Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

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Re: Tutorials!

Post by Phytotron »

Jonathan wrote:Something I've noticed about Apple stuff is that it feels robust in a sense. I don't mean that in the sense of never crashing (I wish I could say that).
I don't think I've ever had the OS crash on me. Certain programs, yes.
sinewav wrote:
Phytotron wrote:No command-line necessary, ever, for an average user? I mean, even this "compiling from source" stuff. I don't wanna do it. Plug and play? Internet setup?
Pretty much. But that's also a reason NOT to switch. If Linux is just as good as a Mac, then just use the Mac, right? If you can afford it and don't mind proprietary systems, why not?
Heh, we can't afford a Mac. I got this eMac used for $150 a couple years ago. Prior to that I had an 800MHz iMac G3 for like 7 years (that I did get new, but I got a special discount) up until the tube died. Its hard drive is now my external drive, thanks to Louisville Geek. My wife's laptop is used, too.

And yeah, I generally don't approve of Apple's corporate practices. (But I don't like Intel's or Dell's or the hardware manufactures' practices, either, and I'd have to use that, so....) So, Linux is appealing in that sense, plus, yes, money free, too.

Well, I reckon I'll look into it some time.
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Re: Tutorials!

Post by syllabear »

Phytotron wrote:And here's another question: Is there any computer hardware that isn't made by slave labor in China?
My battery is made in Japan :/

And its not slave labour, just slave labour conditions!

@Sine I take it you didn't want to just download Mac OS (perhaps not toally legally) and boot it on your PC?

And isn't there a laptop/notebook version of Win7 that could run on a slightly older, less powerful machine?

And here's another picture yay

The Halley's comet of Armagetron.
ps I'm not tokoyami
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by Z-Man »

If you're happy with your current system, there is little reason to switch. All the important freeware programs nowadays are cross platform anyway. The only real thing you're missing out on are consistent updates of ALL your programs, not Windows Update here, Adobe Acrobat Updater there, Java Updater another day (which then fails to update because it can't cope with your restricted account). And even that can be taken over by third party solutions, at least for the programs that need security updates.

About the command line, no, you don't need it when you do stuff on your own. But you do need to be prepared to open it up and enter a few lines if you follow support instructions; that's because it's easier to say "take these lines and paste them into the console, paste the output back here if there are errors" than "Are you on Gnome/KDE/Unity? Ok, then click here, open that program, go to menu A/B, enter X at field Y, and off you go!" and also easier to follow once you get a bit used to it.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by sinewav »

I want to add to Z-Man's post above. Almost everytime I've needed to open the command prompt thingy it's been to simply paste a line of code from a website. So far the support for Linux has been good to me (except getting my old, old printer to run with it's outdated firmware). I can usually find a forum with someone describing my problem and a response that goes something like "ok, open your terminal and type this: "sudo something option yadda yadda..." Bingo, problem solved in most cases.

When I first considered moving to Linux I had the bright idea of easing my way into it. I started using Open Source software builds on my Windows machine for almost 2 years before the switch. This way I would have some degree of familiarity with the environment. I could use software I already knew and could focus more on learning the OS. If I had not done that, I think the switch would have been much more stressful for me.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by Phytotron »

All that makes sense to me. And actually, as you're aware, OSX has a terminal as well. There have been times when I've had some reason to paste a command line in there, but even that I'm a little weary of since I don't understand the content of it (ignorance -> fear!). Anyway, like I said, I'll likely look into it someday. It'll probably be once this computer dies, or becomes too obsolete, though.

To syllabear's picture, that looks about right to me. Heh, I tend think of each OS in all of those ways, actually (except the "Mac is a children's toy" one). Although, what's the upper-left image supposed to represent? I wouldn't think people think Linux is something antiquated. I do think there is, or has been, an impression (held by myself, included) that it's something very utilitarian. Maybe that's what it's supposed to be it.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by milan »

Unlike sine I dived into linux, with no previous knowledge. That experience was quite exciting for me. Just the fact that everything is reachable, and that i could change anything on my system was great. No one is hiding anything from you, nothing is locked, and nothing is pushed into your face. There are many ways you can do one thing. You can reason your way around problems, because the system isn't burdened with locking you out. I guess the trust is the main reason why I love linux so much. But as time passed i found more and more stuff i can't imagine not using now, and are exclusive to linux.
Just remember, there is no single company behind it. In most cases its written by users for users, and packed in many shapes and forms, you just have to find your flavor.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by syllabear »

Phytotron wrote:To syllabear's picture, that looks about right to me. Heh, I tend think of each OS in all of those ways, actually (except the "Mac is a children's toy" one). Although, what's the upper-left image supposed to represent? I wouldn't think people think Linux is something antiquated. I do think there is, or has been, an impression (held by myself, included) that it's something very utilitarian. Maybe that's what it's supposed to be it.
I think its taken from the stereotype of a mac user being a hipster only using it to browse the internet in a coffee shop (which to be fair, is quite accurate of some of the younger, or rather, my own generation of mac users) who are not really into anything more technologically complicated than setting up an email account for their facebook. Illustrated by the next picture (which was made by a windows user obviously, so the next one I post will be from a mac point of view) :

The Halley's comet of Armagetron.
ps I'm not tokoyami
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by sinewav »

I'm going to say that pic is totally inappropriate due to the gay slur. Please remove it. And it's just anti-MAC, lumping Windows and Linux in the same category, which I believe isn't fair either.

inb4 shitstorm.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by Luke-Jr »

More like Mac user slur. Homosexuality is evil.
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Re: Linux! (Split from Tutorials!)

Post by epsy »

What the ****? Locked.