Compiling current trunk, Windows

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Re: Compiling current trunk, Windows

Post by Jonathan »

Heh, it's displaying a 32-bit render as if it's 16-bit. I'm quite sure that's your video driver. It might help if you keep both your desktop and Armagetron at the same bit depth. Although I don't get why you'd use 16-bit color anywhere today.
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Re: Compiling current trunk, Windows

Post by Z-Man »

Thanks to everyone posting here, I applied the changes to bzr. None of that stuff should be required anymore. Just this needs your attention:
clime wrote:5) in the same folder, edit python.bat and change SET PYTHON=python.exe to SET PYTHON=<path to python.exe> (in my case: C:\Python27\python.exe). You can now run python.bat to see if everything is allright.
And instead of editing that file, it's better to just adapt the binary search path to include the python executable. It can be set in Control Panel -> System -> umm, some tab -> Environment Variables -> Path. Prepend it with, in this example, "C:\Python27;". The semicolon is important.

The procedure now should be:
- get bzr branches trunk-armagetronad-work and trunk-winlibs-work into the same directory, rename the winlibs one to winlibs, the main source can be named however you please and multiple source branches can coexist peacefully, let's assume you rename it to armagetronad
- go to armagetronad/win32
- execute update-version.bat (if not building from a source zip)
- execute protobuf.bat
- open code_blocks/ArmagetronAd.workspace in code::blocks (I'm using 10.5 now for trunk work, can't say how backward compatible it is)
- build the whole workspace
- yeah, if you build from source zip or svn, you may have to edit tTrueVersion.h to get a working MAJOR_VERSION.
- in armagetronad/win32 again, execute makedist.bat
- everyting is now in armagetronad/build/debug and armagetronad/build/release, ready to be executed and debugged.
- unless you change something in winlibs, you only need to build the armagetronad(-dedicated/-master) projects in the future and not call any more batch files, except for update-version.bat if you want the reported version to update. If you're not building a release, however, nobody cares.
- if you want to build installers, right click on the .nsi files in the build/dist directory and pick "Build NSIS installer".

If you have further fixes and updates, the easiest way to get them applied is to fix them in your bzr, push it to launchpad or somewhere else and point us to it.
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