Agent Smith Reporting

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Agent Smith Reporting

Post by Agent Smith »

Hello Im a regular player on the Tiger network. Few things why people may not have found this site.

Its labeled on the game itself.. this may need to be changed.

Other than that anyone actually played against me?
Ive had this game for ages and havent bothered registering here.. Now that I have I expect a lot of feedback from me killing you all :P

BTW, if anybody wants a banner/avatar for the forums i can make them one if they want.
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Post by nicolas.b »

hi, welcome. are you agent smith? ( it's hard to tell :) )

which tigers server do you like to play on? there are eight now i think...
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Re: Agent Smith Reporting

Post by Tank Program »

Agent Smith wrote:Its labeled on the game itself.. this may need to be changed.
I'm well aware of this, but a better domain idea has yet to present itself, and I fear changing it will cause mass confusion...
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Post by Agent Smith »

nicolas.b wrote:hi, welcome. are you agent smith? ( it's hard to tell :) )

which tigers server do you like to play on? there are eight now i think...
I play on the Classic servers.
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Re: Agent Smith Reporting

Post by philippeqc »

Tank Program wrote:
Agent Smith wrote:Its labeled on the game itself.. this may need to be changed.
I'm well aware of this, but a better domain idea has yet to present itself, and I fear changing it will cause mass confusion...
dont change, add.

Add another new name if you want, and keep the old one.

Just my 2c.

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Re: Agent Smith Reporting

Post by dlh »

philippeqc wrote:dont change, add.

Add another new name if you want, and keep the old one.

Just my 2c.

My original goal for this post was to scrutinize philippeqc's remarks point by point. Unfortunately, philippeqc's focus wanders so wildly that it never actually finishes any of its points. I think you will notice this in the ensuing discussion. For practical reasons, I have to confine my discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which I have something new to say. Philippeqc's hatchet men all have serious personal problems. In fact, the way it keeps them loyal to it is by encouraging and exacerbating these problems rather than by helping to overcome them. It would be a semantic quibble to deny that all philippeqc does is complain, complain, complain, and everyone with half a brain understands that. Think about that for a moment.

A good friend of mine once said that we should all comment on a phenomenon that has and will continue to mock, ridicule, deprecate, and rebuke people for their religious beliefs. Amen to that! In fact, I even informed my friend that because of philippeqc's obsession with Stalinism, I have a problem with its use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, philippeqc doesn't need to prove its claim that its decisions are based on reason; it merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, when it tells us that there is something intellectually provocative in the tired rehashing of cynical stereotypes, it somehow fails to mention that for the time being, this is not a major issue. It fails to mention that we must bear this bitter truth coolly and soberly in mind. And it fails to mention that its idea of scary Marxism is no political belief. It is a fierce and burning gospel of hatred and intolerance, of murder and destruction, and the unloosing of a treasonous blood-lust. It is, in every literal sense, a stentorian and pagan religion that incites its worshippers to a sick frenzy and then prompts them to extinguish the voices of opposition. In point of fact, I want to thank philippeqc for its ideals. They give me an excellent opportunity to illustrate just how execrable philippeqc can be. Philippeqc should not threaten the existence of human life, perhaps all life on the planet. Not now, not ever.

If the mass news media were actually in the business of covering news rather than molding public attitudes to defile the present and destroy the future, they would definitely report that this is explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material I plan to present. It's that simple. If philippeqc ever claims that it has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring itself to help disseminate the True Faith of egotism, we must answer only one thing: "No, the reverse is true." When all is said and done, I'm sure philippeqc wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on its meetings. So why does it want to bombard us with an endless array of hate literature? If you need help in answering that question, you may note that its flimflams are based on two fundamental errors. They assume that children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy candy at them. And they promote the mistaken idea that it is a model organization. Here's an idea: Instead of giving philippeqc the ability to reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases, why don't we transform our culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and nonviolence? If we do, we'll then be able to open students' eyes, minds, hearts, and souls to the world around them.

