Xbox One

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Re: Xbox One

Post by Z-Man »

True. The question is: Will that matter much? The eSDRAM or however it is called makes up a bit for the difference. The majority of games are going to be on both systems, and unless sales of the XBone are really low, the devs are simply going to make sure the game runs acceptable on both; the PS4 version is simply going to get a bit shinier, better antialiasing, better postprocessing effects, a more highres texture here and there.

And how stupid am I?
Z-Man wrote:Dig:
- Disk does not need to be in the drive to play.
That's great and all, but confirms the "always online" thing. How else are they going to implement that nobody else can use the disk? Have a RFID chip on each disk. At the very least, you need to be signed on when you install a game. Could be that you don't have to be online to play; they need to revoke your license sometime when someone else unlocks the disk, but they can do that the next time you go online anyway, and you have to to install new games. Either way, WHEN that system goes down, the whole box gets worthless.
Or what if my account gets borked (again)? On the X360, all content is not only tied to your account, but also to the box (that tie can be broken and reassigned), you can still use it if you have either one. I suppose that is not possible any more? Could be that they just did not want to go into that much detail, but still: big red flag.

(The red flags are things future clarifications may eliminate, by the way.)
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Fippmam »

Honestly, outside Tron, I wouldn't call myself a gamer. The only games I play are single player games (mostly RPGs) and even then, it's barely. Case in point, I still haven't beaten Bioshock Infinite, and I got it on release day.

Anyway with that being said, I have both a ps3 and an Xbox, and Playstation just has a more diverse RPG base than the xbox does. I could care less about XBL's superiority of PSN because I hate MP games. So when it comes down to it, whatever console has the more expansive single player experience at launch date, is the one I'll get.

I heard that apparently, XBL on the XB1 needs a continuous internet connection in order to work properly. Haha, that already makes XB1 lose points in my book.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Z-Man »

Details published. They are surprisingly sensible... Except that I consider it confirmed that if my account gets borked or when the services go down, the thing basically stops working. "..but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies." Yay? So that particular red flag stays.
I obviously understand why it needs to be online from time to time to play games without the disk, but is there any good reason why it can't play a game the console remembers I own if I do insert the disk? Just lock diskless play for everyone else until my console comes online and acknowledges I no longer own the game. Surely, piracy wasn't that much of a commercial problem last gen?
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Ratchet »

Microsoft wrote:With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.
That is a very, very large deal breaker for half of America. Many kids play just casually because their parents bought them a console - and most of them are not connected to the internet.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by ConVicT »

Z-Man wrote:Surely, piracy wasn't that much of a commercial problem last gen?
Well it was a bit, I always buy Nintendp consoles cuz I love "The Legend of Zelda" series, and plus it's better for my son, but Ik that was hacked to F**k, Iv'e not really read up on the PS3 or Xbox 360 softmods but Ik they exist and even if they didn't, it wouldn't be difficult to find someone to hardmod it, even Nintendo's new Wii U is backwards compatible which already left it open for softmodding.

My point is: They will never prevent piracy, there's always someone out there smarter than them, and find ways around it.
Just making it shitty for honest people really :cry:
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Renegade »

Saw this, and kinda giggled xd

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Re: Xbox One

Post by Tobe »

Z-Man wrote:Details published. I obviously understand why it needs to be online from time to time to play games without the disk, but is there any good reason why it can't play a game the console remembers I own if I do insert the disk? Just lock diskless play for everyone else until my console comes online and acknowledges I no longer own the game. Surely, piracy wasn't that much of a commercial problem last gen?
I don't think its only about piracy, but also used games. To be honest, I am sure modded Xboxs will be able to play either anyway, but now regular consoles won't be able to buy used games for much less than the retail price.

As I've heard, if you do choose to sell a game, only participating retailers will be able to transfer the usage rights. When rights are transferred, the original owners usages rights will be terminated within a business day or two. Therefore, a console needs to be connected ever 24 hours in order yo ensure you still have the usage rights. With this policy, if my connection ever goes out for a couple of days, I am SOL.

Also what if I want to play a game at my friend's house?
Microsoft wrote:Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once.
So that means he can only play it once and has to be on my list of gamertags to even get a chance of playing it. And with the wording on this statement, it is implied that publishers can choose to give you that right or not; they seem to not even have to.

They don't even have to let you be able to sell it either, apparently:
Microsoft wrote:Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers
It seems like Gamestop and Gamefly is going to have a huge lose of sales since they make most of their money off of the resale of used games; especially with games from Electronic Arts, because EA is easily the most restricted gaming company out there.

