German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Don't feel confident with your English? This is the place to ask in your native tongue. Spanish, German... Not sure what else we speak here, but give it a go.
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German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Word »

Here's my humble attempt to write the German language file. I have finished like half of it and thought I should already upload something in case something unexpected could happen to my computer. You can take a look and criticize/change/suggest a few things according to your own needs if you want (I'll continue with my translation regardless and upload it again when I'm done). I think I should write down a few small tips when I'm done with it.* Without Epsy's help I wouldn't have been able to run this python script ( so I'll summarize the necessary steps in case other people are interested to write a translation in their respective language. I've also had a lot of help from Jip, epsy, Z-Man and dreadlord with the actual translating.

Thank you. Suggestions are welcome, especially for the tutorials.

I'll edit and update this post when I get the time and add some stuff other translators should perhaps pay some attention to.

If you want to add something just replace the UNTRANSLATED with the translation of the English phrase above. As Epsy and Z-Man noted, the "#original"-annotations are deleted automatically once the script is used again.

When I'm finished it would help if some people read through this to eliminate possible mistakes, prevent misunderstandings or improve it etc.

*This site and its video in particular helped me understand how to get this PATH thing working
current version, I keep updating it here and in the posts below
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Word »

list of typos found while translating:
This chooses low latency mode if your framerate appears stable and high enough and falls into throughput mode if too many frames are dropped or framerates are so high that latency is not a problem anyway. Recommended setting.

Your engines are perfectly fine this time, but there are three infinitely respawning AIs in the arena, cramping your style. And their walls give you extra acceleration.

The good news: your engines are in[e]....
(please notify me here if you find typos in the translation)
Last edited by Word on Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by nux »

Word wrote:list of typos found while translating:
This chooses low latency mode if your framerate appears stable and high enough and falls into throughput mode if too many frames are dropped or framerates are so high that latency is not a problem anyway. Recommended setting.
(please notify me here if you find typos in the translation)
Thats not a typo, thats how you spell it. Chose is in past form.
There's a difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit. Grammar does matter.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Phytotron »

Er, if the bolded 'o' is the correction, then it's correct. Should be "chooses." I'm thinking that's what Word intended.

I'd put a comma at "...high enough, and falls into throughput mode...," though. I had to read that sentence a few times before it made sense.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Word »

Yeah, it said "choses" (no -s for simple past).
Last edited by Word on Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Word »

noticed I've uploaded the wrong version 2, edited one is attached now. working on tutorials next. Some help would be appreciated as I'm also changing the English versions a bit. I'll edit this post later tonight and quote the relevant bits here.

Phrases where the translation adds or removes something I'm not sure I like are in bold (same for possible mistakes).

Use the turn controls to reach the green winzone, get used to how the basic physics work. Take your time, nothing is trying to kill you yet.\n\nPress Escape to abort this tutorial, most other keys let you continue.

Benutze die Lenktasten um die grüne Winzone zu erreichen, gewöhne dich an die grundsätzliche Steuerung. Nimm dir Zeit; noch versucht niemand, dich kaputtzukriegen.\n\nDrücke Escape um dieses Tutorial abzubrechen, die meisten anderen Tasten lassen dich fortfahren.

Walls are deadly in \g, that includes your own trail. Your task in this tutorial is to avoid crashing in a small arena for long 30 seconds, after which a green winzone will appear. Drive into it to finish this tutorial.\n\nTraining wheels are activated, touching walls does not kill you right away.\n\nPress Escape to abort this tutorial as well as those that follow, most other keys let you continue.

Wände sind tödlich in \g, das schließt deine eigene mit ein. Deine Aufgabe in diesem Tutorial ist es, in einer kleinen Arena 30 Sekunden lang in keine Wand zu krachen. Danach wird eine Winzone erscheinden, in die du fahren kannst, um dieses Tutorial zu beenden\n\nDrücke Escape um dieses Tutorial abzubrechen, die meisten anderen Tasten lassen dich fortfahren.

Walls are also your friend in \g. You can drive close to a cycle trail to accelerate. If you are driving so close to a wall that you see sparks fly, you're doing it right.\nUse that to beat the enemy AI in a race to the winzone up ahead.