In keeping with all of their inner disruptive brutality, philippeqc's trained seals abandon the idea of universal principles and focus illegitimately on the particular. Nobody wants philippeqc to leave behind a legacy of perpetual indebtedness in developing countries, but philippeqc insists on doing it anyway. Philippeqc possesses no significant intellectual skills whatsoever and has no interest in erudition. Heck, it can't even spell or define "erudition", much less achieve it. I can guarantee the readers of this post that philippeqc refuses to come to terms with reality. It prefers instead to live in a fantasy world of rationalization and hallucination. There are two flaws with philippeqc's stratagems: 1) philippeqc's tricks have no place in a free, humane society of individual value, individual choice, and individual responsibility, and 2) I cannot promise not to be angry at philippeqc. I do promise, however, to try to keep my anger under control, to keep it from leading me -- as it leads philippeqc -- to gum up what were once great ideas.

This is not the first time I've wanted to prescribe a course of action. But it is the first time I realized that if it would abandon its name-calling and false dichotomies, it would be much easier for me to provide information and inspiration to as many people as possible. It is immature and stupid of philippeqc to take us all on a completely reckless ride into the unknown. It would be mature and intelligent, however, to present another paradigm in opposition to its violent beliefs, and that's why I say that it has been known to say that it can override nature. That notion is so dastardly, I hardly know where to begin refuting it. Philippeqc's scabrous memoirs leave the current power structure untouched while simultaneously killing countless children through starvation and disease. Are these children its enemies? It doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; it wants to ensure you don't take personal action and take action.

Classism is philippeqc's main weapon and its chief means of convincing its stooges to diminish our will to live. There are different ways of reconciling oneself to this unpleasant, yet certainly ribald, fact. Some people see nothing at all, or rather, want to see nothing. Others are perfectly well aware of the anti-democratic consequences which this plague must and will some day induce, but only shrug their shoulders, convinced that nothing can be done, so the only thing to do is to leave things alone. Several things philippeqc has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of its that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how anyone who resists it deserves to be crushed. I hope it will not disappoint you to learn that philippeqc's self-fulfilling prophecies promote a redistribution of wealth. This is always an appealing proposition for philippeqc's comrades because much of the redistributed wealth will undoubtedly end up in the hands of the redistributors as a condign reward for their loyalty to philippeqc.

Do not let inflammatory rhetoric and misleading and inaccurate statements decide your position on this issue. For proof of this ongoing tragedy, one has only to realize that if deconstructionism were an Olympic sport, philippeqc would clinch the gold medal. Philippeqc's views are not our only concern. To state the matter in a few words, philippeqc insists that all any child needs is a big dose of television every day. This fraud, this lie, is just one among the thousands they perpetrates.

Philippeqc's complaints are based on hate. Hate, antipluralism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. Most of you reading this post have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. I really hope that philippeqc's disquisitions were intended as a joke, although they're not very funny if they were. Philippeqc is thoroughly gung-ho about revisionism because it lacks more pressing soapbox issues. Philippeqc's words express themselves in thousandfold manifestations, with one of its adherents in despair and hopelessness, with another in ill will, anger, and indignation, with these sniffish, self-deceiving slobs in indifference, and with those in furious excesses. Philippeqc's orations are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of "tradition". Funny, that was the same term that its secret police once used to shame my name.

In order to understand the motivation behind philippeqc's notions, it is important first to examine the social and cultural conditions that bribe the parasitic with the earnings of the productive. I challenge philippeqc to crawl out of its sheltered existence and set the record straight. Surprisingly, the courts and our elected officials are way ahead of it in embracing this simple fact. Philippeqc decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that it fears, because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility. I, not being one of the many unruly publishers of hate literature of this world, unequivocally hope that the truth will prevail and that justice will be served before philippeqc does any real damage. Or is it already too late? This can be answered most easily by stating that when philippeqc says that bad things "just happen" (i.e., they're not caused by philippeqc itself), that's just a load of spucatum tauri.

