It wasn't meant to have an effect on teammates. Turns out the BUG cries were correct. The fault is not in the new code, the sensors did not detect the difference. The ACCEL_ settings have the same problem; CYCLE_ACCEL_TEAM is ignored in wrote:Don't know if you're meant to be able to get a speed boost from your teammates or not, but you can, and if you are meant to be able to the message at the start says that you only gain speed boost from enemys wall. It was confusing some people, making others call out Bug a few times.
PsYkO: as you should see here quite clearly, the tests are immensely useful at finding bugs, which is the one and only purpose of the servers. The day I decide that no further experiments are required is the day I shut the servers down.
Ok, now to the gameplay issues If you get a boost from turning away from a wall, it would only be logical to get a slowdown when turning towards a wall. If this is done with a configurable extra weight factor, and if the slowdown is not allowed to overcompensate the boost, it could disable the boosts while you're mazing while still keeping them active in the open. Sounds good?
For the "The lag will go away once your client understands the change": not completely, I'm afraid. If you break away from a wall that isn't yet there on your client or that is there on your client, but not on the server, you get a big misprediction. The effect of that is worse than for normal acceleration (where it already exists) because the boost is instantaneous. But you'll get used to it, I bet.