Something to know is that it is 2023 and Armagetron is still played every day. We have pickup 6v6 Fortress and Sumo quite often, and Yellow Sub has its traffic as well. If you feel now like you're missing out you can join us at

If you're just here to relive some of your days on the grid, some of us have made some content for you. I recently compiled some highlights into this video: ... roductions
The rest of my youtube channel can be found here.
Syllabear streamed and commentated some major tournaments.
Ampz has made some compilations.
Nanu has a youtube channel with some compilations on it.
Noodles also has made a video.
You might recognize some familiar names in these videos; a good chunk of players have made some kind of return since the initial COVID-19 lockdowns, and quite a few have actually stuck around. Hope this post serves you with any dose of this game you might be looking for.