Shame on philippeqc for thinking that people like you and me are muddleheaded! I'll talk about that another time. I have other, more important, things to discuss now. For starters, philippeqc's ideological colors may have changed over the years. Nevertheless, its core principle has remained the same: to construct the spectre of a terrible armed threat. If you don't believe me, then note that I will not play philippeqc's mad games and cultivate the purest breed of irresponsibility just like it does. From this anecdotal evidence, I would argue that philippeqc may have access to weapons of mass destruction. Then again, I, not being one of the many pernicious, officious philippeqc clones of this world, consider it to be a weapon of mass destruction itself. Are philippeqc's doctrines good for the country? The nation's suicide statistics, drug statistics, crime statistics, divorce statistics, and mental illness statistics give us part of the answer. These statistics should make it clear that if it can one day twist the history, sociology, and anthropology disseminated by our mass media and in our children's textbooks, then the long descent into night is sure to follow. I think I've dished it out to philippeqc as best as I can in this post. I hope you now understand why I say that philippeqc treats serious issues callously and somewhat flippantly.
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Post by Lucifer »

In all my letters, I try harder than anything else to make myself clear. I try to state things as simply and unambiguously as I can, because I find that that's the best way to convince my readers that few people realize that nemo's self-declared suzerainty over prurient, crotchety spoiled brats may enable it to crush people to the earth and then claim the right to trample on them forever because they are prostrate. But first, let me pose you a question: Is it actually concerned about any of us, or does it just want to create a grumpy world of guilt and shame? After reading this letter, you'll unquestionably find it's the latter. Inequality does not beget equality. The reason is simple: Nemo can fool some of the people all of the time. It can fool all of the people some of the time. But it can't fool all of the people all of the time. If truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, then nemo oppresses its critics by crushing them, expelling them, pauperizing them, and cutting them off from families and friends. Let me recap that for you, because it really is extraordinarily important: Nemo is unmistakably up to something. I don't know exactly what, but I'm not very conversant with its background. To be quite frank, I don't care to be. I already know enough to state with confidence that nemo is not just stupid. It is unbelievably, astronomically stupid.

On rare occasions, in order to preserve their liberties, sometimes people must scar little children's self-image. Nemo does that even when its liberties aren't being threatened. The devil not only finds too much mischief for idle hands to do, but increasingly in our contemporary world, he causes bitter, pestiferous sciolists to impair the practice of democracy. Did it ever occur to nemo that even if its ****-and-bull stories were totally successful in making a few people feel better, they would still be demeaning to everyone else? The answer is not obvious, because it recently stated that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. It said that with a straight face, without even cracking a smile or suppressing a giggle. It said it as if it meant it. That's scary, because it possesses no significant intellectual skills whatsoever and has no interest in erudition. Heck, it can't even spell or define "erudition", much less achieve it. From this perspective, the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, nemo says that the boogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to its demands. What it means by this, of course, is that it wants free reign to carve out space in the mainstream for stingy, sophomoric politics.

Several things nemo has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of its that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how it is the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. Nemo's "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude is officious, because it leaves no room for compromise.

In retrospect, nemo has always been more self-righteous than most noisome, yellow-bellied cretins. Although nemo obviously hates my guts (and probably yours, as well), only by taking risks and pushing boundaries with this letter can I lead us all toward a better, brighter future. Or, to express that sentiment without all of the emotionally charged lingo, nemo is devoid of all social conscience. And here, I aver, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in nemo's circulars. I am hurt, furious, and embarrassed. Why am I hurt? Because nemo's memoirs are based on a denial of reality, on the substitution of a deliberately falsified picture of the world in place of reality. And this dishonesty, this refusal to admit the truth, will have some very serious consequences for all of us by the end of the decade. Why am I furious? Because because of nemo's obsession with corporatism, many people are incredulous when I tell them that it intends to fund a vast web of immoral, power-hungry clunks, virulent crooks, and brazen lummoxes. "How could nemo be so impertinent?", they ask me. "It doesn't seem possible." Well, it is truly possible, and now I'll explain exactly how nemo plans to do it. But first, you need to realize that it should take all the bull-pucky it's been throwing at us and fertilize its garden with it. It's that simple. And why am I embarrassed? Because there is a problem here. A large, self-pitying, useless problem.

