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Re: Apology

Post by Magi »


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Re: Apology

Post by Z-Man »

Word: Aus! Genug!
Phytotron wrote:but you all never learn.
That assumes they/we are the only ones who have something to learn. You have, too:
Phytotron wrote:You see, we do say "you're wrong, and the reasons are the following...."
That would obviously be fine. But you rarely fail to mention that the only possible explanation for them being wrong is that they must be idiots, imbeciles, miscreants, sociopaths, lazy stoners etc. What rubs people (including me) the wrong way is that tendency to immediately link any disagreements with your views - and not all of them are plain facts - to the worst personal flaws of the others that you can come up with.

You should get rid of it, if only for the sake of your own cause. See, when you do that thing, it automatically raises the stakes. If you tell me I'm wrong, yeah, I can admit that and correct the mistake. If you tell me I'm wrong and also an idiot, well, the price has just gone up. Admitting I'm wrong then would also mean admitting I'm an idiot, so nope. Won't do that. Basic Psycho-Economics, wich is something I just made up, but I'm sure exists anyway.

As for the rest, you have a point there, or ten.
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Re: Apology

Post by Word »

Z-Man: Ein letztes noch...dann halte ich mich zurück, versprochen :P

So doof das klingen mag, ich finde ihr habt beide irgendwo Recht. Du halt mehr generell. Aber er nennt das Kind beim Namen und wenn er sie in dem Thread beleidigt hat, dann war das vollkommen verdient. Sie sind sogar noch stolz drauf, wenn sie sich selber beschreiben, aber wenn er das mit einer anderen Wortwahl tut (und ihre ganze Oberflächlichkeit mit ein paar Sätzen demontiert), flippen alle Deppen hier total aus. Das ist doch nicht mehr verhältnismäßig, wenn er jetzt noch abgesprochen bekommt, sich dagegen zu verteidigen, denn der Ärger ging hier nicht mal von ihm aus. Ich will jetzt nicht die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen und schlicht behaupten "Psy hat angefangen!" oder so, aber (tue ich es jetzt doch?) ich finde, du lässt dich gerade zu sehr von einer Seite vereinnahmen. Klar willst du als Moderator, dass das hier versöhnlicher wird, aber in diesem speziellen Fall hat psy erst den Thread auferstehen lassen, dann seinen Mist gepostet und gewartet bis die Antworten eintrudeln - und die waren m.M.n. zwar kritisch, aber relativ harmlos, und in jedem Fall vorhersehbar. Entweder er wollte vom Thema ablenken oder einfach von Anfang an uns drei piesacken (mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass dann 5 oder 6 seiner Kumpels kommen und uns sagen, wir gemein wir doch seien bzw. weil wir ihn beleidigt hätten, weil wir ihn kritisiert haben!). Wie dem auch sei, spätestens jetzt hat diese Gruppe die Anerkennung bekommen, die sie wollte.
Aber jetzt, wo es nur noch um die Verhältnismäßigkeit von korrektem Verhalten und Inhalt geht - eben gar nicht mehr um den Inhalt selbst (wo psy kein Oberwasser hatte), unterfüttert sowas nur noch ihren Anspruch darauf netter behandelt zu werden, obwohl sie sich nicht so verhalten, dass sie es verdienen. Auch wenn du oder ich uns anders als Phytotron ausdrücken, hat er doch irgendwo Recht, oder? Verglichen mit dem was Liz und ihre Freunde täglich so von sich geben, ist z.B. die einfache Feststellung, dass sie, ihrem Verhalten und ihrer Argumentationsweise nach, alle für ihr Alter noch ziemlich unreif sind (und das hat nichts mit Bildung zu tun!) ein großes Tabu (denn sie teilen mehr aus, als sie einstecken können). Immerhin ist das Topic noch nicht dicht.

Wir alle schießen hin und wieder über das Ziel hinaus, aber wenn Phytotron jetzt auf deinen Post antwortet, wird er dir sicher nicht irgendeine plumpe Beleidigung an den Kopf werfen.

(for non-german readers: most of this has been said before)
Last edited by Word on Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Apology

Post by þsy »

Why have you replied to Z-mans's comment in German? If you want to talk to him privately then send him a PM. If it was totally unrelated, then fair enough, but it's not. Further, you seem to talk about me a lot... That's pretty rude
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Re: Apology

Post by Word »

Z-Man talked to me in German. I made sure not to insult anyone. And I just repeated points I've mentioned before, putting them in a different context. Count how often I mentioned Phytotron if you want. You can ignore the whole post. It wasn't a problem for you when I used English, was it?
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Re: Apology

Post by þsy »

I'm pretty sure Z-man can speak English haha
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Re: Apology

Post by compguygene »

Psy, if you want to know what was said, do what I did and use Google Translate. It's not a perfect translation, I am certain (no, I don't speak German either), but it seems readable and understandable.

