Center Message

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Reverse Outside Corner Grinder
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Center Message

Post by Light »

I don't know why, but it just started like a week ago (maybe?), but when a center message comes up while your playing, my FPS goes quite low and video gets pretty jumpy. I by no means have a great gfx card atm, but this is new .. It never used to affect me like this.

I'm just curious as to if there was an update that may have caused it, or by chance did I do something wrong? If it may have any reason, again I'm on Ubuntu 11.10 Beta 2 fully up-to-date.

:pacman: :sdot: :sdot: nomnom
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Re: Center Message

Post by Z-Man »

You can find out whether you did something wrong by reverting to previous versions (back up your user*.cfg before, you'll lose challenge process. If that matters to you).

This sounds a bit like texture memory exhaustion, your GPU has to start swapping in textures from main memory. Could you disable the wall, object and floor textures in the graphics detail menu and check whether the problem persists? If it does, it must be something else. There were two changes recently that may affect texture memory usage. One was the change of the default storage from 16 to 32 bit, but that should only affect you if you deleted your user*.cfg or picked the 'revert to defaults' option in the graphics menu, and can be reversed by disabling True Color Textures in the Detail menu. The other is that we switched from using a helper function to build mipmap levels to our own, which may be buggy and use more GPU memory.

Are you using any texture packs/movie packs? That may affect things, too.
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Re: Center Message

Post by Light »

Well, I can see my usage being higher than normal, and at times it is peaking, so that's probably the reason. It's hard to tell what is helping and what's not though because it was doing it when I turned everything to off or minimum (soooooo ugly btw :P) and then it stopped, and when I turned back it wasn't doing it. The usage didn't really get lower either, so I don't think (but idk) that's the reason.

On an off topic side note ... how do you set the minimap to center on you and follow? I saw the option before (or atleast I believe I did), but I can't find it in any menus or the user cfg file.
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Re: Center Message

Post by Z-Man »

You have to go to the global keyboard setup, bind a key to Cockpit Key 1, then press that.

Hmm, if it still happens with everything turned off, I don't know what it could be. Font rendering definitely didn't change lately, apart from color code test changes which shouldn't have any impact for the short center display texts. So please test older versions, see if that helps, try to narrow it down to a specific update if it does.
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