Please Ban this Camper!

Tigers Network and other servers hosted by the same fellow.

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Post by Guigs »

Whether or not he wins have no incidence on this 'game' of his. If he loses too much, he just braggs about how good he is in Shrunkland and repeatedly challenges us all (chickens) to follow him there (with absurd proposals like "Beat me in Shrunkland and I'll never come back on Speed Blast"). That's probably how Pixel ended there against him already very pissed off...

I actually have no doubt Oscilloscope is good in Shrunkland, I just wish you he would stay there, instead of playing on Speed Blast where he is just an average player and a major annoyance.
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Post by spirit »

Hehhehe I had lots of fun reading this thread really.
The problem is: everyone is speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeding up like hell forgetting about tactics and this is what makes armagetron so interesting. I don´t say that I think it´s OK what oscilloscope does(if he really does it) but a good idea to beat him would be : slowing down, boxing him in and wait a lil till he has no time to move any more. Well I´m playing this for 2 years now and I have to admit that you get that idea of what people do when you play,play,play and play again. Most things get predictable then.


I doubt it´s a good idea that noobs come in here and post that blablabla is so bad, ban him or I´ll tell my mom and other stuff and accusing a long time player of beeing an ass.
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Post by Tank Program »

Well, actually Vertigo, and everyone else for that matter, after reading the log file, (one massive 420MB file,) it seems like you've been unduly provocative Osc, taunting other players a bit. But, pixel, you can't have a four line insta chat like that either, because that's ungodly annoying and fills up a lot of consoles.

The real quesiton here is Osc, why do you like taunting people there so much? Calling speed weak is like me calling fortress weak. It's a different style of gameplay is all. I mean honestly I get bored at the slow speeds some time just like I do playing on a team by myself or going fast. Different type of play is all.

There's no reason not to start debates in the public forum. Just let's not degrade into a flame war about game play style. It's a different style, you may not like it, get over it and move on.

And Osc...
server log file wrote:Come Get Me: nothing will happen
<bla bla>
Come Get Me: Tank and I are homies
<more bla bla>
Come Get Me: nothing will happen
Just because you're a member here doesn't mean that you escape the rules. Which, admitedly, aren't really written down. That's because I trust players to be at least a bit mature... Well yeah. Anyway. The point is, if I wanted people to go fast in speed blast all the time you'd go fast all the time. Going slow is a viable strategy, but if you're doing it too much... Don't. Don't make it so that the entire server of people pisses you off or you piss them off and force them to leave, because you're screwing with my services then.
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Post by Phytotron »

I argue with myself about whether I should dignify this inanity with any further response, but I have this thing about honesty and feel compelled to set some things straight, though probably somewhat against my better judgement.

First, Lucifer, please do quote an exact post that contains the kind of rant you implied of me. Be direct, as you Texans often claim to be, rather than this passive-aggressive beating around the bush bullshit, taking out whatever personal beef you seem to have developed with me in any topic that has anything to do with me. "Don't care enough about it." Then why the hell have you posted at all—twice?

For the rest of you—that is, those of you participating in this topic even though it has nothing to do with you:

As I originally stated, this little "conflict" wasn't instigated by me. Pixel, Guigs, and others made the first move. Guigs has come here and is putting on the same disingenuous act that he (I don't know his or her gender, but for these purposes I will assume male) is putting on here. Quite contrary to this act of being polite and civil, Guigs, in concert with others, began the trash talk. As I stated earlier, I tried to explain my position on "camping" quite directly and without superfluous comment or insult.

I'll digress here for a moment. Similar to Lack's observation, my rare reason for playing Speed Blast is three fold. Firstly, boredom, and no one being in one of the two or three remaining servers I consider decent. Secondly, I kinda dig the settings (aside from the turbo). Thirdly, I enjoy testing how successful I can be against high-speed players without employing the tactics of speeding myself. The same is true when I play in Swampland, or wherever, as many players can vouch. With very few banal exceptions, no one, especially more experienced players, complains or gives me crap about it. They get it. They also get it when I or others "maze" or do other such things that may not be considered directly part of the game, in that it's something other than doing nothing other than speeding around, aggressively hunting down others for points. In general, they don't cry and throw vitriolic fits about how I'm "camping" or "hiding," or how I'm deliberately trying to annoy people, because they know I'm not doing any of those things.

At any rate, pixel, Guigs and company didn't get this. I think this is evident from Guigs' post. By their own admission, or at least Guigs', they're fairly new to the game. I have no problem with that, and I make a point not to pick on "noobs" simply by virtue of them being novices. However, when the lot of them begin berating me, insulting me, calling me a noob, a baby, a virgin, a gay homo pussy princess, a 12 year old, and making declarative, mock-authoritative statements about how the game is "supposed" to be played and how my description of what I was doing was wrong, well yeah, I responded. Sure, I told them that if they were good enough then my going slow shouldn't bother them. They should be able to come get me. Grow up, shut up, and play the damn game. But they didn't. They sped around, got pissed, crashed themselves, got more pissed, went off on me some more, and then pixel went on this mission to get me banned. They had no problem instigating this, dishing out their own trash talk, but when I responded they couldn't deal with it.

