Moderator Abuse...again

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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Durf »

Word wrote:
And/or is it abuse at all?
Whatever it is, it can't be compared to anything you have done and said afterwards. The moderators and forum regulars have been patient with you and tried to tell you in any way they can that you're wrong, and you're still thinking they're all trolls or sock puppet accounts, while you, in your posts, are the writing equivalent of a mamushka (and autism is an explanation for that behaviour). You like your dictionary links but don't see that your abuse far outweighs anything that was thrown back at you. Just compare how often you and we others use curse words/just accuse someone of harassment or hate/just insist that we are entitled to our opinion to make our point. It's certain that you're far lazier mentally than your long posts make it look on the first glance. The only question is whether you can be blamed for your debating style and threats being that irrational even if your intentions are pure. Human dignity is untouchable but one can easily lose it through undignified behaviour.
You're right. It can't be compared as I'm not abusing a moderator status over a regular user.
Tried to tell me I'm wrong? By what, avoiding a dispute? If they were trying to tell me I'm wrong then how come they can't do so? Making an accusation is one thing, but being right about it is another.
What abuse have I done? Tell me, because everything I've done is well within the rules as defined by the moderators. If you don't think this should be permitted, why aren't you talking to them about the rules not being clearly defined enough to prevent such "abuse"? But I don't think I'm abusing anybody; you think "pretentious" is an insult, regardless if you even were being pretentious (which I proved you were). So I think you have quite the bias when you say my "harassment" far outweighs that of others. And consider the implications of what you're saying. You're saying that a single person is harassing an entire community far more than multiple people have harassed that single user. Overall though, I think the problem you're having is that this harassment is allowed since the moderators do it themselves without consequence; let alone other users.
Haven't I asked you enough though, to stop making such wild aspersions without at least trying to support it? You aren't certain of anything and you imply that you think I've even made threats. You say one can lose human dignity through undignified behavior (no shit), why do you think I've been calling Z-Man unreasonable? Why do you think I call you pretentious when you're being pretentious? Why do you think certain users get a higher level of respect from me than you do? You are teaching lessons that you have no discipline in yourself.

dinobro wrote:Durf, since you accusse Word of being biased, let me clarify that I really doubt you are autistic. I think you made that up, like many other things, as attention and drama seems to be something that really keeps you going. Your threads/posts seem to be a self-sufficient evidence.
But see, sometimes you need to face consequences of your actions. You claim you did nothing wrong, but you don't have to actually DO something. You did send a threat to Z-man about hacking forums, probably compromising passwords and so on. I, for one, don't feel comfortable with you being allowed to log in here on daily basis, when you threaten to hack this site. That's why, I would like to see you banished. (Which means your useless, drama-seeking posts would be put to stop too - what a nice bonus!).
And before you ask me to "prove" anything, I really don't have to. I would take Z-man's word over yours anytime, since your motivation is really questionable (see attention seeking part).
You are free to doubt that claim all you want. Although many tronners have (unprovoked) asked me directly if I was on the autistic spectrum. So it would seem that you are a minority to doubt it; feel free to talk to others and see for yourself what they think. But in the end, I won't care either way if you don't believe it. It is not an excuse to get preferential treatment - that would be the last thing I want since I'm after fair treatment for all users.
Frankly, it seems you only want to think I'm trying to get attention...I don't know why since all of this is instigated by the moderators themselves.. Like I've said to other users...don't you think if they could just leave well enough alone, that I wouldn't have anything to talk about? I don't care about drama - and frankly nobody would have to deal with it if the moderators would actually deal with it (or any of the problems they cause).
You said that I don't actually need to do something... Does that mean that it is normal (and expected) for the moderators to abuse? Can SOMEONE please answer that? Tell me directly!

You also say that I sent a threat to Z-Man about hacking the forums, probably compromising passwords and so on...I DID NOT. Stop spreading propaganda. If Z-Man was a fair and just moderator, he wouldn't be trying to deface me in public in a thread meant to disprove my "slanderous" claims that he was unreasonable. Why is he posting a PM about hacking or trying to make me out to be some sort of threat to the community? That only proves that he is far too unreasonable to a) finish what he even started about the "slanderous" claims, and b) be a fair and just moderator.
Should I note how Z-Man's second sentence explains it all? His disregard for any rules in order to do something emotional and petty (especially since it's off topic) and just to cause drama..? He says that he "promised" he would post the PMs - this shows that he never had any intention to honor anyone's privacy; solely on the basis that he thought you guys needed to see the contents of that PM.

