The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by destiny »

If code didn't leave until today, then why didn't he get on msn to speak to comp and i to work this out. If he didn't have anything to hide, then why didn't he make an effort to get with us. Other than the 25 minutes I was helping my mom, I was available all day and evening up til 1 am my time.

The emails were not sent from cloaklet's physical computer. The thing that shows Brandon and the IP is what I got from the message source in the header of the email. That isn't something he is able to edit, which is why it serves as solid proof it came from him. Even Taz has to admit that, he also looked at the message header source and confronted code with it in IM with me and code in the 45 seconds code got on msn with us then left msn, which was in the morning. Even if Cloaklet had somehow gotten control of Code's computer and used his email client to make a new account and send it that way, it would have shown his IP, not Code's. Also, I have been spammed by Cloaklet in the past, he doesn't do it this way. Cloaklet is a creature of habit and he loves to be recognized for what he does, why would he use Code's computer to do it, if he was going to admit it as him in the first place. Let's please use some logic here and think honestly about the facts, even if they are painful for you to admit.

Now I keep getting hammered about banning people, only 4 people now have been banned due to this particular incident and they are code, taz, mecca and now cody, who likes to go around saying he is about to hack wild west (cloaklet, liz and volcano were all previously banned and now that we added two more the count is to 7 that Manta has banned, i know how liz likes to play lawyer and try to mis construe things).

Anyway, my intent in this thread was to simply state facts here and not speculation and I have tried to only say things that were factual and provable. I think for the most part I have stuck to that except for when I was attacked.

But as far as for the reason we banned Taz, Manta and I feel he is involved. I don't have hard-core proof for the ID forums yet, but to be safe Manta banned him until this is sorted out. I like Taz, he is a fun and likable person, it breaks my heart that he got so caught up in this drama that he had to stoop to this level.

The reason I think Taz is involved is when the spam emails were coming in, I was in fortress playing and I told Comp in real time as it all went down. My msn notifies me when an email comes in, I got the first notifications starting at the first email that was addressed to: me, code, creator, sin, and ari at 12:41 am, the ones that included taz didn't come in until 12:47 am. Within seconds of the first email notification however, Taz IM's me saying we are being spammed by Cloaklet. Please tell me how it is that Taz was able to tell me about the emails, before we actually got them?

Now can we please all stop hammering Wild West for the bans, all of which are justified? We need to stick to the original topic which is, Code did, at the very least, the email spammnig and everyone needs to make sure they are secure since he has proven himself to be not only a threat, but a liar.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by TaZ »

Yes Oppose, it is unfair. I'm not saying Code did it, nor am I saying he didn't do it. If you know anything about computers, you will know that if you remote into someones computer, you use their IP address. I've used teamviewer before to help make sigs with Volcano. Whenever I'm on it, I control the mouse and everything. It's very possible that Code could be lying, but it's also possible that Cloaket did hack into his computer. When I was spammed, it reminded of the macros that Cloaket always uses. (the email that was used) is very similar to his old AIM name he used to troll with, creator343. Cloaket has a million aliases. He's not even banned from your server destiny. If you were so smart, you should have range banned him. You banned me because I didn't choose sides, I decided to listen to both sides.

Until Z-man looks at the evidence, there is no reason to ban me just because you want a specific outcome. Kimberly, stop getting people to come to this topic so they can flame Code. 5 people have told me you demanded they post on this topic to defend you. That's not even right. So someone threatened you, like someone said earlier, call the police. I mean honestly, you've tried to use me in this situation to point the finger at code. You're no better than Arilou, you manipulative bitch.

I messaged you around the time i first started receiving the spam emails.
ID GOT HACKEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!‏
Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Tue 7/14/09 6:45 PM

When I saw that your name was included, I messaged you to see if you were getting spam messages too. The notifications started feeling up the screen. I was trying to figure out how to stop them from coming, since i didn't see a block email button.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Mecca »

destiny wrote:Now can we please all stop hammering Wild West for the bans, all of which are justified? We need to stick to the original topic which is, Code did, at the very least, the email spammnig and everyone needs to make sure they are secure since he has proven himself to be not only a threat, but a liar.