The inability to play used games / a required internet connection is a automatic red flag for me considering the type of games I play and the function of used games in my gaming community.

As for the PS4, it has already been confirmed that the PS4 will not block used games.

Playstation Network will also most likely stay free and its PS Plus Monthly service is actually a really good deal (I'm already used to playing for Xbox Live anyway).

As of now, I'm leaning towards PS4, although I admittedly considered getting a PC for gaming but decided not to because of the PC game's netcode and player base generally being worse than the consoles' and the lack of physical disk games.

Even so, Sony has been a bit aloof about the PS4, therefore it can actually end up being a much worse console choice than the Xbox One. E3 is only less than a day away though, so time will tell.

Ratchet wrote:
Microsoft wrote:With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.
That is a very, very large deal breaker for half of America. Many kids play just casually because their parents bought them a console - and most of them are not connected to the internet.
I'm sure there will be a ton of uninformed people buying the console and being outraged it doesn't even play.
Renegade wrote:Saw this, and kinda giggled xd

Please don't hate me.

I'm not sure if that picture is official, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was. Sony employees have been trolling for awhile now since the announce of the Xbox One.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Bytes »

This should give the PS4 some more momentum, plus FFXV.

Also, amusing to see PS join in with these 'bash ads'.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Pr3 »

So I'm trying to decide which console to pre-order and I ran across this post. Thought I'd share it since it helped me decide.

Ok to start out, before the word's "fanboy" and "troll" get thrown around, I'm going to state my sources. Everything that I will be comparing is going to be FACT (whether you what to believe it or not).

So let's start with the innards...

CPU >>
Xbox One = 8-core 64-bit x86 "custom" AMD CPU (rumored as a Jaguar AMD) @ 1.6GHz
PS4 = 8-core 64-bit x86 AMD CPU @ 1.6GHz

Winner = Here (not knowing enough on Xbox's CPU), we have a wash. Both get a point.

Xbox One = Is being compared to the Radeon HD 7790 (32MB eSRAM Embedded Memory, 102GB/s Embedded Memory Bandwidth, and 1.23 TFLOPS Peak Shader Throughput)
PS4 = is being compared to the Radeon 7870 (32 MB eSRAM Embedded Memory, 176GB/s Embedded Memory Bandwidth, and 1.84 TFLOPS Peak Shader Throughput)

Winner = PS4 is going to have to win here.

Xbox One = 8GB DDR3 RAM

Winner = PS4... Same amount of RAM, but GDDR5 is very noticeably faster.

Disk Drive>>
Xbox One = 6x Blu-ray player, 8x DVD player
PS4 = 6x Blu-ray player, 8x DVD player

Winner = Same thing... means a tie

Hard Drive>>
Xbox One = One SKU... 500GB Hard Drive
PS4 = One SKU... 500GB Hard Drive

Winner = This comes out to another wash

Let's now look at accessories...

Xbox One = If it's not broke, don't fix it. Microsoft took what was good, and made it better. Rumble in the triggers (AWESOME!). Better D-pad (AWESOME!). More grip to sticks. Still uses AA Batteries?
PS4 = Not changing too much, but added a lot of new features... You get the Glow light indicator, which is apparently using Move tech. There's a touch pad in the middle. There's a speaker. There's a jack for a headset. Better Triggers. Better sticks.

Winner = This is probably the hardest to rank... there's no "clear" winner. I personally like the PS3 Controller over 360 (but that's just me). I REALLY like Microsoft's approach to the controller. I love the rumble triggers lol. But, I think PS4's controller could have HUGE potential. I think this comes down to personal preference... so I will give both a point

Xbox One = We get Kinect 2.0... This thing is high tech! 1920 x 1080 x 16 bbp 16:9 YUY2 @ 30fps (1080p). 4 mic array, senses your heat, see's in the dark, and can read your pulse by just looking at you! Also a 70degree Horizontal by 60degree Vertical Field of view.
PS4 = The Playstation 4 Eye... Not all the bells, and whistles. 1280 x 800 pixel x 2 @ 60fps. 85degree Field of view. & a 4 channel microphone array.