Since none of you seem to care about this thread going off topic, I will explain:
As I said in the PM(s), that is just a statement of assurance which was said after a conversation to determine Z-Man's intent.
The part that I wanted to keep private was the start of the PM chain, where I ask Z-Man how I may go about contributing to the code (something I can do for the community that seems to only want to hate). After a convoluted discussion about how Lucifer wants to impose conditions and restrictions that are absurd (just more abuse - on open source code, can you believe that?) it turned into a discussion of Z-Man's intentions were to make an enemy of me or if he was at all willing to work things out. The answer was eventually an unreasonable "no" (rather, more avoiding of the issue); so I told him simply, as you can see, that if I'm going to be unreasonably/unjustly abused, then next time I won't play "friendly", I will play as an enemy as he made me into one. It's a very simple proposition.
Given Z-Man's unreasonable nature, he should be able to understand it perfectly fine, but seems to be far too emotional to comprehend it thoroughly. When I make mention of an exploit...first of all let's talk about Z-Man's opinion that it is important for the community to see such a mention. This proves that he is (at least) inexperienced as a moderator as all it takes is a single mention for people to go looking for it. So posting about it publicly is far more threatening to the website and everyone's passwords than I ever was. Let me put it in perspective for you: I said in the PM that I wouldn't hold back next time I was unjustly abused. But because the exposure is public now, there is nothing stopping any random person from knowing to look for and finding the exploit. The action of sharing it with the community in itself was far more detrimental to everyone's accounts than the single PM I sent to Z-Man explaining the proposition for his unreasonable behavior. So back to how I made mention to it: Like I said in the PM, it basically means that I will not "play nice" like I tried to do this time, because of how Z-Man is defining me as an enemy, I will be exactly that next time they decide to abuse their status over me like they have been doing so.
It is not a threat to the website or anyone's account - I can't stress that enough. It was merely a way to say that if I'm unjustly banned, I won't try to dispute, I will just do what it takes to unban myself. I know Z-Man won't be reasonable about it, and those are the rules he wants to play by.
I was never an "announcement" to hack the forums; using an exploit can't even really be considered hacking as I wouldn't be making any changes (the "hack" would be the action of unbanning my own account if anything).

Here's why it is ignorant for you to feel uncomfortable because of what I've said (probably won't make you feel any better): I can already hack the forums, and I know how to unhash phpbb3 passwords. It is relatively easy to do. If I had the intention of hacking the forums or getting passwords, then it would already be done by now without you knowing about it. It was only ever a tool to illustrate which direction things could have turned instead of handling a (what should be) very simple dispute.
You say you would like to see me banished, but I haven't broken any rules, and there is no reason to ban me. I haven't even made the threats you seem to think I have.
I would take Z-man's word over yours anytime, since your motivation is really questionable (see attention seeking part).
Even your reason to choose to be unreasonable is in itself unreasonable. I'm not seeking attention by any means. I would like to settle this in private but am not allowed to. Trying to talk to Tank Program is also taking far too long because Z-Man and Lucifer are only causing more disputes in the mean time.
Overall, your choices to blindly trust what Z-Man says is probably one of the dumbest bits of "reasoning" I've seen yet on these forums. You're obviously an avid supporter of Z-Man and you have a strong bias...want to talk about it? There's plenty we can prove.

And hey, if you guys don't think it's moderator abuse to post an off topic accusation in an attempt to publicly deface a user, then locking the thread to ensure no one will say anything about it, then why are you even posting here? This topic is addressing moderator abuse. Clearly it was abuse to troll a user as a moderator and not a regular user. Clearly it is abuse to blatantly disregard a user's wish to keep things private just because the moderator thinks the public needs to see it. If I had a naked picture of another user, does that entitle me to share it with the public because I THINK they need to see it? Clearly it is abuse of moderator status to start some petty drama instead of focusing on the bigger picture and addressing a security concern (like I said, I was only ever trying to find out Z-Man's intent and only ever offered to help - he could have easily asked me what I meant but instead chose to make an enemy). Clearly, Z-Man is just still lashing out from me calling him unreasonable and incompetent. He is only proving himself to be more of a disgrace when he can't finish what he starts and leave the thread unlocked. But the problem I have is how some people seem to think I'm harassing him by pointing out his mistakes like that.

