Couple of PSAs

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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Phytotron »

Phytotron wrote:Gotta say, I'm a bit surprised at the lack of opportunities taken for "getting to know Uranus" jokes.
Get to know Uranus.jpg
Lucifer wrote:I'm a goofy goober (rock!), you're a goofy goober (rock!)
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Z-Man »

Updates. Good news, great news and not so good news.

Great news: Z-Girl's health is super fine. Her lungs are spotless, and she is taking her medicine well. In what she can do physically, she is catching up with what kids her age are supposed to be able to. The only niggle is that she is still not growing as fast as she should be, but we are working on that.

Good news: Her sleeping patterns are finally starting to change. So far it has been:
Get up at 8 AM
Have a two hour nap in the afternoon
Get to bed between midnight and 2 AM
Which was... exhausting. But also great in a way, how many working dads get to spend 6-8 hours on weekdays with their small kid? Not many, I would assume.
Now, for the past three weeks, she has been rather consistently skipping the afternoon nap, which naturally shifted her bedtime forward to around 9 PM. FREE TIME! Naturally, it has been invested into catching up with Game of Thrones and videogames and other things so far. But it's only a question of time before I get bored with that and need to do something productive.

The bad news: She issued the hypothesis that the moon is glued to the clouds. I have failed :(
I did manage to point out to her that that can't be because sometimes, there are no clouds. She revised her hypothesis. Now the moon is glued to the sky. At least she understands the scientific process.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Word »

Well, she doesn't believe that the sky is glued to the moon, thereby advocating a lunacentric cosmos - isn't that good too?
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Jonathan »

Moon? Isn't our system a double planet by several definitions?
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by sinewav »

Well, the moon kinda is glued to the sky. By gravity. It really can't go anywhere else without something knocking it out of place. Also, "glued to the clouds" is one of the most adorable things I've ever heard. That will be stolen and used in lyrics to a song I write some day soon.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Z-Man »

She made it pretty clear she meant it like a sticker glued to a piece of paper or a wall. All flat. She is applying what she learned in real life. Maybe I should drop an apple on her head?
We'll have nice partial solar eclipse in a year and three days here in Europe. That would peel the moon right off. So let's see whether it falls down then.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Phytotron »

Good newses.

Plus nine.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by delinquent »

I'm just waiting for all of this. Last trimester is excruciatingly slow going.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by /dev/null »

If the moon is glued to the clouds, ask her why the moon doesnt move as fast as the clouds do. Or better yet, tell her about the sweet Michael Bay that happened when something half the size of our planet liquified the thing and made our moon.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Z-Man »

Since an update on my general status was requested, I thought I'd write it here because I've been meaning to do so anyway:
We were on vacation for three weeks with unexpectedly bad internet connection and not much time to check around here anyway. I had only announced it on the private dev forums because I did not want to give the trolls a clue.

Z-Girl is quite fine. Her body has now caught up with other kids of her age, her height is pretty much at the median, only the weight is trailing behind slightly, her lung capacity is far above average (all for healthy kids). She is climbing and running and swinging and sliding and throwing and catching and kicking like she ought to.

She learned to ride the bicycle around her fourth birthday. She robbed me of that classic parenting moment where you push and hold them and the kid goes "Don't let me go! Don't let me go!" and you let them go anyway and they only notice after riding for a bit. When we were doing the pushing thing, she always demanded to be let go and when I did, rode a little while, then stopped. And the day when she rode for a longer time without interruption for the first time, she simply mounted the thing and rode off all by herself. Bah.

Solar eclipse was a total letdown :( Cloudy and misty all the way through. I did get her to guess the 3yo interpretation of the event later with pictures, though ("The Sun is hiding behind the Moon!"). She no longer thinks the Moon is attached to anything anyway, dunno why.
She quite liked the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter about two weeks ago. Viewing conditions were excellent from Portugal. While they were getting closer, we pretended they might collide :) I... must admit I did not know about the conjunction in advance. I just noticed it randomly when getting out of a shopping mall while the Moon was also close to the pair.

The only significant setback we had was the beginning of a (for her) dangerous bacterial infection that had to be squished with a two week stay at the hospital and antibiotic infusions. Treatment was successful, but it can happen again arbitrarily. Those particular bugs, pseudomonas aeruginosa, are practically everywhere.

And with her increased body strength, somehow her interest in learning to read has dropped significantly. We're still on it and of course she can write her own name now and recognize a couple of whole words, but progress is slow. Can't say I'm too unhappy.

Oh yeah, another bit of good news is that her sleeping patterns have indeed stabilized and she only rarely wakes us up during the night. The bad news is that her bedtime is hovering around 11 PM even without afternoon naps. And she has to get up at 7 AM to make it to the Kindergarten on time (OF COURSE she's sleepy and grumpy then), and we have to get up an hour or so before that so we can get her through her routine without stress. So, sorry, we're still in the negative free time zone on most days.

I still have the same job. It's fine. Mostly interesting, sometimes challenging in interesting ways, sometimes in horrible ways, occasionally boring as heck. I can use C++11 there now which is quite nice (auto! override keyword! move semantics! proper smart pointers in std!) And we have new octa-core PCs with 1.75 TByte SSD storage. Practically no annoying downtimes with those when working with our standalone application, which is what I do most of the time.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by sinewav »

:o Can't believe she's 4 already.
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Re: Couple of PSAs

Post by Word »

Yeah, that sounds promising though. When my sister was at that age she was already glibber than the rest of my family. :-)
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Post by Monkey »

I have only just read this thread for the first time. It's always interesting to hear people's updates and I'm glad that your daughter is doing well Z-Man.
Playing since December 2006
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