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Post by Lucifer »

Anyone here using Windows that has Python 2.4 or so installed willing to build a generic py2exe'd program with pygame?

What I'm looking for is a zip file that contains the py2exe'd program that I can periodically update the custom modules in it and release a new version without having to have Windows and all that other jazz installed (since I still haven't found my win2k discs or managed to get winXP unlocked in the vmware session it's in).

So, a generic starter script to give py2exe so it can create the executable, something that imports a specific module that I have to write that contains a function (such as "main") that starts my program. And the package needs pygame in it.

Anybody here willing to do something like that?

Be the devil's own, Lucifer's my name.
- Iron Maiden
Walking Tree
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Post by Walking Tree »

maybe you should post a script and detailed instroctions for stupid windows
users. I don't have windoze either...
on the grid as ~free::zombie~
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Post by Lucifer »

Walking Tree wrote:maybe you should post a script and detailed instroctions for stupid windows
users. I don't have windoze either...
I've done that, I guess. You mean post the stuff needed to build the py2exe distribution? I haven't done that, mostly because what I'm asking for doesn't need all of that and would be better built and tested without it.

Of course, this all becomes moot if my Win2k disc materializes and I can finally install it in a vmware session. I might dig up my winxp disc and reinstall it for another 30 days if I want to have a windows release that badly, in which case I'll build this package I've asked for first, so I can maintain the windows release under Linux.

See, NSIS runs in Wine. For that matter, so does innosetup. The resulting setup files also run under Wine. So I can build and test the installers no problem, I just need a certain amount of additional files to be able to build the installers.

Be the devil's own, Lucifer's my name.
- Iron Maiden
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