Wände können in \g auch dein Freund sein. Du kannst nah an einer Lichtwand eines Gefährts fahren, um zu beschleunigen. Ganz richtig machst du es, wenn du Funken siehst.\nNutze dieses Wissen um den Botgegner im folgenden Rennen abzufertigen.

The goal of the Fortress mode is to conquer the enemy zone and defend your own zone. Unlike the winzones you saw earlier, a simple touch is not enough; you have to stay inside the zone and keep defenders out for a few seconds.\nIn this excercise, you will try to attack the enemy Gold zone, your home zone is safe. You will need to find a way past the lone defender or kill it.\n\nSadly, Fortress mode is not available for local play against AIs. We don't have any good AIs for it yet.

Ziel des Fortressmodi ist die Eroberung der gegnerischen Zone und die gleichzeitige Verteidigung der eigenen. Anders als die bereits gezeigten Winzones ist ein simples Hineinfahren nicht ausreichend; du musst drinbleiben und die Verteidiger ausschalten oder für einige Sekunden hinauszwingen.\nIn dieser Übung wirst du versuchen, die goldene Zone des Gegners anzugreifen. Deine eigene Festung ist sicher. Du musst dir einen Weg durch die Verteidigung bahnen oder diese ganz ausschalten.\n\nLeider ist Fortress noch nicht für den Einzelspielermodus verfügbar, da die Bots dafür noch nicht voll entwickelt sind.

If you play in a team, it usually is the best startup move to tightly grind each others walls. The outside players should cuddle up on the center player, the ones further outside doing so in several steps. This tutorial puts you in the most difficult position there is, the player next to the outer player. Survive the start and don't let anyone on your team die.

Wenn du in einem Team spielst, ist es für gewöhnlich das Beste, nah an den Wänden der anderen Spieler entlang zu schleifen, die Spieler weiter innen sollten sich dem Mittelspieler anschließen, die ganz außen ebenfalls, auch wenn sie dafür etwas mehr Schritte benötigen. Dieses Tutorial setzt dich auf die Sandwichposition zwischen dem äußersten und einem der sogenannten Flügelspieler. Überlebe den Start und lass niemanden in deinem Team sterben!

In many configurations, a modification of the standard team formation called 'double grinding' is of advantage: the two players next to the center do not grind it immediately. Instead, they go straight for a bit, then turn back, then forward again. They grind the center player twice, hence the name. This gives them extra time between two cycle trails and thus extra acceleration. Your job as a player right next to one of them is to supply that extra trail. Do not grind the center too hard or you will kill the double grinder.\nThe double grinding itself takes practice to do right and the exact timing depends a lot on the configuration, so we can't teach it here. Don't worry, it is mostly optional.

In vielen Einstellungen wird eine Modifikation der Standard-Formation des Teams begünstigt, die Double-Grinding genannt wird: Die beiden Nachbarn (wings) des Mittelspielers (center) schleifen nicht sofort an diesem entlang, sondern fahren erst nach vorne, drehen sich dann nach Innen zurück, und dann wieder vorwärts. Da sie an mehr Wänden als üblich entlangschleifen, beschleunigen sie mehr. Bist du etwas weiter außen, musst du aufpassen, dass du keinen dieser Flügelspieler umbringst.\nDouble-Grinding selbst erfordert viel Übung, und das genaue Timing hängt sehr von den Einstellungen ab, deswegen kann es hier nicht einfach beigebracht werden. Aber keine Sorge, es ist meist optional.

The speed kill is the most basic way to get rid of your enemies in \g. You sneak up on them, grinding their trail, and after you overtake them, you cut them off and wrap them in your tail.\nHere, we set you up for an easy speed kill against an oblivious AI.

Der Speedkill ist die grundlegendste Methode, um dir in \g. Feinde vom Hals zu schaffen. Du schleichst dich an sie ran indem du ihre Wand entlangschleifst, überholst sie, schneidest ihnen den Weg ab und wickelst sie ein.\nHier kannst du es mal bei einem verwirrten Bot probieren.

Oh no! Now the situation is reversed. An enemy is grinding your tail on the right hand side and is going to cut you off in a moment. Quick, think of a counter!

NEEEIN! Jetzt ist die Situation umgekehrt! Ein Feind schleift deine Wand rechts entlang und ist drauf und dran, dir den Weg abzuschneiden. Gehe zum Gegenangriff über!