He spammed your email, all that means is he has your email address, that is not a threat.


EDIT: I heard about your sig on the ID forums. You are now contributing to the drama. Please ban yourself from all WW forums.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by destiny »

i have forwarded all the emails to zman showing the times that they were sent and also he can see in those who they were sent to. and believe me i do intend to contact the authorities as soon as forumer gets the information to me that i requested after i was able to tell them the situation and the nature of the threats to my physical property and hosting business if that server is hacked.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by gawdzilla »

destiny wrote:i have forwarded all the emails to zman
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Mecca »

destiny wrote:i have forwarded all the emails to zman showing the times that they were sent and also he can see in those who they were sent to. and believe me i do intend to contact the authorities as soon as forumer gets the information to me that i requested after i was able to tell them the situation and the nature of the threats to my physical property and hosting business if that server is hacked.
Please post screenshots of the times that Taz messaged you on msn, the times that the first emails were sent to you (the ones that weren't sent to taz), and the first ones that were sent to Taz.

Your forums are hosted by forumer? Or is that about the ID forums?
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Lucifer »

I just want to point out that it's pretty trivial to put whatever you want in email headers. It really is. A fairly simple python script can be written to write the initial email and send it. Even *if* the smtp server puts that header in it, according to code/rajinn, someone managed to install a program on his computer by exploiting his utter stupidity, which means that someone also controls the code that would write the initial receiving headers.

smtp is not a secure protocol, and information contained in the headers can't be trusted with as much trust as you're giving it.

I've lost interest in this little feud. You got attacked by a smeghead, and you can probably narrow it down quite a bit to suspects, but somewhere you reach a point where you have to say "My primary suspect has enough plausible deniability due to his sheer lack of either intelligence or competence, so I'm going to just worry about fixing things and moving on." Take what lessons you can about how to run better servers (i.e. keeping forum backups and stuff, better logging facilities, that sort of thing) and just move on. Turn in what evidence you have to appropriate authorities, and then LET THEM DO THEIR JOBS (if they choose to, true they don't pursue a lot of these things, but it looks like you're on the right track there anyway). If you feel like you have to ban people from your servers, really, don't waste your time defending the bans. Just do it, and if others don't like it, let it run off you like water on a raincoat.

I really like how phpbb3 notices new posts and won't let me post this until I've read them, so could you all please shut up for a second so I can finish posting this? Thanks. :)

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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by TaZ »

Lucifer wrote:I just want to point out that it's pretty trivial to put whatever you want in email headers. It really is. A fairly simple python script can be written to write the initial email and send it. Even *if* the smtp server puts that header in it, according to code/rajinn, someone managed to install a program on his computer by exploiting his utter stupidity, which means that someone also controls the code that would write the initial receiving headers.

smtp is not a secure protocol, and information contained in the headers can't be trusted with as much trust as you're giving it.

I've lost interest in this little feud. You got attacked by a smeghead, and you can probably narrow it down quite a bit to suspects, but somewhere you reach a point where you have to say "My primary suspect has enough plausible deniability due to his sheer lack of either intelligence or competence, so I'm going to just worry about fixing things and moving on." Take what lessons you can about how to run better servers (i.e. keeping forum backups and stuff, better logging facilities, that sort of thing) and just move on. Turn in what evidence you have to appropriate authorities, and then LET THEM DO THEIR JOBS (if they choose to, true they don't pursue a lot of these things, but it looks like you're on the right track there anyway). If you feel like you have to ban people from your servers, really, don't waste your time defending the bans. Just do it, and if others don't like it, let it run off you like water on a raincoat.