Anyway, either stay on topic, or don't post. If Z-Man wanted you to talk about that topic, then the other thread would be unlocked. But apparently there's far too much risk in it for him to actually stand by what he says (a sign of a bullshitter).
Perhaps he is afraid of the rest of the PMs? Doesn't matter, I can post them in a new thread anyway since I can post what I want so long as I think the community needs to see it. Z-Man won't think that's wrong, in fact he should understand perfectly fine.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Word »

A threat is a threat.
You're saying that a single person is harassing an entire community far more than multiple people have harassed that single user.
And I don't really care if you call me pretentious, that would be pretentious. You keep asking us if we are getting emotional about your insults to avoid the idea that you're far more abusive and irrational here than all others combined. If you're asking us to isolate you, we can do that. You don't prove things to anyone except yourself.
Last edited by Word on Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by dinobro »

Look. You say it's moderators group who creates issues, but frankly, 9/10 people do not agree with you. Again.
So let's say you are in fact autistic. You create this image that you are very self aware of that fact.
If so, if you are autistic and so aware as you want us to believe, when vast majority says that issue you describe does not exist, you, as so aware autistic person who becuase of that state has trouble with social interactions, should accept that you are wrong and just let it go. But you don't. You keep going even though everyone tells you that you are delusional. Hence, your image, your motivation is just not genuine. You keep going for the drama and attention. Stop it.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Z-Man »

dinobro wrote:Isn't threatening to hack the forums and compromise our passwords a solid ground to permaban? Z-man plz :snail:
Yes. As is evident from my part of that conversation, I was passing the buck about that decision to Tank. Tank is busy, so now I'm taking it back. He is not banned yet because I want to give him a chance (another chance, to be precise) to back out because... because... there was a really good reason. Ethics and decency, probably. And for any kinds of attacks, it does not really matter if he has access to the Durf account or not.

Note how Durf is trying to control what can be said and being a giant hypocrite about it. He can pull in all past stuff he wants, but you are not allowed to pull in something relevant (the threat is a big reason I had to spent a lot of time on stuff) and recent (from your point of view).

Also note how he is completely inconsistent even in a single message. For me, he claims the nature of Lucifer's edit is irrelevant. From Lucifer, he demands justification.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Venijn »

I think the wider community respects how you have handled the troll Z-man, but few share your patience, that's for sure.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Monkey »

Durf wrote:do you hate foreigners too?
This statement shows that you are assuming that I hate you. I don't; I am just trying to help you. Unfortunately, you don't seem able to take constructive criticism, instead you stubbornly believe that everything you do and say is both correct and necessary. You lack self-awareness Durf. I know from having played with you online that you actually aren't a bad guy. I also don't believe that you are trying to troll these forums. However, until you can see the error of your ways things will get worse not better (this is not a threat, just an opinion).

Note that I'm not saying that everything you say and do is wrong or unnecessary, I'm just saying that some of it is. If you can, somehow, realise that some of what you say and do is wrong or unnecessary or both then the future will be much better for all of us. Also note my understanding that no one else on these forums is perfect either (including myself).
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Lucifer »

Word wrote:Yes, wanted to say this earlier but then forgot it over replying to him.
I meant to respond to this earlier, but then forgot, what with the kid thing happening and all. ;)
To me, it comes down to this:
The elephant in the room - he's an autist - so do we treat/troll/ban him just as if anyone else had done this (thereby treating him equally/respecting/but also punishing him like a normal guy)?
Durf has asked us not to consider his asperger's at all in dealing with him. He has that right, theoretically.

but maybe we have an obligation to protect him from himself.
Then there's that. We do have an obligation, to the best of our abilities, to help protect people from hurting themselves. We can't be all patriarchal/nanny-like about it, mind you, but we do have that obligation, which also extends to you, and dinobro, and me, and Z-man, and everybody else. And it's not just here on the forums where we have that obligation, we have it everywhere. See a blind person walking in front of an electric car they can't hear? Yes, you must try to stop that person. You don't stop and say "Hey, I should be treating that person just like anybody else." Acknowledging that a person has a particular condition that might be detrimental in a situation and helping them is hardly treating them differently.

