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Post by Rain »

i think players change their ponit of view to easily about holing depending on experiences they have. for example: a player that always agreed with holes lose an important match because of holes, suddenly he became an anti-holes. or another that never liked holes, one day plays a tornament, take a hole, then another, and another, and suddenly relize that using holes will make his/her team win. so that player will not be anti-hole anymore. also there are players who never decided which side they are in, so they think there are good holes and bad ones...
the answer isn't in playing behaviour in my opinion, but in settings. since in original lightcycle game from the movie "tron" holes didn't exist, i guess they have been created for a reason in aa and in specific for fortress game style. the fact is fortress settings can be changed. indeed this is the work im trying to do in Fortress Test Server.
about complains: personally i'm not interested about how a player lost, maybe only for the part that could help me to not make the same mistake. "LAG! SLIDE! LIES! BUG! HOLER!"... i liked when a player answered to a guy complaining about lag, he said "Ok". and the other "what do you mean with Ok?", and him "Ok, Im not really interested about it." (meaning the lag the other met)... heh
well, imho a good player can manage enemy as he/she can manage lag as he/she can manage holes. indeed, who i consider a good player never complained about one of them, or i've never seen it. im not a good player, but at least i shut up.
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Post by Ricochet »

Joe: its "only idiots dont hole" and/or "only idiots miss holes", by subz.

I dont have a problem with being holed as a defender, unless of course its about 6 on 1, as it makes for a challenge to try get fast kills to still win the round.

As an attacker, I feel they are there to be used - they are not in the game for no reasone at all. And of course, surely it is the sweepers job to cover them and prevent attackers taking advantage of what chances they can get?
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Post by Joe »

Would it be possible to make holes bigger for the faster you are going. Since you do have more momentum and realistically if you were going faster you would cuase more carnage when crashing than someone cruising around at a low or normal speed (start speed is like 30, so make it go up from there) So going 30 or lower you get a smaller blast radius and the faster you go into a wall the bigger the hole you leave gets.
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Post by Tank Program »

Joe wrote:Would it be possible to make holes bigger for the faster you are going. Since you do have more momentum and realistically if you were going faster you would cuase more carnage when crashing than someone cruising around at a low or normal speed (start speed is like 30, so make it go up from there) So going 30 or lower you get a smaller blast radius and the faster you go into a wall the bigger the hole you leave gets.
I like this idea and I think it's possible.

Post by ~*PsYkO*~ »

Tank Program wrote:
Joe wrote:Would it be possible to make holes bigger for the faster you are going. Since you do have more momentum and realistically if you were going faster you would cuase more carnage when crashing than someone cruising around at a low or normal speed (start speed is like 30, so make it go up from there) So going 30 or lower you get a smaller blast radius and the faster you go into a wall the bigger the hole you leave gets.
I like this idea and I think it's possible.
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Post by Lucifer »

Er, if it weren't for the holes, the movie would have stopped at the light cycle sequence...

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Post by philippeqc »

Captain James T. Kick said it best: "More power to the warp engines!"

What we need is a blast radius of ~50. This way, the defender WILL notice it, and will not be able to complain about any holes, as there will not be any walls standing anywhere near. Well, there COULD be some very long walls still standing, pierced in their soul, bleeding energy on the grid, but the defender WOULD be in the hole, and technically they WOULD be using the holes them self.


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Post by Lucifer »

Haha. I used to have a free-for-all server that did that. The blast radius was about a quarter of the grid (it was originally big enough to guarantee covering the whole grid, but that caused really huge lag bombs). It was a lot of fun, that's for sure. (Later it was in-cam only, it fell apart during the beta series because I went playing with maps instead)

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Post by ~*PsYkO*~ »

Lucifer wrote:Er, if it weren't for the holes, the movie would have stopped at the light cycle sequence...
Ahh but that was the outer-wall. Who's too say that light cycles are weaker than the outerwalls? Light-sabers are stronger than swords lol
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Post by Rain »

when the last blue bike crash on ram's and tron's walls it creates no hole. that is what i was talking about.

EDIT: since they are energy walls it would be interesting if when a lightcycle is cut it loses the last part of its wall. even if this is not applicable in fortress imo.
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Post by owned »

I've learned to live with holes although I don't like em when I'm def

(and I think it's cheap when it's 4vs 1)

but I think explosions should be made smaller so it isn't as easy to get into a hole.
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Post by Spot »

just go much in and try to close the holes when they near you if you dont its ur problem to kill fast :!:
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Post by DrJoeTr0n »

I can't believe this is still somewhat of a debate. Holes are ******* awesome. To everyone who says "lol i dont lik dem wen im defend" Thats the idea, holes arent there for your benefit. Holes are used to try and conquer the zone. Not much of a fortress if you can't build a wall to protect your base from the other team.

Pretty soon we're probably going to have to ask each other permission to even drive to each others zone. V:roll:V
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Post by Lucifer »

DrJoeTr0n wrote: Pretty soon we're probably going to have to ask each other permission to even drive to each others zone. V:roll:V
Maybe that should be the rule in the AFL playoffs. Can't conquer the zone without asking permission. If you do, it's 10 points against you.

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Post by Spot »

yeah nice idea lucifer :lol:
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