Ladle 26 - Spaming & Drama, or then drama. Or something.

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Ladle 26 - Spaming & Drama, or then drama. Or something.

Post by Flex »

Here's noob_sAIbot + spamming during the finals of Ladle 26. Maybe this has nothing to do with team Plus, but I used to think a team is responsible for their players and team image. Maybe not full time, but at least during a tournament. If he actually believed that he could crash the server by spamming then that to me is attempting to crash the server. This is the kind of players we shouldn't allow in tournaments and that's what I tried to prevent in the TSKT. I was harsh, but I was spot on.

For trying to crash my server; he's banned from them permanently, including events.

Code: Select all

[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: should we spam crash the server?
[16] ct~orly?: lol
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: LOL
[5] ~*SP*~Oblivion core dumped teammate ~*DiStoRt*~! Boo! No points for that!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: im up for it
[2] -=}ID< BoxeD --> Spectators: dick move lol
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: ahaha
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: more defense|DEF DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: ENEMY BEHIND YOU
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[2] -=}ID< BoxeD: lawl
[5] CT¤Tadd core dumped ~*akira*~ for 2 points.
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: Don't die!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[15] Zõdíåç: Stfu
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[26] ~*Delta*~ (Spectators) --> SP: ~* Attack/Gank! *~
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: cmon sp, show dem who da poops are
[5] ~*Flex*~ core dumped CT×ZaP for 2 points.
[13] Craiiig David --> Spectators: Can I get a reeewind!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: torpedo
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: torpedo
[9] ReN·Ðìçhrømãtíç --> Spectators: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: Let's make a sandwich :D
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: Let's make a sandwich :D
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: I'M HOLING
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: Let's make a sandwich :D
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: GANKERS PLEASE :D
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: Don't die!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: GANKERS PLEASE :D
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: I'M HOLING
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: I'M HOLING
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[2] -=}ID< BoxeD --> Spectators: lmao
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: hole
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: I'M HOLING
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[17] .pRu|Word --> Spectators: no more holes
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: ATTACK!!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: i'm inside enemy base.....GRENADE!!!
[23] noob_sAIbot + --> Spectators: DEFENSE DOWN/NEEDS HELP!!!
[7] Poke' Master --> Spectators: I'M HOLING
[17] .pRu|Word: plz res us!
[1] Z-Man --> Spectators: stop spamming, please.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by pie goes moo »

Hey, look! There I am!
Flex wrote:

Code: Select all

[9] ReN·Ðìçhrømãtíç --> Spectators:
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by gawdzilla »

I think Flex has some sand in his vagina. Does it itch, Flex? Is it making you cranky?

Or did you make that post because Plus beat SP 5:0 yesterday?

Who knows, but one thing is for sure... no one cares about your irrational banning, infact.. keep going like you are so everyone can see you're an idiot dictator. Thanks!

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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by sinewav »

Flex wrote:For trying to crash my server; he's banned from them permanently, including events.
OMG cry moar, plz. Hilarious. And again, picking on Saibot for no real reason. First off, it looks like you should also permaban Poke' Master for coming up with the idea, and also .pRu|Word for spamming too. Or is there some arbitrary measure of spamming you are basing this on? Secondly, did it continue after Z-Man said "stop?".

So, let me get this straight...

Someone you don't like, did something you didn't see, with a few other people, which had no effect on you, and you found out about it later. It made your pussy hurt, and then you selectively banned one of the perpetrators?

Oh, I see. Makes perfect sense. Good Zone.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by MrsKsr »

1 week later.... You decide to post this?

You probably read your logs, and like sine said, found something which (for the simple fact that it's saibot) pissed you off. Well I'd like to say I'm suprised but I'd be lying. This is exactly what you do isn't Flex; you put your own bullshit emotions first and act on that alone.

Am I missing something here, or you being irrational as usual? It was in spec chat, what the f*ck does it have to do with you? How the hell does that justify a perma ban? It didn't affect you in anyway... It didn't stop you from playing, still won the ladle didn't you? So what's this all about? Starting drama because your names been out of the spotlight too long? (Those are rhetorical in case you're too "dense" to understand that.)

Lol, stay there acting like the victim all the time, you're a compulsive liar. Want an example? Well here goes;
That server you hosted for me, which you said I could do whatever I like with, the arrow server. What was the reason you said you didn't want to host it anymore? Oh right, that's it, "i cba to keep it up" LOL! Okay... that's why you're using the same server for SP. It's all good if you're too much of a prick to host a server for us, but don't be a little bitch and lie about it.