The bottom line around here is that we do treat everybody equally: we try to give individualized treatment to each person according to their needs. We're downright communist about it, sometimes, to boot.
Either way, I don't think this way of handling it should have consequences for you until you moderators have agreed on a common approach, which you don't even need to IMO.
Don't worry, we have places where we are discussing events as they unfold. We don't necessarily have an approach, the discussion is more like "Ok, now this milestone has been reached, how do we reach the next one?" You know, developer talk. ;)

As to the repeated demands for clear rules that moderators follow, that's never going to happen. What we have we consider guidelines, not set-in-stone rules, and there's a strong reason for it. By not being rule-bound, we have the flexibility to adapt to changes in the community, newcomers, older people leaving, etc. As community standards evolve, so, too can the way we moderate. We also have the flexibility to deal with individuals differently, each based on their needs and own individual issues. It also allows each of us as moderators to work independently. There're things I ignore because I'm not bothered, but Z-man and/or epsy might go ahead and moderate, and there're things I jump on that either of them would have passed up. On the whole, I think the forums are left in good hands when only one moderator is here, but when there are 2 or more, I think the forums are in much better hands because of this weird sort of synergy that's there.

On a certain level, moderators are just regular people like all of you who also have the job to keep the forums reasonably peaceful and clean. There's no special class you have to take, or degree you need to have, and we're certainly not chosen by anybody's god or prophet. We each got the job (except Tank) because we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The guidelines as recently linked to by Z-man, as far as I'm concerned, do a fine job of establishing reasonable expectations, especially when paired with the ongoing (as in: it will never be a closed thread) thread about what to expect from your moderators. While this place isn't a democracy, it's also a solid free speech zone.

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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Ratchet »

It took me at least 30 minutes to read through all of the posts here (in entirety). So, my response is not going to be as fruitful as I had planned (mostly because it's nearly midnight and I'm tired now).

Durf, you do make some interesting points. And I don't particularly disagree with some of the ideas you present. However, as I think Word sometimes alludes to (or at least I believe he does), you are quite insulting to others when they disagree with you. Actually, many people have pointed it out in the last however many topics. You can not and will not get many people to agree with you if you can't hold an insightful and able to be criticized stance on a particular topic. Anyone who disagrees with you isn't automatically "incompetent", "haters", "stubborn", "pretentious", <insert condescending adjectives/nouns>. The "standard" for society is to be accepting of others and prompt conversation and critical thinking. I think you can understand that, no?

That being said, I think your "throwing darts" analogy is a great one. I really do. Even though I strongly disagree with a lot of your commotion around here, I'm capable of agreeing with you. That's how it's supposed to work. However, the gap of understanding between two people should not be immediately referred to as "incompetence." Most people aren't gallivanting around here and calling you an idiot for having beliefs (even though I believe you think they are), yet you do almost exactly that to most who disagree with you.

About the edit
Should Lucifer have left his remark? I don't think so. And, I certainly can be an advocate for promoting a "welcoming" and "professional" atmosphere around here so that we, as a community, may be taken more seriously. I can't help but think about what Kyle said when he mentioned that a potential employer glanced at this website and thought it was an unimpressive place. I'd like to see this game, something that I really enjoy playing, successful in the future. However, just as you are accusing the moderators of being the problem, most people are accusing you of being the problem. The difference is, most people are at least trying to reason with you. Give them the liberty of reasoning back, constructively. Respectfully.


As a whole, I think Z-man is a great moderator. I mentioned that I'm tired and that I don't really feel like going through the motions to put together a bill to present to congress. However, I certainly don't think Z-man is "incompetent and unfit." Each time you write that in a post, I hope to see a footnote denoting that you weren't being serious in making that accusation, but it never comes. Please. I prefer to think of Z-man as tolerant. That's my adjective of choice. Which, just to be clear, is not a synonym with "incompetent" nor "unfit."

I like the guy. Sure, he claims to like attention, and will do things to get it. Especially if he can piss you off. Double whammy. Do I agree with his choice of words? Not really. But I don't really see a reason to not get along with him. I don't think he'd be offended if I told him "I disagree with your actions on this particular scenario." I'd probably expect an "okay" (since it's not a question) and not much more. No bickering, arguing, insulting statements. Just mutual respect.