And yadda yadda. Um, what else is there? Oh, the thing about me "bragging" about Shrunkland. Yes, when the lot of them a) bitched and moaned about my very presence there (since I wouldn't use turbo) and so wanted me gone, and b) claimed they were superior players and I was crap, I made a deal with pixel. I offered him a game in Shrunkland (admittedly "home turf"). If he could beat me, I'd stay out of Speed Blast any time I ever saw any of them in there. (I also made this deal to Quigs and others, but they turned me down.) So, finally he agreed, and with little effort I beat him 10-3 (1 point from my chatbot, and a second from after I got him at the end of the round—the age-old "pity point," heh). Then he went back to Speed Blast and continued to cuss and spit and spam the console in all-caps ravings about me. It was hours later, Quigs, that pixel, still apparently carrying an infintile grudge, came into Shrunkland under an assumed name ("Legit") and continued to act like the foul little monster he is. This is when Doc was there. The only reason I brought it up was that it goes to his character, as attorneys say.

And no, Dylan wasn't there. He's just being his typical snerty self. Shoo, Dylan.

So, in so many long-winded words, whatever. To sum up, and to repeat myself, it's petty and inconsequential. My guess is that if either of these players, and their cohorts, would actually venture out of Speed Blast or very similar servers, then in time they would look back at this idiocy and agree.

Anything else, or can we bury this horse?
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Post by Phytotron »

(My previous post was being written while Tank wrote his.)

Some of my "provocation" has been explained in my two posts here. That is, provocation implies instigation, and I didn't instigate this. But, I did admittedly carry it on longer and to an unnecessary degree. Like I said to them, though, don't get mad when you start up something with someone and they respond.

Heh, the "homies" thing was a joke, Tank. Look at the context and you'll see that they didn't even know who you are, but pixel was acting like he was going to talk to you right at that moment (by phone, I guess he wanted me to believe). I was just making that point.

But again, whatever. Like I said, my presence in Speed Blast is a very rare thing. This whole thing is a non-issue that has been blown WAY out of proportion by an angry little kid.
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Post by Lucifer »

Oscilloscope wrote: First, Lucifer, please do quote an exact post that contains the kind of rant you implied of me. Be direct, as you Texans often claim to be, rather than this passive-aggressive beating around the bush bullshit, taking out whatever personal beef you seem to have developed with me in any topic that has anything to do with me. "Don't care enough about it." Then why the hell have you posted at all—twice?
Why should I bother? I already know because the forums here are littered with such posts that you wouldn't pay me or anyone else here the same respect. You can't expect it out of anybody else here, at this point. So tough shit, I'm not wasting my time on it.

As to why I've posted at all? This "personal beef" you mention isn't anything new, I've always known you were an elitist book-learned bastard with no sense of actual reality. That means it was inevitable our paths would cross like this. I guess your book-learning didn't tell you about this. Not my problem, either.

Be the devil's own, Lucifer's my name.
- Iron Maiden
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Post by Tank Program »

Ok Osc. That's a bit better of an explanation. No action this time, but next time something's going down someone grab me and I'll take a look. At this point all I can advise is stop talking to each other in game and ignore each other. Osc, sounds like you can keep doing what you're doing just don't go around in circles too much. Pixel & Guigs, if it ticks you off so much, again, ignore him. Don't go after him as it seems not be a strength of yours and it appears to only tick you off more. Osc & Lucifer, not here.
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Post by Guigs »

I'm not going to argue with Oscilloscope about who started what. This would be completely childish and pointless. Let me just say that contrary to Oscilloscope claim, I never use trash talk, either here or on the servers.

Anyway, thanks for looking into this and setting the record straight, Tank Program. As far as I'm concerned I'll follow your recommendations.

I was actually wondering, is there any possibility for a player to filter his chat window? A command to filter out the chatting from a specific player would prove useful under this type of circumstances.


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Post by Lackadaisical »

Press esc -> Player Police -> Silence Menu
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Post by Phytotron »

Not to belabor this, but just to make sure we're all clear here on what has been going on. Just a moment ago a couple other players and I were in Shrunkland. Pixel entered and tried to start something. The Admin gave him a warning and he left voluntarily. Shortly thereafter, another player entered. It doesn't take long before he begins complaining about the rubber. And then another comment. You see I made the mistake of assuming it to be pixel. Nope, it was the other one (pardon the french):
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Post by Guigs »

I never set foot on Shrunkland. It has to be an impostor. I don't understand why someone would go there, pretend to be "Guigs", and harrass people but I find it really annoying.

I hope the admins can track down the one who did this and ban him. Tank Program, is there anything that can be done?
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Post by spirit »

Oh well.
Perhaps this may help: "schwuli" is a german synonym for a gay man.
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Post by Tank Program »

I can't really do stuff outside of to the servers I host personally- Tigers Network. On shrunkland it's up to them.
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Post by Guigs »

I understand. No problem.

Well, Oscilloscope, feel free to ban from Shrunkland the ip address appearing on your second screenshot ( This ip indeed comes from Germany (see for instance), and it's definitely not mine.


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Post by DrJoeTr0n »

that site is completely useless for me. I put my ip in and it guessed Waco Texas. Its off by 6 states for me