You lack the capacity to control your emotions, nothing is ever your fault is is Flex? Look at how you behave with Lisa. The 1vs1 sumo tourney, you banned her from it, why, because she did something (in your eyes) that was "unacceptable". So you ban her without finding anything out about it first. Teen and Saibot, they reply to your jesting during a war and because you lack the balls to suck it up, you ban them from the TSKT.... That's your answer to everything, ban first, ask questions later... Its pathetic, and making a post about this here 1 week after the fact... Like lisa said "no one cares about your irrational banning" so save it.

This is the second time you've banned sai for no good reason. What is it? Are you jealous of his friendship with Lisa? (hihi ^^)

Banning epsy too?? It's not his fault you're incapable of doing anything right. You were banned from the PUG channel because your servers were never up and because one of the admins, me, had a problem with you. Wondering why I have a problem with you? See reasons listed above. Banning people from your servers then using them in events like the ladle is malicious and you know it. Don't try and act like the saint admin, because you're not fooling anyone.

Grow up Flex. Everyone is getting sick and tired of your bullshit.


If you think this has nothing to do with me you're wrong. As a friend of Nicky and a fellow tronner who is growing tired of your games, I felt I must speak my mind. Oh and don't expect me to be suprised if I mysteriously end up banned from your servers. Gl coming up with a reason for it, you know, a reason that isnt personal. =)
Last edited by MrsKsr on Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by PsYkO »

God damn you all sound like middle schoolers.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by Z-Man »

sinewav wrote:Secondly, did it continue after Z-Man said "stop?"
Actually, it stopped before they could have read it. And it was just in spectator chat, as you see. So don't blow it out of proportion.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by noob_saibot »

LOL speechless. Damn if only one could get paid to read old chat logs, that would be an awesome job. I would love to read old chat logs to look for lame ass reasons to ban people. Hell, maybe I would even use the CNTRL+F find function to make my job more fun hehe.

e.j. CNTRL+F "saibot"

I mean it must be sooo awesome to have that job. Some people spend their time out having fun, some people spend time hanging out with friends, some people spend time going to school, some people have real jobs, some people read chat logs. The latter would definitely be how I like to spend my time. Look below, I am is a pro!

CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"CNTRL+F "saibot"

Oh yeah BTW Z-man, I meant to say sorry to you, because I did read when you said please stop spamming, but by the time I read it I had already lightly pressed ESC after pressing SHIFT....Arma was in the process of closing :wink:

and might I add I had no intention to crash the server. The chat log was only cropped to make it look like it was. In fact when I entered the server I immediately starting using /team chats. Why, because I am a pro.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by Concord »

Flex, if I were somehow responsible for other players on Plus, I would tell you to f%*k off. However, since I am not responsible for anyone's actions but my own, I don't have to say this.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by Flex »

That's nice. With a bit of added forum trolls.. I'm going to keep this simple, because I don't have the time or effort to respond to your stupid arguments or imaingary accusations. If you don't care so much, don't respond then? Writing stupid punchlines like I give a shit.


Which other few people, you moron. Who else has flooded that I'm missing here? The logs shows only him flooding. If something had happened and indeed the server did crash, then the out come would be very similar to what it is now. The fact that we've already had a confrontation in the past about this kind of bullshit and now doing something that could have affected the finals. This is my whole point, but I'm done trying to reason here.

Day 1: Ladle 26. Day 3/4: I watch the recording. Day 6: I post here. Nope I didn't wait a week nor am I pissed off. This is my justification of the ban. noob_saibot is a constant hassle and annoying one, too. He deserves it and had it coming. If you think it's personal - I don't give a shit, anymore. I'm done explaining.

Dubstep do you even know what compulsive means? What have I even lied about? Desperate to explain your idotic actions recently, I'm not surprised. You're so emotional, it's stupid. Making up things in your head just because they're not fully clear to you. Well here goes; I renewed it after having enough loyality points with my provider. I bought that machine for myself to host the KotG events and I had plans for a ladder and a system with it, but as that wasn't going to happen and still needed work, I didn't want to pay for a server any longer. Specially not, so that I could host silly servers for free to ungrateful people like you and epsy.

It's funny how you used the line "How comes Lizmatic & Xxx isn't banned then? She's far more worse than noob_saibot" - Dubstep. I'm not the only one who is so affected by their own bullshit emotions that you felt so upset that I took away the server, you're suddently against me now. I find it Funny and I don't give a shit.

I never knew being banned from my servers meant so much.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by MrsKsr »

Yes, you said "I don't give a shit" enough in your post to make it perfectly clear that you do give a shit. Regardless of whether or not I said Lisa was worse than Nicky, she is! (skank <3) SOOO I don't see where you are going with this? Lisa and I have had our differences, and unlike you we moved on... Try it sometime ;)

Making up things in my head because theyre not clear to me? LOL! Do you really want to go there? I bet that's the same line you used on Lisa when she realised you were stalking her ^^ Actually, that was the line you used on her. I was there in the convo, my bad I forgot.

