Streaming Gold 2 games in League of Legends

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Re: Streaming Gold 2 games in League of Legends

Post by takburger »

J Dawg wrote: Onto champions and item changes, The idea of a trinket for warding is a great idea. So many supports pour money into wards only to have them destroyed by an enemy :( With this, and the nice add on of more gold generating items, Supports can finally finish a match with a complete item set, and still have enough money for wards.
yeah, nobody ward anymore... :/
J Dawg wrote: Now I do not play vayne, because I am just not good enough to use her well. But seriously, why would they nerf the E? WHY! Having the stun apply on terrain hits is lame, and taking away the extra auto is not good :(
I agree, as a guy who mains adc, Vayne was good because so strong to get kills and really easy to farm under tower. But she always had this late game issue that she can't clear big pushes in a skill shot and go back to teamfights, which makes her fall behind on cs in late game. But the targon thing may make her good again ... But also ... the new masteries may make her less interesting and prefer adc with more spells. About her E nerf, it was op, in few games I maxed it first and it was really strong.

I really don't know whether vayne will still be played, I already saw some streams with 2 ap bot with 2 targons and it was so lame ... It can bring interesting counters to a vayne that is so weak on early play

Ps: the targons make all healer kinda useless so far. Prefer ap with damage bot lane.
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Re: Streaming Gold 2 games in League of Legends

Post by Vogue »

eu whooped na's ass at IEM
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Re: Streaming Gold 2 games in League of Legends

Post by Mecca »

takburger wrote:What do you think about that season changes ?

I hate them, I especially hate the fact that riot was supposed to put the EUW server with a better provider and it is actually worse than ever... Along with the heroes disabled because of bugs... Like wtf they dunno how to code...


This is not DOTA.

Bugs happen.

I know I don't really like the Relic Shield. I think it gives too much health and regeneration. If you want to go for gold farming and sustain, you should be able to make that choice; but you should not be able to win trades with those who go for damage to try and start early fights. Not to mention, Doran's items don't scale, while Relic Shield out-sustains the damage from a Doran's Blade, and it's upgrades are even more efficient.

The Nidalee Javelin Toss nerf wasn't big at all. You still do just as much damage from throwing long range spears before teamfights and when you are trying to snipe off stragglers. It was a change that was necessary, like the Ahri changes. They tuned the ability to be used for what it was supposed to be used for, long range poke.

The duration on Nidalee's traps was way too long.

The Vayne nerfs were just like the Nidalee and Ahri changes. Condemn is used for pinning someone against the wall so you can get bonus damage and stun them, not for a free auto attack. I don't know what they were trying to accomplish by making the damage done by Condemn done at the end of the knock back.

Vayne will still be viable. Her scaling is amazing, and her ability to duel even at lvl 6 is great. Her E still does just as much damage, so maxing it first in a lane with someone like Taric or Leona won't always be a bad idea.

I didn't watch IEM unfortunately. I would have liked to see the games. They were played on the Jinx patch, right?
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Re: Streaming Gold 2 games in League of Legends

Post by Vogue »

pretty sure there are replays on twitch or youtube by now
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