I really like how phpbb3 notices new posts and won't let me post this until I've read them, so could you all please shut up for a second so I can finish posting this? Thanks. :)
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Hickup »

i cant begin to explain how funny this is. destiny, you truly are an idiot. first of all, i am looking at your forum, its not even hosted by forumer. try again, you fail. is a forum hosting company. they can't do anything because they don't own your forum. second, you got email spammed. wow. did the accuser actually hack your forum or server yet? if they do something stupid like email bomb you, they probably dont know how to hack and they want to see you get all wriled up, and you are.

you can't do anything unless he spammed your email with phishing links, porn, etc. spamming "OMG I WILL HACK YOU" is nothing. the frantic police phone call will sound something like this:

operator: Hello?
operator: did he actually hack you?
destiny: noo.....
operator: well then stop wasting my time and change your email provider to something more secure!

lucifer: highly doubt anyone will pursue a spammer when there are murders going on.
destiny needs to get over herself. its email for crying out loud.

when and if he hacks your forum, then you can probably do something, until then, you sound like an idiot.

And as lucifer stated, its quite easy to adjust any header. i could send loads of spam and make it look like you did it if i had your ip address and other info.

destiny = drama queen x 30000
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Mecca »

Lucifer wrote:You got attacked by a smeghead, and you can probably narrow it down quite a bit to suspects, but somewhere you reach a point where you have to say "My primary suspect has enough plausible deniability due to his sheer lack of either intelligence or competence, so I'm going to just worry about fixing things and moving on." Take what lessons you can about how to run better servers (i.e. keeping forum backups and stuff, better logging facilities, that sort of thing) and just move on.
I... <3... You...

Anyways. Destiny, if you remote into someone's computer, you just control it. Their computer will still appear as their IP address.

I think the way I worded the above statement may be a little confusing so here is an example.

Taz remotes into my computer. He goes into ID HR as -=Vcl.mecca <3 and calls Ari a dummy head. Ari IP bans me. It will not ban Taz's IP address because he is just controlling my computer.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by sinewav »

I think it's time for Tank to drop the hammer on this one.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by destiny »

thank you to taz, cody, liz and volcano who are on a recording i received from their vent as they are actively hacking into the wild west servers and saying they have my personal phone number.

yes our forum isn't through forumer, but the ID one is, that is the one that is giving us the info on the person who "hacked" id's forum.

i will be contacting the authorities, this has now gone way too far.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Mecca »

destiny wrote:thank you to taz, cody, liz and volcano who are on a recording i received from their vent as they are actively hacking into the wild west servers and saying they have my personal phone number.

yes our forum isn't through forumer, but the ID one is, that is the one that is giving us the info on the person who "hacked" id's forum.

i will be contacting the authorities, this has now gone way too far.

Please do not blame a group of people for only one persons actions. Cody was the only person that was attempting to hack the forums. Thank you. Cody has your phone number, nobody else does.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by Hickup »

destiny wrote:thank you to taz, cody, liz and volcano who are on a recording i received from their vent as they are actively hacking into the wild west servers and saying they have my personal phone number.

yes our forum isn't through forumer, but the ID one is, that is the one that is giving us the info on the person who "hacked" id's forum.

i will be contacting the authorities, this has now gone way too far.

sigh. apparently you guys are insecure about your forums and servers. do you not know what a firewall is and how to stop these things? thought you and manta were "smart"?

maybe you should just quit armagetron and shut down all of your servers/forums. maybe people will stop then.

by you saying "omgosh i am going to call the police about this!" it kinda makes people think you're an idiot and may make people want to hack you if they can. you're getting pretty flustered. and maybe you should let id handle their own forums and keep your nose out of others business. durka made a better forum for them anyway that is far more secure. they should be happy, probably less likely to get hacked now.

notice how rajinn has ignored all of this and has tried to say what happened and then left it alone. these people just keep on going though, how stupid.
Last edited by Hickup on Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The wanna be hacker who didn't cover his tracks

Post by TaZ »

We laughed at Cody for trying. Don't involve all of us, just like you involved me with Code.