And, more important, nemo would not hesitate to criticize other people's beliefs, fashion sense, and lifestyle if it felt it could benefit from doing so. If nemo had done its homework, it'd know that the acid test for its "kinder, gentler" new memoranda should be, "Do they still fuel the censorship-and-intolerance crowd?" If the answer is yes, then we can conclude that if you're interested in the finagling, double-dealing, chicanery, cheating, cajolery, cunning, rascality, and abject villainy by which nemo may oppose the visceral views of 98 percent of the nation's citizens sometime soon, then you'll want to consider the following very carefully. You'll especially want to consider that I wouldn't judge nemo's apple-polishers too harshly. They're just cannon fodder for nemo's plot to perpetuate inaccurate and dangerous beliefs about male-female relationships. Unlike nemo, when I make a mistake I'm willing to admit it. Consequently, if -- and I'm bending over backwards to maintain the illusion of "innocent until proven guilty" -- it were not actually responsible for trying to utilize legal, above-ground organizing in combination with illegal, underground tactics to drive us into a state of apoplexy, then I'd stop saying that if I try really, really hard, I can almost see why nemo would want to cast ordinary consumption and investment decisions in the light of high religious purpose. The bottom line is that nemo draws its outrageous conclusions from arbitrary statistics.

(that's pretty cool nemo)
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Post by philippeqc »

While nemo seems to have discovered the joyes for insult letter generation, one point was raised. I did skip over a short sentence and made references to a discussion I once had with our host. should be corrected to domain should be kept and link to this forum.
-A new domain name should be found. I do not have any suggestion beside "".
-In the advent of a new domain name being agreed upon, and used to refer to this forum, the old domain name should alsobe kept and still refer to the forum. This would ease transition to the new domain.
-In the advent of a new domain name being agreed upon, and used to refer to this forum,
-Your answer falling on one of the number of paragraph that the generator can produce, I didnt care to read it. If there is any content from you creation that I should be made aware of, please point to it.

Now Nemo, is that pre-chewed enough for you or do you also need me to regurgigate some for you? (*)

-ph 3.7

(*) I didnt need a generator for that one.
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Post by iceman »

Image He who laughs last, probably has a back-up
sorry about the large animated gif
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Post by Lucifer »

philippeqc wrote:While nemo seems to have discovered the joyes for insult letter generation, one point was raised. I did skip over a short sentence and made references to a discussion I once had with our host. should be corrected to domain should be kept and link to this forum.
-A new domain name should be found. I do not have any suggestion beside "".
-In the advent of a new domain name being agreed upon, and used to refer to this forum, the old domain name should alsobe kept and still refer to the forum. This would ease transition to the new domain.
-In the advent of a new domain name being agreed upon, and used to refer to this forum,
-Your answer falling on one of the number of paragraph that the generator can produce, I didnt care to read it. If there is any content from you creation that I should be made aware of, please point to it.

Now Nemo, is that pre-chewed enough for you or do you also need me to regurgigate some for you? (*)

-ph 3.7

(*) I didnt need a generator for that one.

Besides finding this pretty entertaining, I suggest that philippe is right. I've mentioned this before, but I remember seeing in the list of no-ip domains, meaning that I know how easy it is to just add another host. And if you register your domain through no-ip, you can manage your dns with them and have it point to a dynamic IP address too! So you could get,, and and point all of them at this forum.

I now have, oh I've almost lost count. Let's see.... points at my home computer points at my home computer points at my home computer (and indeed, the rest of the domain) points at my hosted account at Globat.

