Which game modes have you always dreamed of ?

General Stuff about Armagetron, That doesn't belong anywhere else...
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Post by Tank Program »

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Post by philippeqc »


Lucifer, how dare you?O I dont mind the implication of concentuous homosexual relation of dubious nature, but to accuse me of reading spam! Tsk.

To finish the spam side note: I use spamgourmet.com. It REALLY does take only 30 to set up. It REALLY work to keep your new account clean for ever. But it cant do much if you already receive some. I've been spam *free* for the last 2 years, possibly more.

And now back to our game mode discussion!

Canis meus id comedit.
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Post by philippeqc »

other crazy ideas:

- automatic turning range.
When someone does a usula turn, it is possible to follow that person without adjustements. If you are within a safe distance, the game turn you around the center noted by a "+". Nice little quarter of a circle kind of turns (see the fine ascii art). If you are outside of the center, then regular game physics applies. (see how player 4 was unlucky). This behavior might be limited to players of the same team.

Code: Select all

 1  2  3      4
 v  v  v      v
 |  |  |      |
 |  |  |      |
 |  |  |      |
 |  |  |   center point
 |   \ |   +  |
 |    \ \     | Splat!
 |     \  ----#-------- > third player
 |      ---------------------- > second player
 ----------------------------------- > first player
King Minos of Crete wanted a cage for his shamefull son, the Minotaur. Daedalus build an enourmous maze, the Labyrinth. The Minotaur was locked at its center, and young men and woman were casted in the Labyrinth to wander until devoured by the Minotaur. A young man named Theseus, with a ball of string and a smuggled sword managed to find its way to the center of the Labyrinth and killed the Minotaur.

- Minotaur 1
Script driven. A death zone wanders in the maze a-la pac-man ghosts. It doesnt spill through walls , ie: occupies the center of a corridor and extends exactly to each walls.

- Minotaur 2
Script driven. A player is designated as the Minotaur. He start at the center of the maze. This player cannot win the maze. This player has a death zone over himself, in the same fashion as the one described before (ie: even if the Minotaur grinds a wall, the death zone is centered in the middle of the corridor). Players have to dodge him while trying to solve the maze.

-Minotaur 3
Script driven. Same as 2, but one player is secretly designated at Theseus, ie: a message in the form of "You are Theseus" appears on the designated player's screen. If Theseus hits the Minotaur's death zone, it kills it instantly, winning the round/match. Theseus ability to win the game by activating the winzone is indetermined

Variations on the size of the Minotaur's zone, its ability to bleed throught walls, its centering in the middle of a corridor, and the distance that Theseus need to approach it to kill the Minotaur are many.

Canis meus id comedit.
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Post by Lucifer »

We can get a minotaur variation, now that I think about it. Make a Fortress zone in the center and put a spawn point in the middle of it. Use team settings. It's not quite a minotaur because the teams will still balance. It's more like a mix of minotaur/king of the hill. Or king of the hill in a maze. ;)

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Post by Invader »

My dream would be SnowFort. where players arg ina snowy environment and can build forts up and throw snow balls. 2 players would have to make a line or box w/e and as they are doing that a 3rd player goes int he middle and pushes snow up by driving ot build a wall.
^ ^
|^ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
and players can be elimate sbyt an X amout of snow balls hititng them or a core dump outside the forts. :)
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Post by gnorty »

I would like to see configurable bikes, maybe choose less speed in return for more rubber, or less rubber and speed for more brakes.

It wouldn't have to be too drastic, just enough to tweak things to your individual style and also give newbs a chance to survive a bit longer, even if they have less chance of a kill.


A cool game mode I once played was on Quake2, a mod called catch the chicken. basically, one person is "it" and everyone tries to kill them. when a person kills them they become "it". points are awarded for the time you spend as "it", ie 1 point every 10 seconds or so.

Also the people who aren't it were invinvcible. dunno if that could work on arma, but certainly an increased rubber setting or more speed would give a significant advantage.
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Post by Jonathan »

gnorty wrote:maybe choose less speed in return for more rubber, or less rubber and speed for more brakes.
Have you ever heard of balancing? :o
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Post by Tank Program »

You could turn Armagetron into a pretty rockin single player game that way...
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Post by Walking Tree »

tournament sounds cool... and it 'only' needs scripting and respawning; the script determines who can play, puts them only one isolated pasrt of the map and the rest goes into or stays in the "chill out" area...

another crazy idea based on a kid game: german: Versteinern ; english: something like "turning to stone".
anyway: everyone plays as normal, but when someone hits a wall, he freezes or possibly loses a life, freezing when at 0 lives.. the owner of the killing wall, if frozen, unfreezes, or possibly gets a new life.
on the grid as ~free::zombie~
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Post by Tank Program »

Walking Tree, I think you're referencing freeze tag, which would be an interesting idea if it's what I think it is...
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Post by Walking Tree »

the name sounds fitting... in real life, kids are (here) usually unfrozen by someone else crawling under their legs, but that isn't easily done with cycles...
on the grid as ~free::zombie~
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Post by KamP »

oh snap
we should have TV Tag
you get frozen, and then say a tv show to get out of it!
no really, the tag idea is good the way scope said it, with people dumping the It person. I also liked the idea of King of the Hill with one moving zone that you have to stay in the center for it to work out.
Seems like you'd have to fight pretty hard in close quarters to keep the center to yourself, and unlike a hill that stays in one place, you'd have to move with the zone and fight at the same time.
the race seemed like a good idea, but... either no one would get anywhere, the middle person would get royally screwed, or the people on the sides will get a free ride

i just want fights in an open grid :)
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Post by Phytotron »

To clarify, in the King of the Hill I described, the Hill (zone) would only change location once it has been conquered (held for a predetermined amount of time). It wouldn't move around the arena as Kamp described, but rather would be static.

All that said, and my ideas about tag and stuff, I think most folks know I still prefer standard, open, square arena battling anyway. I know I'm not a big fan of the new fortress mode. It's just kinda repetative and tedious to me. But of course, that's just me.

I do still have those idears about the single-player game, though. Gotta remind myself to post that sometime.
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Post by KamP »

Oscilloscope wrote:To clarify, in the King of the Hill I described, the Hill (zone) would only change location once it has been conquered (held for a predetermined amount of time). It wouldn't move around the arena as Kamp described, but rather would be static.
Ah, guess i mixed it a bit with phillipe's minotaur idea of the zone that would move around and be a killzone

on the other hand, RESPECT THE U
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Post by Phytotron »

Yeah, VA Tech just didn't show up. Pretty lame. It was supposed to be a good game, regardless of which team one might favor. It just wasn't. Oh well. [/OT]
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