The two bullies have read a math book and are now torturing you with Hilbert Curves, paths that cover a whole square with arbitrary density. First, a simple order two curve.

Die beiden Nervenbündel haben ein Mathebuch gelesen und foltern dich jetzt mit ihren Hilbert-Kurven: Pfade, die ein Quadrat umschreiben, ohne dass sich ihr Abstand voneinander ändert. Beginnen wir der Einfachheit halber mit einer Kurve zweiten Grades.

The two bullies now force you on to a simplified Dragon Curve of order 5. (The regular dragon curve would intersect itself at corners, which we can't allow. So we follow the diagonals instead.)

Die beiden Angeber zwingen dich jetzt in eine einfache Drachenkurve fünften Grades (die reguläre würde sich selbst an den Eckpunkten schneiden, was wir nicht zulassen können. Daher folgen wir stattdessen den Diagonalen).

You are in a bit of a sticky situation. Your brakes are offline and your engine is overloading; your bike is accelerating exponentially. Slow it down by making many turns and survive until the countdown for the emergency shutdown runs out.\n\nDoublebinding is disabled for this challenge.

Du bist jetzt in einer etwas verzwickten Lage. Deine Bremsen sind offline und dein Motor überlastet, deine Geschwindigkeit steigt exponentiell an. Senke sie ab, indem du oft wendest und überlebe den Countdown bis zur Notabschaltung.\n\nDoublebinding ist für diese Herausforderung deaktiviert.

Yes, we really mean that your cycle is accelerating exponentially. In the strict mathematical sense. The really, really bad sense. It's doing that faster now.\n\nGood luck. On an unrelated note, We are not liable for any peripherals you break while playing \g. Or fingers, for that matter.

Ja, es ist unser voller Ernst das deine Geschwindigkeit exponentiell ansteigt. Im allerallerengsten mathematischen Sinn. Und als wäre das nicht schlimm genug, geschieht es jetzt noch schneller.\n\nAlso, viel Glück. Nebenbei bemerkt sind wir nicht für den Verschleiß von Peripheriegeräten deinerseits verantwortlich, der entsteht, während du \g spielst. Oder den deiner Fingergelenke.

Your engines are perfectly fine this time, but there are three infinitely respawning AIs in the arena, cramping your style. And their walls give you extra acceleration.[see typo list above!]

Deine Maschinen scheinen jetzt tadellos zu sein, aber es gibt drei unendlich oft wiederkehrende AIs in der Arena, die dir das Leben schwer machen. Und ihren Wänden verdankst du Extra-Beschleunigung.

As the final tutorial, we test your skills against a lone AI.\n\nTraining wheels are off for this fight, touching walls is as deadly as it should be.

Als Letztes lassen wir dich noch gegen einen einsamen Bot antreten.\n\nDie Stützrädchen haben wir abgeschraubt, das Berühren von Wänden ist so tödlich wie es sich gehört.

Turning left and right is all well and good, but there are a couple of other input options you may want to use occasionally. This tutorial demonstrates them to you in a risk-free environment.\n\nFollow the onscreen prompts. You'll finish it quicker if you experiment with the commands you learn.

Nach links und rechts zu lenken ist ja ganz nett, aber es gibt auch ein paar andere Dinge, die du mit deiner Tastatur machen kannst. Dieses Tutorial demonstriert sie in einer ungefährlichen Umgebung.\n\nFolge den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Du wirst schneller fertig, je mehr du mit den neu erlernten Befehlen experimentierst.

From now on, the AIs respawn endlessly. There is a time limit, extended every time you manage to kill one.\n\nHere, you need to score four kills without getting killed yourself.

Von jetzt an werden die Bots unendlich oft wiederbelebt. Es gibt ein Zeitlimit, dass du durch die Beseitigung eines AIs hinauszögern kannst.\n\nDu gewinnst, wenn du vier Bots hintereinander zerlegen kannst, ohne selbst ausgeschaltet zu werden.