Winner = It's nice that the PS Eye can do 60fps (but not 1080p though). And the larger Field of View seems nice, but PS4's Eye is more of a nice webcam... Xbox's is, well... Kinect 2.0. The things it can do is actually impressive (but will people use it lol). But still... check a point for Xbox One

Let's talk about Features

Xbox One = Microsoft's DRM is in the form of codes, a required internet connection. The games will basically only be licensed to the buyer, and all games will be in digital form so that Microsoft can keep track of them.
PS4 = No DRM of any kind. When you buy a game... you OWN the game

Winner = PS4

Used Games>>
Xbox One = Games can be sold to "participating" retailers (ie, probably like Bestbuy, and Gamestop... "maybe Amazon"). So used games can't be sold through services like Ebay and Craigslist. The "but" is... BUT, it's all up to the publisher if you can sell it to Gamestop. So if EA says you can't sell Madden to Gamestop, you can't sell it. So only "some" games can be sold used, and there's a LOT of hoops to jump though if you do.
PS4 = Used games are perfectly fine... you buy a game you can sell it, trade it, let someone borrow it, do whatever you want with it... after all, it's YOUR game

Winner = PS4

Xbox One>> Must be connected to the internet at least every 24 hours... every 1 hour if your signed in on a friend's console. Basically this means that it is "required" that you have internet connection in order to use the system.
PS4 = You want to play a single player game on a boat in the middle of the ocean... go right ahead. NO online is ever required

Winner = PS4

Game Recording>>
Xbox One = Has "game DVR"... not sure how long it records for, but you can take your recording, use software to edit it, and post on Twitch.
PS4 = It is always recording the last 15 minutes of game play. You can then take that content, edit it, and post it on youtube, Facebook, or Ustream.

Winner = Due to no real full knowledge of these 2 different ways of recording, it's hard to choice one without hands on time... so we'll give it a tie

Online Service>>
Xbox One = we have Live... and now Live is taking a page out PS Plus's book, and are now offering free games every month. But... Live is still required to play any online game.
PS4 = we have PS Plus... in my humble opinion, is a way better deal than Live. BUT now is required for online play on the PS4

Winner = If Sony wouldn't have made PS Plus required for online play, I would have gave it to PS4... but now, it's a tie.

Extra Features>>
Xbox One = Has Smartglass to use for an extra screen, and use for some cool features. "Smart match" actually sounds really cool. No Microsoft Points! 1000 friend lists. And don't forget about TV, TV, TV, TV, Sports, Sports, Sports, Sports! Say what you want, a lot of the features are really cool. (I would never use them, but they "are" pretty cool).
PS4 = Sony made sure to say... HEY, we have movies, and music, Netflix, Hulu, and Flixster too! Also, you'll be able to get payperview events on PS4. Sony also has some sort of "plan" for Sony movies on the PS4, but don't know much.

Winner = PS4 and Xbox One have a lot of the same features. Sony says Movies/Music... Microsoft says TV/Sports!.... That said, the features on Xbox, do seem kind of cool. With not knowing Sony's "plan", I think I will say Xbox wins this one

Let's look at games
This is hard to monitor as a winner/non-winner... so I'm going to go based off who's got more exclusives and more new IP's... only way I can think of to compare
This is as of me posting this... their may be more on either console announced throughout the week, but I can't see into the future.

Indie Games>>
Xbox One = They talked about how indies are sooo important, and then what do they show? Minecraft?!?! Then, moved on... are you serious? From everything I've seen, Microsoft doesn't care about Indies in the slightest. Plus, Indie developers CAN'T self publish.
PS4 = During first reveal... They brought out Jonathan Blow! Enough said. But they didn't stop there. During E3, they brought out a DOZEN indie developers including Supergiant Games with Transistor... and Outlast!!!! (so excited to play that on console!)... PLUS Indie developers CAN self publish.

Winner = PS4... They are pushing on this, and desirably so... Since the competition doesn't care.

Exclusive Titles>>
Xbox One = 19 ( 5 of which are Kinect games) (Microsoft said 15 exclusives planed)
PS4 = 30 (Sony said 40 exclusives planed)

Winner = PS4

Exclusive "New" IP's>>
Xbox One = 9 ( 2 of which in a Kinect game)
PS4 = 19

Winner = PS4
For fun, I won't include these... but let's talk about the Games. Just because someone has more exclusives, doesn't necessarily mean that they are "better". This is a thing of preference... so it's hard to judge.
Sure, everyone is going to have their specific franchise that they love (ie Uncharted, Halo, Killzone, Gears of War, ect)... but let's look at some surprising exclusives for the consoles from the E3 conferences today