Mutual respect. That reminds me.
Durf @Lucifer wrote:LOL, you're kinda funny - but if you really did care, you would reach a resolution when we discuss things - not run away from your problems (did you forget how you got arrested? xD).
You can't (and won't) be taken seriously if that's the best you've got. That's degrading, and worthy of a ban in itself. (I believe this entirely, and it has nothing to do with me. I just finished telling you that I don't really "side with Lucifer")
Durf @Lucifer wrote:You said in the beginning of your post that you would refrain from trolling - so if you're not a mental case, then you failed within the post you initiated the attempt in...GG.
Back to the insults. It's not a "trolling competition." There's no 'good game'. (I think this is where a lot of the issues arise within your posts, you seem to treat it like it's a game or a competition to insult others as intellectually as possible)

Moving along
I'm actually interested in seeing what Phytotron would constructively say about this topic, mostly because of his stance here:
Phytotron wrote:
Ratchet wrote:Surely you were bullied just the same as I was when I first started, why did you make it past that phase?
This is a problem with not only Armagetron's community, but online gaming at large. This whole notion of "grow thicker skin, it comes with the territory of being online." If the only, or predominant, people who can last in an online community are those who can suffer or entertain sociopathic or otherwise shitty behavior, then guess what happens to the quality of the community? Who's left? And those same people often turn around and become the dispensers of it as well. It's a vicious cycle that has turned online gaming into a focking toxic cesspool of some of the worst of humanity.
In a sense, it agrees with your mentality: "are we saying that abuse is the standard, and what the users should expect?"

I've already stated in this post that I'm not particularly fond of the remark Lucifer made (again reiterating that I don't expect him to be offended by my stance).

I don't think it reflects "our" goal as a whole, and thus I guess this would be my sort of "please don't do it any more" speech. The negativity around here is a lot more people's fault than just yours and Lucifer's. It's the general attitude that needs to change, and I don't think moderation is a bad place to start. That being said, I'm not at all at odds with our moderators. I respect them quite a lot, and I think they've done a phenomenal job around here in the last however many years. They've performed their duties as well as I'd like, and (being humans) they like to have fun with it from time to time. Sure, I'd rather it not be dry or provoking humor, but it's nice to keep a lively atmosphere. (friendly would be nice, as well)

Honorable mentions? I dunno
@Word: You're a fantastic guy. I always read your posts because I find them very insightful. I agree with you, almost 100%. But, for the sake of leveling the playing field (so to speak), please try and have more patience in this thread in particular :) I know he's being thick skinned (just as many others are), but I have hope yet! Try to be constructive and not hopeless. Tabula rasa!

@Lucifer: Be nice! A**hole!

@/dev/null: do you even go here?

@Z-man: Can you transparently give us all a sort of painted picture as to why this situation still exists? Can you shed some insight into our community about what is being done to prevent this in the future, as well as take care of this particular case? Many people have expressed displeasure, and I prefer having Sinewav and Phytotron around.

@dinobro: There's no point in arguing over whether Durf has illness x, y, or z. It's the internet. Try not to let that become a part of your argument. I would say that potential "illnesses" have nothing to do with the situation at hand, but that would be ignorant because, in truth, it would be pretty relevant to these arguments. However, for the sake of being productive and constructive, I don't really think we should be focusing on this aspect of Durf's personality.

@Light: In Durf's defense (did I just say that? uhh), he did attempt (albeit maybe poorly) to solve the issue in PM. I do think that the situation could have been handled much, much better; however, Durf was too aggressive in his pursuit for "justice" and it turned into an over-zealous rampage to overthrow our moderation. It's everyone's fault, really.

Regarding "hacking"
Not much to say on this topic. Durf, Z-man is not "defacing" you. If you typed the words that he copied and pasted in the other thread, I'm not sure how you can defend that and not feel like you're at least half way lying to yourself. No one's here to make you out to be a terrible person, you've done that well enough yourself by collectively insulting the entire active community. This illustrates your sporadic immaturity and lack of rationale. Ironically, it's the exact type of thing you're complaining about Lucifer doing.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Lucifer »