Remember how in the early tutorials, you could touch walls without exlpoding immediately? We call this 'rubber' for historical reasons. Some servers ramp up that rubber setting really high and also reduce the delay between cycle turns so it gets harder to die.\n\nOther human players you meet on high rubber servers will usually do tight moves close to walls in tiny corridors; it's impossible to read these and find a way out after they are built, so you need to watch the players themselves.\n\nIt may be helpful (but not required if you have quick fingers) if you 'doublebind': go to your input configuration and bind the turn commands to two keys, then press those at the same time during the game. You will make an instant 180 degree turn.\n\nAs always, kill all AIs.

Du erinnerst dich sicher noch an die ersten Tutorials, wo du Wände berühren konntest, ohne sofort in die Luft zu fliegen. Das liegt am sogenannten Rubber (Gummi), den wir aus historischen Gründen so nennen. Einige Server stellen diesen Rubber extrem hoch ein und verwenden gleichzeitig eine winzige Verzögerungszeit zwischen Drehbefehlen, wodurch es schwerer wird, kaputtzugehen.\n\nAndere menschliche Spieler die du in solchen High Rubber Servern antriffst, neigen meistens dazu, eng-verwinkelte Kurven an bereits vorhandenen Wänden entlang zu verursachen bis es ist fast unmöglich ist, dort wieder hinauszufinden. Deswegen solltest du auf die Spieler selbst, d.h. ihr Gefährt achten.\n\nEs ist hilfreich (aber wenn du den Dreh raus hast, nicht zwingend), zu wissen, wie man 'doublebindet': Geh zur Konfiguration deiner Spieltasten und belege für jede Richtung je zwei Tasten, im Spiel kannst du diese in den meisten Servern simultan nutzen, um etwa eine 180-Grad-Drehung zu machen.\n\n Und jetzt zum Üblichen: Erledige die Bots.

One of the strengths of \g are the various gameplay configurations it allows. These showcases prepare you for a little bit of the insanity you will encounter online.\n\nFirst, a simple one: The brake can be reconfigured to act as a speed boost. Use it to obliterate the AIs.

Eine der Stärken von \g ist die Vielfalt an Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Diese kleine Spritztour bereitet dich auf die Kuriositäten vor, die dir online begegnen werden.\n\nZuerst etwas leichteres: Die Bremse kann als Turbobooster genutzt werden. Benutz sie, um die Bots in die Knie zu zwingen.

Some servers will have you racing at ludicrous speed or, which is the same from a gameplay perspective, confined to a very small arena.\n\nSurvive. The AIs will probably suicide within seconds.

Ein paar Server lassen dich bei absurden Geschwindigkeiten Wettrennen fahren, oder in einer absurd kleinen Arena. Aus Gameplay-Sicht ist nichts davon sinnvoll.\n\nÜberlebe. Das Bot-Problem löst sich innerhalb weniger Sekunden von alleine.

When we said you can only make 90 degree turns, we lied. In this showcase, you make 45 degree turns.\n\nSurvive the AIs. Interestingly, the easiest way to do so is to let them try and trap you and fail miserably.

Als wir gesagt haben, dass du nur 90-Grad-Drehungen machen kannst, haben wir gelogen. In dieser Arena machst du 45-Grad-Drehungen.\n\nÜberlebe die Bots. Interessanterweise ist der einfachste Weg zum Sieg, ihnen beim Fallenstellen aufzulauern.
I have modified the translation of this part because of my personal taste, thought maybe Phytotron or someone else would like to add similar changes to the English bit. I thought it wasn't clear enough but I understand Z-Man tried to be neutral here. If one can come up with something better I'm going to change the translation accordingly.
This challenge has you playing in a high rubber environment where you cannot grind too tightly; you are forced to leave a gap. If someone wants to follow you, though, they will always be able to squeeze through that gap. Naturally, this makes it very hard to kill someone properly.\n\nTry do do so anyway, eliminate the AIs.\n\n\nSome servers you find online enforce this style of play not via settings used here, but by policy. You are expected to voluntarily leave a gap for trapped players to try and escape through.

