Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connect

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Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connect

Post by compguygene »

I just finished setting up a gameserver hosted on the Amazon EC2 Cloud Computing Platform. It is running CentOS. I did setup an Elastic IP address for it, so it has a static IP address. That IP address is port 4366. I also did ensure to open UDP ports on the firewall. The gameserver is currently running, it is ID TeamSumo Virginia. I do not see it on the master list, nor can I custom connect to it. Here is a log when the server appears to connect to the internet. This is without any SERVER_IP specified

Code: Select all

[0] Command LADDERLOG_WRITE_COMMAND unknown.
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:36453.
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:4566.
[0] Setting CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK (Group: Bumpy) deviates from its default value; clients older than 0.2.8_alpha20060414 may experience problems.
[0] Setting CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL (Group: Annoying) deviates from its default value; clients older than may experience problems.
[0] Setting MAP_FILE (Group: Breaking) deviates from its default value; clients older than 0.2.8_beta3 may experience problems.
[0] Connecting to Master Server 1...
[0] Login information sent. Waiting for reply...
[0] Got address
[0] Login Succeeded. User Nr. 1
[0] Syncing with server...
[0] Relabeling NetObjects...
[0] Syncing again...
[0] Done!
[0] Sending my server info...
[0] Logging out...
[0] Done!
[0] Closing socket bound to *.*.*.*:4566
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:4566.
[0] Connecting to Master Server 2...
[0] Login information sent. Waiting for reply...
[0] Login Succeeded. User Nr. 1
[0] Syncing with server...
[0] Relabeling NetObjects...
[0] Syncing again...
[0] Done!
[0] Sending my server info...
[0] Logging out...
[0] Done!
[0] Closing socket bound to *.*.*.*:4566
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:4566.
[0] Connecting to Master Server 3...
[0] Login information sent. Waiting for reply...
[0] Login Succeeded. User Nr. 1
[0] Syncing with server...
[0] Relabeling NetObjects...
[0] Syncing again...
[0] Done!
[0] Sending my server info...
[0] Logging out...
[0] Done!
Appears to connect fine, but can't be found by a client.
So, I set SERVER_IP hoping, but doubting, that it might help.

Code: Select all

[0] Connecting to Master Server 1...
[0] Login information sent. Waiting for reply...
[0] Got address
[0] Login Succeeded. User Nr. 1
[0] Syncing with server...
[0] Relabeling NetObjects...
[0] Syncing again...
[0] Done!
[0] Sending my server info...
[0] Logging out...
[0] Done!
[0] Closing socket bound to *.*.*.*:4566
[0] sn_SetNetState: can't setup listening sockets. Reason given:
[0] Permanent network error: Unable to bind to because that is not an address of the local machine.
As you can see, it didn't. Since it is cloud hosting and the IP is an Elastic IP, Armagetron doesn't see it as a local ip.
Any ideas?

Edit: It occurred to me to set SERVER_DNS Unfortunately, same result as the first log.

Code: Select all

[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:37177.
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:4566.
[0] Setting CYCLE_RUBBER_WALL_SHRINK (Group: Bumpy) deviates from its default value; clients older than 0.2.8_alpha20060414 may experience problems.
[0] Setting CYCLE_BRAKE_REFILL (Group: Annoying) deviates from its default value; clients older than may experience problems.
[0] Setting MAP_FILE (Group: Breaking) deviates from its default value; clients older than 0.2.8_beta3 may experience problems.
[0] Connecting to Master Server 1...
[0] Login information sent. Waiting for reply...
[0] Got address
[0] Login Succeeded. User Nr. 1
[0] Syncing with server...
[0] Relabeling NetObjects...
[0] Syncing again...
[0] Done!
[0] Sending my server info...
[0] Logging out...
[0] Done!
[0] Closing socket bound to *.*.*.*:4566
[0] Bound socket to *.*.*.*:4566.
Armagetron: It's a video game that people should just play and enjoy :) out the simple site about TheServerPharm
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by dlh »

You wrote that the server in running through port 4366, but in the logs you posted it is port 4566. Typo?
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by Z-Man »

The master logs show the server just like any other server of some guy behind a NAT router who hasn't set up port forwarding correctly:

Code: Select all

[2011/08/06 11:42:04] [1] Received login from via socket, network version: (ID: 17).
[2011/08/06 11:42:07] [1] Updated server:
[2011/08/06 11:42:07] [1] Killing user 1, ping 0.119418, IP You logged out regularly.
And nothing else, no "Acknowledging server", so it doesn't answer to pings.

Can it be that incoming UDP traffic isn't correctly forwarded in this setup? TCP definitely works fine from here.
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by compguygene »

The 4366 was an uncorrected typo.

I double checked the management panel for the VPS and I did set rules for both TCP and UDP ports to be open. To be safe, I reset the server. That still did no good. I am going to contact Amazon's customer support with the information that you have provided. Thank you for your assistance, Z-man.
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by compguygene »

Ok, after reading through the documentation again, I now understand the problem. I need a more expensive cloud vps from them to support the elastic IP working the way I want it to.

@DLH I noticed that you are running what appears to be an Amazon EC2 VPS using dyndns to manage the external dns. I am attempting to do that as well. The problem that I ran into is in installing ez-ipupdate to automatically update the ip to dyndns. When I checked via yum search for a package there isn't one available, and the CentOS version is an Amazon custom one. So, obviously, I need to build ez-ipupdate from source.
./configure went fine with no errors.
make went as follows.

Code: Select all

[root@domU-12-31-39-10-80-38 ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b7]# make
gcc  -g -O2  -o ez-ipupdate  ez-ipupdate.o conf_file.o md5.o cache_file.o pid_fi
/usr/bin/ld: errno: TLS definition in /lib/ section .tbss mismatches no
/lib/ could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I did

Code: Select all

yum search libc
and installed any possible relevant libc packages. Any idea what I am missing here?
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by dlh »

The IP address will not change when the instance is running (unless you remove/assign an Elastic IP). That means you only need to update the IP address with at boot-time, and you only need wget to do this. Add this to the crontab on the server:

Code: Select all

@reboot wget -O /dev/null http://<username>:<password><domain>
Replace <username> and <password> with your credentials. For <domain> enter the domain to update, such as “”.

Also, you can use one of the public AMIs if you don't like using Amazon's customized CentOS. I use ami-06ad526f, which is Ubuntu Server 11.04.
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Re: Server on Amazon EC2 not seen by master or custom connec

Post by compguygene »

Thanks for the information, dlh. I was under the impression that a "Mini" was limited from using public AMIs. I did want to experiment with CentOS anyways for some things for my business, so this was a good learning experience. I do prefer Ubuntu/debian for tron servers anyways.

Edit: Thank you for the very specific, detailed help, dlh. Everything is working very well.
Armagetron: It's a video game that people should just play and enjoy :) out the simple site about TheServerPharm
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