0.2.8 (beta 3 tagged)

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Post by llaffer2 »

z-man wrote: llaffer2: yes, at http://beta.armagetronad.net/ . The versions carry date stamps externally because they are unorganized snapshots from CVS, but internally, they carry a version.
Thanks. I found them.
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Post by klax »

z-man: thx! Both bugs fixed!
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Post by Z-Man »

Klax: The two errors are fixed (Edit: you're welcome!). I can say with full confidence that this time, they were 100% VisualC's fault :)
Indeed, there is a builtin function max(int,int) that won't let you create an object of the same name.
And the name mangling is really scary: tColoredString is derived from tString, which is derived from tArray<char>. The network messages have overloaded write operators, one templated for arbitrary arrays and one regular for tStrings. Both take const arguments. When ePlayerNetID tries to write its name, which is a tColoredString, to the sync message, VisualC happily chooses the tArray overload. (Which, of course, does something entirely different from the tString overload which is bad design on my part.) This gives me the willies: I'll dream tonight about all the other places where VisualC selects the wrong overload of a function or operator that we have not spotted yet. I propose we think about switching to a more recent compiler for the Windows build after 0.2.8.
Oh, and the fix was to add a separate overload for tColoredString.

Tank: What source base is your client? Would there be a chance for a debug log or recording if this turns out to happen again?
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Post by Tank Program »

It's moderately recent CVS, but not a debug build. Another bug spotted, the kill players command is doing stuff wrong again. When you try to kill a # from the players command you kill entirely the wrong person...
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Post by Luke-Jr »

z-man wrote:About our included maps: When documenting the settings, I noticed that not a single one of our included maps fully follows the guidelines...
Haven't checked the included maps lately, but they shouldn't be anything not in the repository-- which all comply.
The maps not made by Your_mom are not categorized by author.
Author is only one category possible...
Full filepath category specs:

Code: Select all

The maps of Your_mom have an name ending in - (not strictly illegal, but strange, is this on purpose?)
Rather, the versions for mom's maps start with a dot.
philippeqc wrote:Maybe it could you an extra attribute that would indicate where it came from:

Code: Select all

<Location Path="z-man/original/original-1.0.1.xml" URI="zMan.geocity.com/AA/misc/res/MyFavoriteMap.xml"/>
The resource manager could be in charge of updating this field (URI) as it gets a map. Could provide easy tracability. But would it be worth the implementation cost?
I'd suggest using the current filepath specs and simply specify

Code: Select all

Reminder: I am in the middle of moving-- don't insult me for not replying to things (*cough*ph*cough*)
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Post by Z-Man »

Someone was assuming again that se_PlayerNetIDs( i )->Owner() == i. But this can't be: Owner() is the client ID of the client the player is on, and there may be many players with the same Owner(). Fixed it.

About the crash: Sorry, but without more information, my hands are tied.
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Post by Your_mom »

z-man mostly wrote: The maps of Your_mom have an name ending in - (not strictly illegal, but strange, is this on purpose?)...

Oh, and while I'm at it: I noticed that some spawnpoints in repeat.3.1 lie exactly on walls or some gridlines in front of walls, maybe we should change that? (I sent a pm about that to Your_mom)
feel free to rename them if it helps orginization or whatever your doing

that was not on purpose if someone else could change them to fit standards i would appreciate it
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Post by Z-Man »

Luke-Jr wrote:

Code: Select all

Umm, by this spec is rather vague and allows for all kinds of names, for example included/1.0.xml... Is this intentional? On the other hand it does not allow for grouping my maps, z-man/trivial/square-1.0.xml would be illegal.

And the 40gon has no version number. If you want to update it, you have to make it a 41gon :)

Even though our included maps follow this spec roughly, they don't look particularly consistent to me. Remember users don't read the documentation unless they have to. When a mapper wants to decide how to name his map, he'll look at our included maps and follow any pattern he sees in them. And there is none, so he'll assume map names don't matter. Lead by example.
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Post by dlh »

I think this was discussed earlier in this thread:

If a server is serving up a custom map (a map that is not original/map-1.0.1.xml), an older client should not be able to connect. So, BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY needs to be set to 0. It should be also be set to zero when ARENA_AXES is not 4.
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Post by Lucifer »

Code: Select all

[0] Bound socket to
[0] sn_SetNetState: can't setup listening sockets. Reason given:
[0] Permanent network error: Unable to bind to because thatis not an address of the local machine.
[0] sn_SetNetState: can't setup listening sockets. Reason given:
[0] Permanent network error: Unable to bind to because thatis not an address of the local machine.
Running behind a NAT router.

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Post by Lucifer »

Oh yeah, I seem to remember there being an include directive of some sort for the config files. Is there? If not, what does it take to get one?

I'd *really* like to have settings_dedicated.cfg include a few small files that contain core settings server admins are likely to change so they don't have to navigate the mess that is settings_dedicated.cfg whenever they want to change something, and also so when they upgrade they'll get the new settings_dedicated.cfg without colliding with their own settings.

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Post by Z-Man »

Lucifer: Of course there is an include statement already :)

About the router problem: I assume is the public IP of the router on the internet? Have you set up your system so that name lookups for your hostname return that instead of the server's IP on the LAN? In that case, you should just set
in settings_dedicated.cfg.

Your_mom: thanks, I think we'll just replace the version as philippe suggests. What about the spawnpoints?

Nemo: absolutely, yes. I'll ponder about it.
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Post by Lucifer »

Great, now my test server is running with the new map, and you can connect to it, but not showing in the master server.

You can connect to it at:

port 4540

It should show named something like "Breakfast in Hell (test server for" or something like that.

(it's supposed to show in the master server)

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Post by Z-Man »

The server did not make it to the list the master server keeps. Have you set TALK_TO_MASTER to 1? Your old server on 4534 is still listed.
Custom connect isn't working for me either.
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Post by dlh »

z-man: In chat, the format is showing up as follows -> nemostultae: nemostultae my message

I just compiled this version, so the server must be sending me the new version chat message.

Edit: BIH works for me through custom connect. Make sure you have the correct port :wink:
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