Xbox One>>>>>
Sunset Overdrive... This was the BIGGEST shock for me. Insomniac's next game is exclusive to Xbox One? WOW! Might have to be my most interested Xbox One new IP.
Ryse... Not sold, but color me intrigued. Doesn't seem to be a kinect only game anymore, which is a plus.
Killer Instinct... meh for me (but I'm sure "YAY!" for some)
Project Spark... Microsoft's answer to LittleBigPlanet. I could easily see this being much larger than LittleBIgPlanet, and I think everyone should keep an eye on it.
Deadrising 3... I was honestly very impressed with this, and also super surprised it's an exclusive. Looks like they might have got rid of all the crap I hated in the other 2.
Titanfall... Probably the biggest third party Exclusive so far this generation by far... there's a lot of pressure on Respawn's shoulders. "I" was fairly impressed. But only time will tell on how well it will do.

Outlast... YAY!!! extremely happy to hear about this!
The Order 1886... I was extremely underwelmed with the trailer for this
The Dark Sorcerer... Graphics look AMAZING! BUT, I'd really like to see real gameplay.
Final Fantasy Verses (now 15)... I was upset with this. Final Fantasy is an RPG, not an action game. It does look quite epic, but I don't like this being a numbered inclusion to the Final Fantasy franchise.
Kingdom Hearts 3... I about had a heart attack from yelling, and jumping around when I heard this. For me, this announcement was EPIC!
Beyond Two Souls... ok... I know, I know... It's a PS3 game. But the more I see, the more I want this game! Looks mind blowingly good!

I know i said in the beginning about the about people's games... but I want to give a humble shout out to Killzone, and infamous... both looked amazing during E3.

I would do looks.... But honestly, that's a perspective thing, so it's hard to rate with facts (personal opinion... I'd say PS4 by a hair). So...

Now the Biggy... Price

Xbox One = $499
PS4 = $399

Obvious Winner = PS4


Xbox One = 8
PS4 = 15

It just seems PS4 is the better console (so far) this generation. This is all based of what we know... But what actually happens, and what sells the most?
I guess that'll be left up to the consumers :-)
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Re: Xbox One

Post by RoterBaron1337 »

The thing about the xbox is that it has Halo .. many will buy it only for halo, the rest will buy ps4
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Re: Xbox One

Post by ConVicT »

Thanks, Pr3, that was the kind of post I was hoping for here.

Xbox One = 7 (I deducted it a point because Kinect blows!..In my opinion)
PS4 = 15
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Gazelle »

Kingdom Hearts III!!! I have been waiting for it to come out for forever, when i saw it last night at the conference i literally shit my brain.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Phytotron »

I don't actively follow this stuff, considering a) I despise Microsoft, and 2) I'm still more than a decade behind in console gaming. Yet, I still keep running across this stuff (or having it thrown in my face). Pr3 already posted on the first page the one video I would've shared, but here are a couple other things for your collective amusement and bemusement:

"I got 99 problems and my name is One"
Share PS4 1.gif
Share PS4 2.gif
Save PS4 3.gif
Official PlayStation Used Game Instructional Video

I have finally resigned myself to eventually getting an original Xbox, however, just so we can play JSRF and Buffy. Halo? Pffffft. So overrated.
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Re: Xbox One

Post by ConVicT »

Phytotron wrote: a) I despise Microsoft
I like Windows but i agree with you just cuz of this;

:( I don't even know what they'd have made but, I'd bet it would be great! :x
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Re: Xbox One

Post by Z-Man »

Bytes wrote:Also, amusing to see PS join in with these 'bash ads'.

Sadly, PS+ is required for online play on PS4. Boo on that, but I guess it makes sense business wise and if the quality of the online experience improves that way (Never had any problems myself in game, but I haven't been playing any shooters or stuff) and they keep annoying ads out, that's acceptable.

Overall, yeah, not looking too good for Microsoft right now. The same Hubris as Sony with the PS3: WE WILL BUILD A GIANT EXPENSIVE BOX AND PEOPLE WILL BUY IT BECAUSE THEY LOVE US. And the Wii U definitely needs a price drop now. I mean, the 300 bucks model is out of the question, and if I have the choice between a 350 bucks Wii U and a 400 bucks PS4...
Wait, 400 bucks is still a lot of money for a toy. Why not hang on to what we already have for a bit? None of the launch games look like must plays anyway at this point.
Tobe wrote:I don't think its only about piracy,..
That kind of was what I was implying there. With the exception of the Wii, piracy was not a large commercial problem last gen. It simply was too much effort, modded consoles and their accounts would get banned left and right.
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