Ratchet wrote: Lucifer
I like the guy. Sure, he claims to like attention, and will do things to get it. Especially if he can piss you off. Double whammy. Do I agree with his choice of words? Not really. But I don't really see a reason to not get along with him. I don't think he'd be offended if I told him "I disagree with your actions on this particular scenario." I'd probably expect an "okay" (since it's not a question) and not much more. No bickering, arguing, insulting statements. Just mutual respect.
A good example of this exact thing (similar situation, even) happened a few years back with me and Phytotron, and he's not exactly known for withholding vitriol. Nevertheless, I had trolled him a few times in edit logs, and he basically said something like "Hey, I don't like being trolled in edit logs, or at all for that matter, do you mind?" I don't know if I every answered him directly, but I stopped trolling him in edit logs. Oddly, I remember him later mentioning ironically that he felt neglected because of that, heh.
Moving along
I'm actually interested in seeing what Phytotron would constructively say about this topic, mostly because of his stance here:
Phytotron wrote:
Ratchet wrote:Surely you were bullied just the same as I was when I first started, why did you make it past that phase?
This is a problem with not only Armagetron's community, but online gaming at large. This whole notion of "grow thicker skin, it comes with the territory of being online." If the only, or predominant, people who can last in an online community are those who can suffer or entertain sociopathic or otherwise shitty behavior, then guess what happens to the quality of the community? Who's left? And those same people often turn around and become the dispensers of it as well. It's a vicious cycle that has turned online gaming into a focking toxic cesspool of some of the worst of humanity.
In a sense, it agrees with your mentality: "are we saying that abuse is the standard, and what the users should expect?"


Sure, I'd rather it not be dry or provoking humor, but it's nice to keep a lively atmosphere. (friendly would be nice, as well)
Dry humor isn't going away, too many of us have dry senses of humor. And then we also have Britishers and Canadianers.

As for provoking humor, we do generally tolerate a certain level of trolling. I guess what I'm curious about is when is a troll crossing a line? There's plenty of, for lack of a better way to put it, good humor trolling, and it's something I enjoy about this place, not just doing it but also seeing other people doing it to each other.

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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Word »

Lucifer wrote:"Ok, now this milestone has been reached, how do we reach the next one?" You know, developer talk
Haha, good one. And thanks for the detailed response.
Ratchet wrote:I prefer having Sinewav and Phytotron around.
Me too, but my guess is they saw through Durf right from the beginning. I now use the PM filter and added him to my foe list. Feel free to show him more empathy, but mine is used up for now and needs time to recover.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Ratchet »

Lucifer wrote:Dry humor isn't going away, too many of us have dry senses of humor. And then we also have Britishers and Canadianers.

As for provoking humor, we do generally tolerate a certain level of trolling. I guess what I'm curious about is when is a troll crossing a line? There's plenty of, for lack of a better way to put it, good humor trolling, and it's something I enjoy about this place, not just doing it but also seeing other people doing it to each other.
And that's understandable :) I like the ability to have a little fun with things (even if it may be inappropriate). I cannot answer the question "when is it crossing the line?"

Trolling, by definition, is something along the lines of "trying to piss someone off". Ironically, I think the "rule":
7. "It was meant to be funny" is no valid excuse, unless the moderators think it was funny. Do you want to take your chances with that?
Most accurately describes when it is crossing the line. If I personally think it's funny (and not too degrading), then I'm okay with it.

Maybe something along the lines of "can they take it like a man?" <- idiom, not a sexist statement

If you know that they're capable of joking back with you about it, go for it; if you know they're not going to get butthurt about it, it's not as fun (ah, well), but you save yourself from these kinds of topics.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Gonzap »

From the other topic, durf went to a whole new level. At this point I believe a perma ban is the only option.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by ConVicT »

Please just shut-the-****-up. Most of you are the complete and utter definition of tools!
Anyone who doesn't think he's right, are either ignorant to the facts, haven't read any of it, or/and are just reading one page and getting a totally shit perspective.

Point being (I don't believe most of the people replying actually read a single thing except this, or maybe the last page).

Yes, I agree, Durf types too much.
But (Big BUT). nobody ever admits when they're wrong!
Therefore, he needs to explain in further detail why, and how you're being an eejit!

You all know who's wrong, and sadly you're all also blacksheeps, so, meh.
Disclaimer: Couldny gae a ****!

P.S I asked for a name change, and was told it'd be forwarded to Tank, it wasn't, nor was it even considered IMO, just me being told something to shut me up... as per!
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Amaso »

Durf has a voice and it should be heard.
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Re: Moderator Abuse...again

Post by Vogue »

I doubt Durf is autistic. Provide proof please, or I won't believe it! I will give you instructions as to how to prove it.