Upset, no, pissed off, yea I was; difference is, this is just a game to me and I'm over it. Whereas you take it like real life, putting all your little heart and soul into everything. - Which would explain why you ARE a compulsive liar and a compulsive banner. Only reason I brought it up was for an example, like I said, or can you not comprehend the word example? - Look up compulsion while you're there =)

But hey I don't give a shit about you. What I do give a shit about is the way you go around acting like you're hot shit, when the reality is most of the people here are sick of you. I haven't even been around that long and it didn't take me very long to work that one out... Shame you can't do that same, but I guess I just did that for you.

If you think I'm affected by my own bullshit emotions then you should have a word with every other person I talk to. When asked where the server was I said "Flex didn't wana host anymore" cause, Flex didn't wana host anymore. WTF else do you want me to say? It's the truth anyway you look at it.

But w/e I'm honoured you designated the most amount of text in your post to me. Again it shows that you do give a shit =)

Love ya.

Irrational behaviour on my part? Does that include blocking you on msn? Since that's the only kind of interaction I've had with you since you broke my fragile little heart with the server incident (/me gets out the violin).
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by gawdzilla »

This reminds me of why you always annoyed me so much, Savas.. you blame everyone but yourself, everyone. Nothing is EVER your fault. You may bitch about me a lot (which has everything to do with you having been in love with me and me not wanting you) but at least I admit what I do wrong, I know my faults better than anyone. You on the other hand...

Lets just look at the issue here, Z-Man said the spamming already stopped before he told them to stop. Correct? Also, the log you posted shows that Word, jokingly probably, started it and that some people joined the "spamming". Yes Nicky spammed more, but he wasn't the only one in this "problem", yet you ONLY banned him. Ban the others too then and give them the same treatment, but like I said often times before, you are not a fair person out of all the people who react out of emotion, you're the worst of all, you giant hypocrite. What I'm trying to say, you shouldn't have banned Nicky for something like this, it's ridiculous, the power has gone to your head.

PS: Wtf are you on about anyway? Mya is right, I am worse than Nicky! : D
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by Flex »

No there is no other spamming in the log, or I would include it. Z-Man has the recording uploaded. Download it and watch it yourself.

My faults? Seriously Lizmatic. What do you want from me? lol How does any of this involve you? You keep bringing up the past trying to humiliate me. Didn't you used say you loved me? Didn't your stalker name your child? I'm tired of all the bullshit you come out with. You want a response from me so bad. When is this going to end? You call me a stalker so now I'm staying the **** away from you.. Why can't you do the same.. jeez. I tried to make amends with you and be friends and it failed badly now I'm trying to ignore you, but you're there trying to provoke me with whatever bullshit you can use. Just shut up.
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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by gawdzilla »

Didn't you used say you loved me?
Aren't I a lesbian? o_O

ha ha..

The other people in this topic are probably 'also' just trying to get a response from you, right? It can't possibly be that you made the wrong decision, based on the wrong reasons. Ignore my responses then, and see the others.. yet you STILL claim that you're not doing anything wrong. I don't care, your servers are shit and I don't need them, neither does Nicky[and the dozen other people you banned for no reason other than personal stuff].. its the principle that matters.

About the stalker issue...
[10/11/09 00:54:41 ] Anonymous : lol
[10/11/09 00:54:45 ] Anonymous : when we used to talk
[10/11/09 00:54:51 ] Anonymous : he used to ask me things like...
[10/11/09 00:55:05 ] Anonymous : what should i do about lisa? i like her and i dont want to hurt her but idk what to do
[10/11/09 00:55:14 ] Anonymous : lets go to a server and make her jealous and stuff
[10/11/09 00:55:30 ] Anonymous : then he was like lets just do stuff to annoy her, maybe then she will talk to me
[10/11/09 00:55:36 ] Anonymous : it got obsessive
I've heard from countless people that you still talk about me, ask questions about me, yeah you don't stalk me directly anymore thats nice.. but you still try to get a reaction out of me in different ways. Not working. This issue concerns me because not only is Nicky in the same team as me, he's also my friend and he didn't deserve to get banned. This is good, though, I've noticed that more people are starting to realize what kind of a person you are, and that its not just "in my head", or in theirs.

Good luck with your future events, I'm curious who all gets banned in the next.

PS: This issue is over for me now, I'm never going to speak to you again or reply to your stalkings and silly attempts to get in touch with me, you're a loser and a waste of space in my eyes. You're a complete joke.

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Re: Ladle 26?

Post by MrsKsr »

Last edited by MrsKsr on Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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I hope some day you will join us, and the world can live as one"

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