In dieser Herausforderung spielst du in einer High-Rubber-Umgebung wo du nicht richtig an Wänden entlangschleifen kannst, es wird immer eine Lücke erzwungen. Wenn jemand dir folgen will, kann er durch diese Lücke schlüpfen. Natürlich zögert dies das Unterfangen hinaus, den Gegner auf gewohnte Weise zu bezwingen.\n\nVersuche es dennoch, eliminiere die AIs.\n\n\nEinige Server-Administratoren pochen auf diese 'offene' Spielweise und passen die Einstellungen nicht richtig an. Wenn du dich ihrer absurden Ideologie nicht fügst, kann es sein, dass du gekickt wirst. Mach dir nichts daraus, gute Spieler haben noch nie einen Unterschied zwischen 'offen' und 'geschlossen' gemacht. Was zählt sind die Punkte.

[Translation of my translation to show how it is different from the original text: Naturally, it prolongs the time you need to neutralize your enemy in the proper way.\n\nTry to do so anyway, eliminate the AIs.\n\n\nSome server admins insist on this 'open' style of play without having adapted the settings accordingly. If you don't adhere to their absurd ideology you're likely getting kicked sooner or later. Take it easy, good players never made a difference between open and closed. What counts are the points.]
There should be something more creative than "what counts are the points" at the end (since an open player will always reply that "fun counts" ... I don't want to go into details here again and say why that's total nonsense but I can't really think of a good ending for that sentence which won't backfire when being misinterpreted)
Last edited by Word on Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Word »

I can't find the original text for this anywhere (could it be that I deleted it myself?):
#tutorial_menu_bullies_animation UNTRANSLATED
Does anyone happen to know it?
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [in progress]

Post by Word »

I did it. Here's the file (the only thing missing is the one in my previous post).

And perhaps I should take care of that sound section which wasn't recognized by the script as it seems.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Phytotron »

Hehe, I don't think "Some ignorant server admins insist on this 'open' style of play without having adapted the settings accordingly. If you don't adhere to their absurd ideology you're likely getting kicked sooner or later" is exactly unbiased. If unbiased is what I was going for I would leave the original wording. At the least remove "ignorant" (while it may at times be literally correct in terms of "lack of knowledge" of those settings, it carries the connotation of willful stupidity, etc.) and certainly "absurd."

I just don't think high rubber and 'open' should be part of the tutorials, or even doublebinding, for that matter.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Word »

OK, thank you :)

I just believed this part had to be biased because it's right. I thought the "ignorant" was a bit too strong as well, but it's a literal translation of "Unkenntnis". And strangely, "Unkenntnis" seems more harmless to me than the other word we have for it, "Ignoranz" (which sounds as negative as the English version) - it sounded more subtle in German but I agree it looks 'radical' in English.
Last edited by Word on Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by vov »

There were some commented out texts, fixed that. And got 2 or 3 typos on the way ;)
fixed version ;)
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Word »

thanks, glad it works :)

I used that version to fix some smaller punctuation stuff in the tutorials which bothered me, more to come if I get more familiar with commands again. Thanks to vov for pointing out additional spelling mistakes on IRC as well.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Z-Man »

Good work. I'm going over them, making a few corrections here and there (mostly where the original text was muddy to begin with). It`s going to take a bit, but consider it accepted and committed already.
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Word »

alright, thanks! :)

just an idea i had some days ago (not sure if it's good) - do you think it would help anyone if they can use another language than English to make their translation? Like, many people from Poland or Russia tend to be better at German or Belgians using French, (same for some Africans but I rarely encounter those in the game) etc. if it doesn't need too much work how about some kind of script that uses this or other translations to mark the untranslated bits for the respective file? (or even better, a program with a small graphical interface so epsy doesn't have to explain it step by step to everyone who wants to write something like that)
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Re: German language file for 0.4 [finished]

Post by Word »

um, I'd replace "Verzögerung" (for 'delay') with "Verzug" or some male substantive because it looks strange if the adjective is male as well. If you want I can upload another file with that. Same for "Beschleunigung" (replaceable with 'Anzug' although I rarely saw someone use it*). And "Benutzerdefinierte" (as in "Benutzerdefinierte Karte") needs a lower case b at the beginning.
And I think I forgot the rubber in "extremely high rubber" so it only says "extrem hoch" now.

Want me to correct these things already (and other stuff if I find it)?

*that's why I'd be for introducing "Anzug" in one of the first tutorials, e.g. "Wenn du eine Wand entlangschleifst, beschleunigst du; es kommt zu einem Anzug der Geschwindigkeit" or something like that
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