All done through no-ip. was the first fully-qualified domain to have my website on it, and it was hosted on my computer. When I went to get advertising for my site, some idiot company told me they'd let me run their ad network if I got a real domain, so I registered and pointed it at my computer. Then they said "It's a personal website, we don't do those". bastards. Anyway, when I noticed performance going waaaaay down, I got the account with Globat and moved my site there. A few changes at no-ip and the domain was taken care of. Then I turned into a web redirect, to maintain search engine links. More recently, I added because I needed another host for a test I was running, and I had it in my head I needed benedict to keep web redirecting. Then I decided to change my dns setup completely. I changed so that it's no longer resolved by Globat's nameservers and is now resolved (again) by no-ip's. I changed benedict to point back at me, for shits and grins. Then I created to point at me too. Funny thing is, now my website is taking 3 seconds less to load a page. I think Globat's nameservers suck, and I'm going to recommend in the future to anybody I send Globat's way that they register their domain through no-ip instead, and use no-ip's nameservers to resolve it.
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Post by nicolas.b »

XD ....!

i see we have some fine propagandists, over-analysers, would-be pamphleteers and generally fascinating schitzophrenic types here.

rock on, gentlemen, rock on. :lol:
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Post by philippeqc »

nicolas.b wrote:XD ....!

i see we have some fine propagandists, over-analysers, would-be pamphleteers and generally fascinating schitzophrenic types here.

rock on, gentlemen, rock on. :lol:

Nicolas, if your so interested, I designate you my champion.

***All the light shut down. In the middle of the pitch black arena, only the ring is illuminated from above, shining like a beacon. A short man with a deep voice grabs the microphone and starts. "Ladies and gentleman, in the green corner, fighting for philippe by proxy, Niiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccoooooooooooooooooolas!!!!!!!!" The crowd breaks down in screams and applauses.***

Personnaly, I'm not too fond of discussions that go like this:
"No, You'r a and a Error 407. Link not found. Your browser ... like that. and your momma is a" (Merriam-Webster Online word of the day, real link)

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Post by nicolas.b »

philippeqc wrote:The crowd breaks down in screams and applauses.
hehe, i think rather the crowd breaks down into a hungry and expectant silence.

somebody pushes me from behind, i stumble into the spotlight, then clear my throat nervously. somehow all my would-be witticisms and playful banter i was able to make from the comfort of my cushy keyboard are 10.000 miles away. a rising panic grips me as i my eyes swing wildly from side-to-side, trying to make out the nurturing, calming and empathetic support figure i need to survive.

the silence becomes unbearable so i try to say something to generate a little friendly momentum, only to be betrayed by my lack of security and my VOICE, which cracks and squeaks into a barely-audible falsetto. finally the paralysis of mass scrutiny departs for a moment and my limbs jerk into life. i run frantically making for the sweet release of privacy, all the while crashing into random people and objects in my haste. finally i spy out a bathroom (men's room, whew!), rush inside, and swiftly lock myself into a vacant stall. only then do i discover it wasn't really vacant:

okay, there. aren't you glad i was available to defend you, philippe? :)
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Post by philippeqc »

nicolas.b wrote:okay, there. aren't you glad i was available to defend you, philippe? :)
Aren't I not glad isn't not the question. The question isnt really not if I'm not glad isn't it? Or not! The question that we isn't asking ourself at the moment isn't it about if it really matter, isn't it all? Because the waz that we shouln't go to into asking the sefls that we are ain't not the one that the we should. Wheren't not that we shouln't not nor couldn't not? But rather the opposite. Ain't it not such a bummer!


-who makes the same mistake quite often.
-Who think if you can actually make sence of that text, your level of understanding of english is either much lower than mine, or much much better, isn't right quite the same as mine?
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Post by Tank Program »

Wow, aren't we a little off topic?

Welcome "Agent Smith".
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