no sealing?

Anything about how you get those awesome core-dumps, or why you don't get them...
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Post by cetialpha »

Why in the hell would you want to move south of the 49th?
Haha. Don't be so hard on yourself.

As for Squamish, I've spent some time there. I used to hitchhike down there from Whistler to get my fix of Tim Horton's. :lol:
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Post by ~*PsYkO*~ »

I never really knew why "Dog Fighting" really came about for rubber as well as low rubber games. I went on a spree of fortress/sumo and came back and people asked me to DF with them. I'm like "what's DF xD." Anyways, I think it is a bit more fun, but then there are the occasions where you just want to own someone to the point where they have 0% chance of survival. Most rubber players for sure play it for this reason. However me and and one of the best players IN THE GAME do it because if we played certain "easier" servers like speed rubber and shrunkland there really is no competition outside of a core group of 8-10 people.
Lucifer wrote:
It's basically what people who are smart enough not to call themselves "elite rubber players" but still too wussy to play the game do.
I think this quote is a bit off-based. The only "elite" players in this game can go into any server at any moment and compete at a high level.
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Post by Lucifer »

PsYkO wrote: I think this quote is a bit off-based. The only "elite" players in this game can go into any server at any moment and compete at a high level.
Think about it again, you and I are surprisingly in agreement here. :) (i.e. a so-called "open" player, to be able to say he's really good because he's open has to be able to beat a lot of people when they're not playing open, just like a so-called "elite rubber player" has to be able to beat people on low rubber. Anyway, my understanding is that "open" play came about as a result of the really tight seals and ironing and crap that showed up with, previously (and now) you could get stuck in a tightly-sealed tunnel and still have a chance of getting out, making the *really* good players people who can do that, and back in the day anyway, root down was one of those players who had the annoying habit of breaking out of your tightly-sealed tunnel.)

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Post by root down »

one thing i really dislike, is playing "open" is like buying yourself loss-insurance. i mean shit, if i kill some open player, i'm just a closer. but if they kill me, i can't even win when i'm trying to close them. low risk-high reward (in their heads)
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Post by newbie »

Lucifer wrote:it's "Why are people whining when I don't play open?"
it's "Why are people whining when I kill them?"
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Post by akira »

PsYkO wrote:However me and and one of the best players IN THE GAME do it because if we played certain "easier" servers like speed rubber and shrunkland there really is no competition outside of a core group of 8-10 people.
I think you are overextending your skills. I saw you playing and I saw others playing ... I am not THAT impressed.

Playing not for the fast kill surely trains your aim and reflexes. Which is a good thing. Going for the fast kill/small boxes is training your lag-awareness and general understanding of zones.

I am mostly too lazy to really train my fingers at this game or switch to multi-binding, but depending on my form (and the other players) I can sometimes own (although it's rare). ;)
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Post by FroZen »

Basically, I think you should be allowed to play the way you want. But when you whine about others not playing that way, or try to force them to do so.
That should not happen.

Seems the Shrunkland Moderators are trying to destroy a idea, or style of play. Is that good or bad?
I don't know...
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Post by Ricochet »

i find playing open quite fun, but saying that i dont play rubber often. It does irritate me when people complain about sealing though. Surely, like its been said, killing people is the object of the game

Post by ~*PsYkO*~ »

Lucifer wrote:
PsYkO wrote: I think this quote is a bit off-based. The only "elite" players in this game can go into any server at any moment and compete at a high level.
Think about it again, you and I are surprisingly in agreement here. :) (i.e. a so-called "open" player, to be able to say he's really good because he's open has to be able to beat a lot of people when they're not playing open, just like a so-called "elite rubber player" has to be able to beat people on low rubber. Anyway, my understanding is that "open" play came about as a result of the really tight seals and ironing and crap that showed up with, previously (and now) you could get stuck in a tightly-sealed tunnel and still have a chance of getting out, making the *really* good players people who can do that, and back in the day anyway, root down was one of those players who had the annoying habit of breaking out of your tightly-sealed tunnel.)
sorry forgot to also add another thing, the thing that disagrees with you lol. You can be an elite "blank" of anything. An elite cars salesman, an elite lawn mower.. lol. Just because you don't respect what someone does (play rubber only) does not mean they can't become an "elite" player. Now what my previous post dealt with was people calling themselves even "good" tron players when they only play a few maps.
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Post by cetialpha »

