New Gametype Idea

What do you want to see in Armagetron soon? Any new feature ideas? Let's ponder these ground breaking ideas...
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Post by Zero V2 »

Holy Kitchen 8! I come back, and already you guys are developing this?! Wow! That's great!

I have an idea to make it better with scoring. Have it so that everyone starts with, say, 60 points. The point degration will go down one, every second. When you reach 0 points, you're out of the round, and then another player is selected at random to be it.

Then, make it so that everyone not it will gain 1 point every two seconds. This is so that it's easy for people who were it for a while to get points. Also, when a person tags another, make it so that person will get bonus points for tagging.

One more thing. There can be two variants: one with finite rubber, and one without. Make it so that in the finite rubber setting, players get more points for core-dumping. In the infinite setting, have it so that people can't get core dumped, this way it focuses more on tagging and running away.

Also, when you get the chance, try making the shield gametype.
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Tank Program
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Post by Tank Program »

Zero V2 wrote:Holy Kitchen 8! I come back, and already you guys are developing this?! Wow! That's great!

I have an idea to make it better with scoring. Have it so that everyone starts with, say, 60 points. The point degration will go down one, every second. When you reach 0 points, you're out of the round, and then another player is selected at random to be it.

Then, make it so that everyone not it will gain 1 point every two seconds. This is so that it's easy for people who were it for a while to get points. Also, when a person tags another, make it so that person will get bonus points for tagging.

One more thing. There can be two variants: one with finite rubber, and one without. Make it so that in the finite rubber setting, players get more points for core-dumping. In the infinite setting, have it so that people can't get core dumped, this way it focuses more on tagging and running away.

Also, when you get the chance, try making the shield gametype.
It's very rare that something like this gets developed so quickly. I really didn't want to study math.

I have to ask if you've tried the scoring that's currently implemented it. I've been changing it around quite frequently, and I think it's pretty good now. Doing things like counting down and switching people in and out of the round are... complicated.

I'm pretty sure infinite rubber is a bad idea, for very many reasons. I also didn't really understand the shield thing, but this one is OK.
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Post by Zero V2 »

Tank Program wrote:
Zero V2 wrote:Holy Kitchen 8! I come back, and already you guys are developing this?! Wow! That's great!

I have an idea to make it better with scoring. Have it so that everyone starts with, say, 60 points. The point degration will go down one, every second. When you reach 0 points, you're out of the round, and then another player is selected at random to be it.

Then, make it so that everyone not it will gain 1 point every two seconds. This is so that it's easy for people who were it for a while to get points. Also, when a person tags another, make it so that person will get bonus points for tagging.

One more thing. There can be two variants: one with finite rubber, and one without. Make it so that in the finite rubber setting, players get more points for core-dumping. In the infinite setting, have it so that people can't get core dumped, this way it focuses more on tagging and running away.

Also, when you get the chance, try making the shield gametype.
It's very rare that something like this gets developed so quickly. I really didn't want to study math.

I have to ask if you've tried the scoring that's currently implemented it. I've been changing it around quite frequently, and I think it's pretty good now. Doing things like counting down and switching people in and out of the round are... complicated.

I'm pretty sure infinite rubber is a bad idea, for very many reasons. I also didn't really understand the shield thing, but this one is OK.
Yes, I have tried it out. There's a flaw with the scoring with the current settings you have. First off, the scoring, and the gametype in general doesn't work with only two or three players. I've tried it with someone, and it's not very fun chasing after one or two people. Try my scoring, if you get the chance. If you can't count down, then at least give people more of a fighting chance, especially if there's only two or three people in a match.

Next thing is that there is a bug. If the current person who's it leaves the game, the deathzone stays in one place until somebody touches it.

And the idea of Shields is that you want to get others by charging up your shield (deathzone) and running into them with it. The key idea is maneuvering and keeping up with other players, or using teams to take out other players.

So, try to impliment that random "it" selector. It would fix the leaving bug. Also, try to make the scoring a little more fair, so that in a game of two or three people, the "it" guy has more of a chance.

Also, some credit for the idea would be nice. It's annoying when people look at you like your crazy, when you say that "this gametype was my idea."
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Post by wrtlprnft »

One idea to solve the two or three players problem would be to make it more sumo-like: have an inversed deathzone (ie one that kills you on leave) that starts big and slowly shrinks. As soon as the not-flag has passed from one player to another reset the zone size :-)
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Post by Tank Program »

Oh, I don't know. I don't think it's so bad with two or three people. I was just playing some and it was going along OK. Playing with the AI is even more boring really, but I don't think anything can be done about that. I'm not sure about giving people "more of a fighting chance." I increased the acceleration a bit and I think that's helped, if that's what you meant.

About that bug, well, I'll have to at least see it once in game myself to get the feeling of it and see if I can fix it. I'm not sure how implementing a random selector will fix it. It's a matter of noticing there's no one attached to it more than anything else.

As for shields. I'm sorry to say that to me, that one just doesn't sound fun at all, so it's not going to be me writing it.

You also mention credit. As I said in game, this is it. The only place that refers to this outside of the server is here. To be honest, asking for it like this rankles me a bit. I am not here to serve you. You had an idea I thought was interesting at a time when I was bored (aka avoiding studying), so I ran with it. At the moment I very much feel that this is my game type. It has not been a collaboration. I feel far more indebted to wrtlprnft, z-man, and luke for various bits of coding advice and help for getting this to work. (Thanks guys! Did I leave anyone out?)

The problem as I see it is that you had your vision of how the game would work, including the fine details, but only wrote about a broad scope. Or maybe I only took in the broad scope, and I built my own game mechanics. It feels like you're trying to get me to ditch my mechanics and use yours. There's nothing that makes you an authority on how it should work. Sorry if this is a bit harsh, but when you asked about credit before... I was really surprised.

Wrtl: an interesting idea, but I have no idea how that'd work. I suppose first I'd have to start by actually playing sumo once...
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Post by Zero V2 »

Ah. Sorry if it came out that way. Although, you can't interpret voice tone over text. =P

In fact, I'm sorry for all of that. It was probably me.
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