieu..

Introducing: The Annual Fortress Draft!

How it works:

~ All current large Fortress Teams would relinquish a vast majority of their 'extra' players to a pool of 'Free Agents' (Newer teams may not be required to do this as they may already have a core of newer players)

~ All Armagetron Players who sign up and agree to the terms of this organized Draft will be able to join the Draft Pool
* This will give new players who are interested in Fortress but dont really know how to get into a good team an opportunity to join a core of skilled players and learn.

~ All Team Leaders (possibly along side a selected co-leader) will draft their team of no more than 8 players.
* It will be emphasized in the terms and conditions that ALL applicants to the Draft Pool will be 100% ready and willing to partake in forum participation as well as practices and teamspeak ect (if the team leaders require this) so there should be minimal problems with not having enough participants come ladle time.

~ Duration: If everyone agrees this can be a temporary experiment! Perhaps 3 months/3 Ladles followed by a full discussion. If enough people absolutely hated the arrangement then everyone can just go right back to their previous teams like nothing every happened.. but even still all the new players who have been active for the last 3 competitive months will now be hooked and no doubt with the draft pool still available new players can more easily come together and form new teams.
Concord wrote:Personal loyalty is valuable, but loyalty to a tag is not. Here’s a little secret. Good players enjoy playing with other good players. Redemption forced us to get over the clan-hopper stigma, and showed us that competitive fortress works best when players play with who they want to, without fearing backlash. The concept of building teamwork over time by playing with the same people for years should by this late date be thoroughly disproven. Long term teammates in CT or RT have not developed teamwork superpowers that let them beat the rest of us. Freedom of movement and circulation of personalities and ideas is far better for the game than stagnant, entrenched clans who calcify around ancient rivalries. Redemption, though it was not their intent to do so, helped evolve attitudes about teams. Competitive fortress is better off for it. They revised the rulebook.
This could be a GREAT way to build 4+ new ladle teams all with a core of experienced players teaching less experienced players the art of the game. If this turned out to be a success then no doubt there could be a new Draft Cycle every 4 to 8 months where Player who lacked discipline to help their team could be dropped and players who didnt feel they meshed well with their team could become free-agents again and recirculate. The competitive atmosphere and need for fun-wars and team practices would increase exponentially as well promoting for more grid-activity!

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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Overrated »

What if you don't like who you were drafted by? I wouldn't want to play with people I wouldn't have a good time with.

No loyalty at all?

So giving up extra players means I can't use them as subs (e.g. if R has a lot of people not show up and Matoso signs up for this), then they are forced into playing with that team? (Edit: Looks like that person is bound to one team; even if not all of them can show up)

Isn't this like FFA? Just not for one tournament.


Also, practices? When it comes to the school year people might not have time to worry about, at the least, scheduled practices. To have them bound to that would be pretty unorthodox. Play pickup, or megafort with your new teammates, or take them aside to practice.

Teamspeak? Some people don't have mic's, and it also lags some people pretty badly (for those who go in just to listen).
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by blondie »

You completely misused what I wrote

I said increased freedom is good. Your idea does the exact opposite.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by -*inS*- »

I'll just put it out there that there's only 2 'large' clans out there that you're basically suggesting we poach from.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Vogue »

This idea is horrible.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by takburger »

The idea on paper is good, however if you think few steps ahead, you'll see that the competition will turn on the advantage on one team and everybody will be mad. And that sucks :)

Nice try anyway :)
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Snxpflash »

I didnt create this thread to argue with anyone so I'm not going to. Instead I'l try and clarify my intentions a bit. The idea of the FFA is more or less what im going for with this. It was a unique idea that everyone seemed to be pretty interested in trying out. I'm just suggesting we collectively adjust the terms for a more long-term experiment. I want to bring players from other game types into the scene by insuring they will be grouped with experienced players who can teach them. I had Team Pluto for about 3-3 1/2 months and brought a little fortress life back into a few players who were sort of just passing time on the grid who are now playing more often and enjoying fortress. This could do the same for others. We could allow a specific number of groups of 2 (co-leaders) who will work together to pick their teams. Before picks are finalized anyone who is absolutely against being with the team they were chosen for can propose trades until the majority are happy. It's ok if it takes a few weeks to get everything organized. We do a a few months (a few ladles) with this entirely different approach and see how it goes? It would be fun! Afterwords.. we all go back to our ladles teams and the new interest that was built from the experiment will either find themselves a place among the current teams or build their own.


What about a Player Cap? Let's restrict all Ladle teams to a maximum of 10 players. This would send a small wave of player into being free-agents to build new teams? These are just ideas of changing the competitive scene a bit for the good.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by sinewav »

My Opinion: Less time should be spent on ideas like this and more time spent on promoting and distributing the game. Grow the player base and you can have any type of Fortress you want.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by compguygene »

I have to agree this is a terrible idea on so many levels. What do you do with a clan like the one that I am in, Wild West. We are finally starting to get more organized and competitive with our Ladle team with the help of algid. However, on paper we have 10+ players. In reality, we sometimes cannot field 6 on a given ladle/practice/war day. Also, I really have to wonder just how many players, if faced with a draft, were forced to come from say R to Ww would bother.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Monkey »

I also don't like this idea.
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Re: Fortress DRAFT (Idea)

Post by Magi » very confused at how everyone is responding to this thread 3 months later all because some random person posted about needing to find a sumo/fort clan o.o but ya, this isn't a good idea and wouldn't work out. Forcing teams to be restricted to 10 members would cause clans with 15-20 members to kick people and those people will probably go inactive completely cause they're no longer in the group that they enjoy playing with.
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