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Post by Jonathan »

Oscillotron would be your wiki account, right? I can't find any blocks on it; neither in the present nor in the past.
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Post by Z-Man »

Your current IP is also not banned, it seems.
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Post by Phytotron »

Oh come on, guys. I thought it was a sufficiently improbable statement that you'd realise it was a dry joke. And don't you think I would've said something by now if he had?

Anyway, if you want a real answer it's this: I can't even get around to working on my own Arma-related projects, for various reasons mainly involving time and other priorities—this being way down on my list even where passtimes are concerned—and also procrastination and forgetfulness. Shoot, I have projects dating back to before my hiatus from the game ('06-'09) that I haven't even completed. And that's projects that I want to do, and in which I would take some enjoyment. Editing the wiki just feels like a chore. And, as Jonathan noted, I have in fact edited a few things, and it was a bit of a pain in the ass, what with the formatting and figuring out the code and whatnot.
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Post by Z-Man »

Don't ever do that again. There are strong reasons why I would never take such a statement as a joke. I'll leave out the obvious ones (like, don't prank call 911) and just state the not so obvious one special to the context:
You come here and complain quite a lot about things. Most are out of your control, so complaining may be the only thing you can do to try and change them, so fair enough. This here however is something you could easily correct yourself. I *wanted* to believe you're not doing something yourself because there is a real reason you can't. I *wanted* to believe that given the chance, you'd actually help on something other than the small pet projects of yours (nothing wrong with those, of course). I *wanted* to believe you're one of the few willing to do work even though it's not immediate fun or directly benefits yourself.
But no, your time is too valuable. Well, then please also consider your time too valuable to complain.
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Post by Phytotron »

You're kidding, right?

So, let's take this particular case of moviepacks. Searching my posts for "moviepack" I get back 123 results, and I would wager at least half of those involve me providing some sort of "tech support"—including even more elaborate and detailed explanations than I gave in this thread. See for yourself.

Yet, you're going to count the single act of my not yet having edited that one specific section of the wiki as weighing greater against all those combined, and hold that against me?

And another thing, you have the nerve to scold me and call me selfish over the fact that I give priority to things like, oh, spending time with my wife, working on music, earning an income, spending time with family and friends, reading, doing chores and running errands, doing volunteer work, engaging in social/political advocacy/activism, to name just a few, plus some other things too personal to share with the likes of you people? That I value those things and the time dedicated to them vastly more than your little f'ing video game, or that mess of a wiki? You're damn right I do.
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Post by Z-Man »

No. I'm not scolding you about your life vs tron priorities at all, the scolding is for making unfunny jokes implying admin power abuse that forced two other people to waste their time.
And I bemoan the fact that for the time you to decide to spend on Armagetronad, so much is you complaining. But that's complaining on my part, so I won't spend any more time on it.
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