What's new in +ap?

What do you want to see in Armagetron soon? Any new feature ideas? Let's ponder these ground breaking ideas...
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What's new in +ap?

Post by Durf »

Lucifer wrote:I only left out the AP part because I don't know the full name of the branch, and really don't care. Anything that's in there besides CTF/Sty, I'm open to. I might need some pointers on where to look for specific things, so maybe a list of everything that's added so we can discuss it? (If you want to do this, please make a separate thread, and we'll talk about it there)
I will post here what I know (as I remember).

Like I mentioned in other threads, these were some changes:

- Unlimited color codes for user names (15 colors - another mod made by another user allowed up to 24 letters)
- Server reports (leave messages for admins. /report(s))
- /help is fixed! (doesn't work in sty+ct, it works well in +ap and I've used it plenty, custom help files are great)
- Map rotation (and storage) via CFG settings! (plus different rotation types)
- Map Queuing! (from rotation or storage - Like on Tunnel Trouble, you can queue any map in rotation, but also some bonus maps that never enter rotation [from storage] - adjustable settings)
- Racing server via CFG settings! With timer(s)! (more than one type of racing/timer)
- NEW Racing types! (laps and/or checkpoints - with checkpoint timer! [decreases, checkpoints refill it])
- New zones: speed zone (sets speed), acceleration zone (increases/decreases speed), rubberset zone (set rubber value rather than increase/decrease)
- Any zone can be ANY color (can be done via the map's XML, admin commands, anything afaik)
- ...more that I can't remember at this time.

- Extra Cycle Debugging - this was partially added in, IDK what's the status on it now. Basically it records cycle movements in the form of a text file; just the coordinates at which cycles spawn, turn, and die at, along with time stamps for each. The purpose of this was to record the paths that users take (record sumo mazes, DRAW a map's wall with your cycle movements, and more..).

Documented list of Features in +ap
Chat Commands in +ap

Feel free to ask questions, I may not be able to help with the source code (I haven't look at any source code yet), but I was there to guide Vertrex through the implementation of the ideas. In either case, I'm willing to help; just ask what you need from me.

I'll post more if I remember something else that wasn't documented here, or in the links I provided.

. . . . .

On another note entirely, I made a couple external scripts that I think would be very beneficial to be implemented as a client feature:
a) Ability to list the populated servers, and who's in them, from within a server without having to leave.
a) Ability to travel to any server, from within a server, by search terms (against a server_name or person inside)
a) I also gave moderators the ability to send users to any server_name or server with a certain person in it.
b) A suite of extra administration tools

You can see a preview of these abilities ("a)" only) in the link below, or visit the servers:
".'`~>>>ULTIMATE FASTTRACK<<<~`'." or "Hunt the Wabbit - by: Durf"...
The script is available for use there for anyone who wants to see it in action.
This script (script "a") is public and free for anyone to use - even if it doesn't get implemented as a client feature, everyone can have it if they have external scripting.

Here's a list of the threads I made for +ap suggestions (looking at them now, I wouldn't have suggested some of the things I did, particularly the zones...for special reasons)
Not everything in this list was implemented, nor would it have been. I mostly posted it so it could be there.

Also, maybe I shouldn't start dumping a ton of ideas like I did on the alpha project forums, but...
I think it would be great if there was some way to handle events from within armagetron:
Basically, everything the ladderlog would output (for external scripts), make available for tron to recognize and execute a custom written command (like a delay command) when that event is triggered.
This would basically eliminate the need for a lot of scripting (especially when it comes to custom zone types like I suggested on the alpha project forums), but not all forms of scripting.
Something like, for this type of event, run that command. (you'd need to identify parts for use, like "/1" and "/2" in the language files, the resulting commands need to access certain parts of the event - a little math capability would be nice too, like a command {/1}+250 if "/1" was a X-coordinate value of an event)
I think adding something like this increases overall potential in what one can create, without filling tron with unnecessary zone types and other nonsense that (yes people would end up creating anyway) just fills up the source code and makes it more convoluted than it needs to be.
This would be a feature for the players, since any programmer can just use external scripting.
Event management..? Front-end scripting? Not sure what to call that.
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Re: What's new in +ap?

Post by ConVicT »

Using a Blackberry here, and couldn't read through most of it, so I'm really replying to the title.

I think nothing will be happening because Lover$boy retired from arma.
I could be wrong in thinking that's his and retired with him.
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Re: What's new in +ap?

Post by aP|Nelg »

ConVicT wrote:Using a Blackberry here, and couldn't read through most of it, so I'm really replying to the title.

I think nothing will be happening because Lover$boy retired from arma.
I could be wrong in thinking that's his and retired with him.
https://code.launchpad.net/~armagetrona ... -sty+ct+ap
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Re: What's new in +ap? (+ap vs +sty+ct)

Post by Durf »

Oh and there's bad word filter much like the forums can do.
To be honest, I'm not sure it was ever completed properly.
But it works for the most part. Filters chat from players. "badword" becomes "*******".

By default it is off. It uses a list of bad words (there's a defaut list provided but you can make your own if you want), and a set of characters that could be used to attempt to bypass the filter (like b-a-d-w-o-r-d; , . ; : - _ ` ~ ^ etc..; you can edit this list of characters). You can add or remove single words from the list each with a command.

My suggestion was to use regular expressions to handle the matches but I'm not sure if Vertrex did it that way or not.

Anyway, yea, so there's that!

Oh and like in nelg's link, it shows that there's the command to send a center_message to a specific player only.
There's a bunch of other perks...admin commands, and ladderlog events! I'll post what I remember when I remember it.
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Re: What's new in +ap?

Post by Illuminati »

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