@Word I really like the point you make there. I wish I understood German, so I could better understand some of the subtlety of your statement.
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Re: Apology

Post by dreadlord »

To be honest, that action was pretty unnecessary, Word. Psy is absolutely right, just talk to Z-Man in english and he'll understand it as well. This way, you provoke the counterparty again, and I thought (or hope) that that's not your intention.

I think a few people will have a lot of free time if this thread gets closed sometime.
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Re: Apology

Post by Word »

compguygene wrote:Psy, if you want to know what was said, do what I did and use Google Translate. It's not a perfect translation, I am certain (no, I don't speak German either), but it seems readable and understandable.

@Word I really like the point you make there. I wish I understood German, so I could better understand some of the subtlety of your statement.
Yeah, I'll write a full translation tomorrow. I don't have time now.
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Re: Apology

Post by TaZ »

Z-Man wrote:Word: Aus! Genug!
Phytotron wrote:but you all never learn.
That assumes they/we are the only ones who have something to learn. You have, too:
Phytotron wrote:You see, we do say "you're wrong, and the reasons are the following...."
That would obviously be fine. But you rarely fail to mention that the only possible explanation for them being wrong is that they must be idiots, imbeciles, miscreants, sociopaths, lazy stoners etc. What rubs people (including me) the wrong way is that tendency to immediately link any disagreements with your views - and not all of them are plain facts - to the worst personal flaws of the others that you can come up with.

You should get rid of it, if only for the sake of your own cause. See, when you do that thing, it automatically raises the stakes. If you tell me I'm wrong, yeah, I can admit that and correct the mistake. If you tell me I'm wrong and also an idiot, well, the price has just gone up. Admitting I'm wrong then would also mean admitting I'm an idiot, so nope. Won't do that. Basic Psycho-Economics, wich is something I just made up, but I'm sure exists anyway.

As for the rest, you have a point there, or ten.
I don't mean to add up the drama on this ridiculous thread, but I agree with Z-man. I hope you don't take his post defensively, but rather embrace it and learn.
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Re: Apology

Post by Gonzap »

So i've edited my previous post.

Z-Man summarized it quite good and better than i'd say with 10x larger post. You obviously don't respect me but I think you respect him. Read it once again if needed. That's what we want.

Except for the ten points part, yeah he hasnt got so many "points".
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Re: Apology

Post by Phytotron »

For Gonzap: Entitled - Qualified by inherent right or law, or claim thereof. You're correct, there isn't a direct Spanish translation for the word "entitlement" that makes sense in this context, at least not if you use an automatic translator. The word has at least two main meanings in English, and the one for which there is a direct translation—intitular, to give a title—isn't the one I'm using. So, derecho would be the equivalent word. Entitlement and Right carry somewhat different connotations in English, but close enough.

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Re: Apology

Post by epsy »

He is not asking you to make your reply that dumb, Phytotron. Seriously, three aligned GIFs?
Phytotron wrote:You see, we do say "you're wrong, and the reasons are the following...."
He spent time into making a somewhat coherent reply to your points, and all you've got to put out is "Do you want me to answer that or shall I just glare?" as a caption on a picture. In other words, you are dismissing his whole post.
Phytotron wrote:On the other side, you're perfectly willing to insult others, entirely side-stepping any substantive argument.
Lines are not as clear as you make them. Yes, as Gonzap "reads" your post, he will feel insulted by your explicit lack of a reply.

Ignoring your rhetoric, yes, he wants you to answer that. You can't just pretend you'll refute someone and then dump three GIFs on them instead.
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Re: Apology

Post by Word »

Maybe he just reserved the post as Gonzap did. :P
And to understand what "entitlement" means is fundamental to get what we're angry about.

(Note that when I wrote my long reply to him he just said "**** that retard". Not that I expected something else)
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Re: Apology

Post by Gonzap »

What do you want me to answer you that I didn't a thousand times already Word? I reacted like that because you posted the exact same thing after we tried to clarify our ideas for you. You didn't move an inch from your initial idea/statement. I found it useless to go on and repeat it with other words.

Thanks for the explanation about entitlement Phytotron, but as Epsy said I'd like an articulated response. That's how you approach mature arguments. I get what you mean with all those gifs, but I expected you to move a step forward from your initial post. I guess it's too much to ask for that.