OK. I see people talking about "open" players usually coming from "high rubber" servers. What is considered "high rubber" must be relative. Most high rubber servers I go to people play closed - and rightly so. I don't see the point of playing open in high rubber servers, especially if there are brakes.
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Post by gss »

It has become apparent to me that some people just like to insult others and complain. Those people will find a reason, any reason, to do so. I don't know why they like to do it, but they do. When open players play against closed players (or vice versa), and the guy who dies is the type of person who likes to complain, guess what happens?

I encourage people to play whichever style they want (with 'running' being a notable exception). I find it an enjoyable challenge to play against skillful closers just as much as playing against skillful tunnelers. I've adopted a mostly tit-for-tat strategy whereby I generally close closers and leave tunnels for open players. Though I do attempt to make the tunnels challenging and appreciate the same in return. Easy tunnels are boring. :)

If ever there are players who play a style I don't enjoy (ie running), I either put up with it or leave. I admit I also sometimes try to convince them to stop running, but ultimately the choice is up to them.

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Post by Fonkay »

I'd like to point out that most people here are either complaining about people who try to force "open" play. Or they are debating the relevance of "open" play being a sign of skill. I don't think that an argument of which is more fun "open" or closed would be useful or possible.
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Post by Phytotron »

various forum members correctly wrote: It's basically what people who are...still too wussy to play the game do.

I wish limbo had been more popular, now there was a good last man standing server.

The whole point or arma...was to cut people off so that they run into your wall and explode.

Besides the juvenile side of this they totally underestimate the zoning aspect of tron.

I wish this whole shit would just die and everyone can play like she/he wants again.

Silly [Oscilloscope] didn't play open. Maybe you're confused about your reasons for being kicked.

stop shitting up stupid the server with your weird ass rules

There's no multi-grinding with proper settings.

players are making up rules so the game is more friendly to them. if i break their "rules", i'm not playing their version of the game, so i'm not really better than them, right? maybe they're bored with sealing because getting put in a box, dying, and watching the real players play the real game isn't as fun as playing. instead of developing a skillset to compete on a higher level, they just change the rules of the game.

people who whine and moan about people closing should be dealt with

spoiled open players [meaning: can't defend themselves, can't core dump others, and are easily defeated]

There aren't little Jeff Bridges' in the bike models....

i don't think one can aruge that playing "open" requires a broader set of skills than playing "closed"

i remember 'laps', and multi mazes and stuff, and that was great. i don't think these things is analogous to playing "open" though. ... players who play open (usually) can't grind worth shit, so when it comes down to it they (usually) can't hang. it's great if you want to play and concentrate on getting better at an aspect of the real game, but if you choose to play by your own rules of no sealing, and don't learn to beat others' grinds, hard cheese when people put you in a box.

if people play "open" with me, then when (not if) I get out of their tunnel, I'm going to slap them in the smallest, most tightly sealed box I can

playing "open" is like buying yourself loss-insurance. i mean shit, if i kill some open player, i'm just a closer.

Just remember that many players (I think more than there used to be) are good at moving and doing stuff, but have very little, if any, tactical sophistication...whose only claim to skill is the wild moves they can make; it doesn't take much effort to think smarter.

Why does every single "open" player I've come across have absolutely no objection to hugging and grinding and sealing the rim—and in fact does so as a regular practice—for cores, no less?
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Post by teen »

meow mix
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Post by DrJoeTr0n »

I thought these were bikes :?
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