Broken links, broken website

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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Z-Man »

Lucifer wrote:So, basically, this is a bull I can just grab by the horns? :)
Lucifer wrote:Since the official sources are on launchpad, how generous can we be handing out access to sourceforge svn repos? That would get us multi-user access pretty easily.
Not generous at all, if you ask me. We still need it around in case we have to do another 0.2.8 build, the scripts require svn for versioning. And people might just pull the sources from there even though it's not official, because it doesn't say it's not official. We should keep it as trustworthy as possible. I'd move any web related version control to github/launchpad in its own project. That then gives everybody the right to submit pull requests.

We already have a team on LP: Of course, that's maintained by Tank.
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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Lucifer »

Z-Man wrote:
Lucifer wrote:So, basically, this is a bull I can just grab by the horns? :)
Consider it grabbed. :)
Lucifer wrote:Since the official sources are on launchpad, how generous can we be handing out access to sourceforge svn repos? That would get us multi-user access pretty easily.
Not generous at all, if you ask me. We still need it around in case we have to do another 0.2.8 build, the scripts require svn for versioning. And people might just pull the sources from there even though it's not official, because it doesn't say it's not official. We should keep it as trustworthy as possible. I'd move any web related version control to github/launchpad in its own project. That then gives everybody the right to submit pull requests.

We already have a team on LP: Of course, that's maintained by Tank.
I looked at the team, and Armagetron Advanced Administrators are administrators for the team, so presumably that means we don't have to wake up Tank for anything yet.

I also grabbed the themes project that that team has, and looked it over. It looks like Lackadaisical was pretty much done, we just needed to implement it. So, here's what I'm going to suggest. First, I'm going to grab the latest mediawiki sources and do a local install and read up on making a theme for it. Then I'll tweak the armaunified theme to work properly. Then I'll update the theme with an additional design round to push it over the finish line. Finally, I'll push it all back to that project. Then, whenever you're ready to do the deed, you can do a pull from there and whatever you need to do to update the wiki. As a stop-gap to get the wiki working immediately, we can just revert to a stock mediawiki theme and not worry about updating the current theme. I think that's the best way to go for now.

I'll "unify" with the main site by doing a ground-up redesign based on that work I just mentioned. There's an example front page in that code repo, and I like it a lot, but it could use some tweaks. If we're going to use a CMS, that'll be when that decision gets made, but I'm still inclined to go with my homegrown stuff because it is so simple, and I'll push it all to launchpad to get our multiple user support. When that's ready, you'll just need to configure a script to do the updating, maybe. You need to see my website management software, there's a shell script that uses ssh to login automatically and build the website. With a bzr hook, it could be made to do so automatically with every push.

Then there are the forums. I'll go ahead and get a phpbb3 install going and use the phpbb3 theme that's in there. Do we need to wake up tank to get access to the forums? I know I don't have a user&password for the forums' webhost. But I'm thinking we go ahead and upgrade to phpbb3 in all of this.

For design, I'm actually going to incorporate elements from the current wiki theme into lack's theme, and otherwise just make it work completely where it currently may not work. I like his lack3 theme a lot. It's very well thought-out and easy on the eyes as it is, and I don't want to screw that up. :)

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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Goose »

I was just having a look at the homepage ( Although the webpage looks very good aesthetically, the link list is not only outdated, it's even dangerous with evil link redirections of meanwhile dead sites. Is there someone who could edit the site?

From what I can see, the only useful links are:
Armagetron Original
Armagetron Original SourceForge Project Site
Armagetron Advanced SourceForge Project Site

Wikipedia page:


Outdated, but may be worth keeping:

Any other links that would be useful?
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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Z-Man »

Thanks, I hadn't realized... I'll be removing the dead links. I'm on vacation with a wobbly laptop on a wobbly table, so I'll do the things that require more typing later.
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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by sinewav »

Z-Man wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:26 pmI'll be removing the dead links.
I saved you some work. This pastebin has some HTML you can drop into the links page. I've replaced dead links with the best recent snapshot from, and commented out anything that was not in the archive. As a Tron historian I think this is a good practice.
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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Z-Man »

Sweet! Thanks a lot.
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Re: Broken links, broken website

Post by Z-Man »

Finally got around to it; the website was also hosted on the old server and updating it there would have been a little more painful (automatic updates were broken, sshing in required special steps), so I waited the switch to a new host out.
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