Armaskytron & Armafloortron

What do you want to see in Armagetron soon? Any new feature ideas? Let's ponder these ground breaking ideas...
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Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Fazeuout »

Hey guys I'm very new to Armagetron having only played a little over one month but am already an addict and I had some ideas to make the game better. Btw my name is XD|Faze, and I am leader of the XD clan and own the server Double Speed Fasttrack that I've nearly finished and is up most of the time...

I think the game has lots of potential due to its 3-D aspects to become not just a game with your Cycle on the floor but in the air like in the movies where there are planes. Lots of people find this game because they want to find a free tron game. If you added a sky feature that would please the noobs who just found the game because of tron and they expect it to be different than what it is. I think popularity would gain quickly. Here's how would do this feature.

1st Divide Internet MultiPlayer into 3 sections Armaskytron, Armafloortron & Armamixtron. Armafloortron would be the game we have now and ill explain how Armaskytron would work.


Views, Purposes & How the round would start:

Armaskytron would start on the floor of the grid taking off from the floor in cockpit mode (You could do AMAZING things with a cockpit mode like autotargeting, shooting lazer buttons, spin button that spins the plane etc.) then you could switch to front view or grid view (grid view is where you can stand and look back down at the grid in ArmaMixtron, which ill explain what mixed fortress is later.) You could have a 3 screen TV on cockpit mode so you could watch behind u and to your left and right. Last of all you would have sky view view where you look at the sky in the view of someone looking down on your plane and see around you. I've found views are not important enough in Armagetron currently so this would be an epic way to get them used and add some cool new ones.

Similarity's to current Armagetron or Armafloortron:

1. The plane would have a grid and lines just a 3-D grid of lines.

2. You could have the same modes such as CTF, Sumo, Fort, Dogfight (Dogfight would have shooting) etc. in Armaskytron and Armamixtron it would Just be in the sky and on the floor or in the sky.

3. There would be views

4.There would be a grid and there would be even more similarity's


Mixed fortress:

In mixed fortress two teams would be made. Each team would have 1+ people in the air and 1+ people on the floor. There would be 4 win zones, 2 on the floor & 2 in the sky. Each team would try to beat the other on the ground and in the sky by capturing the win zone. If there are only 2-3 players then AIs would need to play on the sky or ground.

Mixed Sumo, CTF, Dogfight

In Sumo all the same rules are followed except there is Sumo in the ground and sky and the sky sumo circle would be a sphere not circle. CTF 4 flags, capture the enemies 2 flags, Dogfight kill all enemies in the sky and floor.

These would be lots of work but if you kept at it I bet it would eventually get done and I think popularity would skyrocket, server hosts would have more incentive to make better options and the development team would get more members ultimately. Hope I could help :)
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by fizz »

It sounds really cool, if we could build on that. It would make the game a bit confusing but it should be able to work if we got through all the code was put up the right way.

I saw the Movie Tron (the Remake) and the Armaskytron sounds a lot like it was at the end of the movie where the people got in and flew planes.

Its a pretty good idea.

Maybe for Armaskytron you could have more than 1 person in a jet. (one for shooting and one for flying) or something like that.

I like it.

Just some codes to do.

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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by sinewav »

:roll: No.

You just described a completely different game that has nothing to do with Armagetron whatsoever. It wouldn't be an "improved" Armagetron, it wouldn't be Armagetron at all.

This is why the game exists: Tron, the REAL Tron, not that Legacy nonsense.

Also, don't use sock puppets.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Word »

Had an enlightening conversation with them, just to check if he's really using a sock puppet (well, maybe it's just a spiritual one...).

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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Fazeuout »

So I have another idea. I'm hearing "No it needs to be simple and it can't be different like an entirely new game." So here's my idea.

Take out everything I just said from your mind. Here's my idea...

Add an option so server owners can make a multi story grid. For example 2 story fort would be an awesome server. You have 1 team on the top floor and the other team on the bottom floor and there are ramps on all 4 corners and you have to defend the win zone while attacking the other win zone. You could even do Hide and Seek servers where you hide in invisible tunnels and different rooms and kill people off 1 by 1 using stealth. Or with multiple floors/stories you could have find the win zone for example where the win zone is hidden randomly in different rooms and tunnels and stuff and you have to kill everyone in your path and find and get to the win zone quick.

It would all be on the floor, it would require very little work on the graphics and it should be way easier to program than my previous idea, server owners wouldn't have to use it either. It would just be a custom_settings.cfg option.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Word »

What exactly would be the use of the ramps here (have you even looked at the way the tron legacy games use it)? Or are they just a decorative element? You can already create maps with different rooms and put zones in it. Who would enjoy a "stealth mode" when you don't have a chance to react because your opponent is invisible the whole time? Players with a bad connection already have to deal with enough blind spots ;)
Why don't you add elevators next? That's just all too confusing IMO. If I were to add ramps I'd add them as a subtle obstacle.
Last edited by Word on Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by sinewav »

Fazeuout wrote:It would all be on the floor, it would require very little work on the graphics and it should be way easier to program than my previous idea, server owners wouldn't have to use it either. It would just be a custom_settings.cfg option.
Now that you put it that way, I'm totally sold on the idea. I'm not a great programmer, but you're right this sounds pretty easy. I'll totally write this if you can help me find the blocks of code I need to change. Here, download the Arma Source Code and tell me what file to rewrite and I'll have it finished before Christmas.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Fazeuout »

Sounds good I have the source code now and ill get back to you tomorrow or in a couple days with what to change. I don't know much about programming as i'm 15 and YouTube videos is about all the access I get to learning material but ill figure it out quickly i think.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Fazeuout »

K you can go to /src/engine/eFloor and it'll be the second eFloor document (even though its called the same name.) It has very few settings and that's where I think you'd put all the elevation code except the part that defines the ramp as the link between the two rooms which is at /src/engine/eGrid and put in the code that defines the ramp as the link between the two rooms. I think that's how you would do it, but i'll look into it more and try to learn some C++ so I understand better whats going on with the project.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Fazeuout »

You also might have to change both gWinzone settings in /src/Tron/gWinZone code so its possible to have multifloor fortress mode and also the /src/Tron/gFloor
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by kyle »

been there played the game with elevators a few times, Not as simple as it looks It requires the following
a) New client - that cannot connect to old servers
b) New server - for the game to be played on

practically a new game
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by vov »

You can still imitate the geometry of multi-floor maps by placing teleport zones (sty+ct-hack, ask kyle) to other separate arenas. Because changing to other arenas would be the only gameplay function of ramps. It can already be done in a hackish way. Only that it "won't look that cool" :P

A third turning dimension (flying) would require to throw away the concept of axes though, smooth turns and stuff.

Most stuff would probably need a more or less complete rewrite of the game's code. Like in that smooth turns thread, and what kyle posted here. If you know how to do it, argue with them.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Phytotron »

Boooo! First, as already mentioned, Legacy ain't Tron. Second, you've only been playing a month but you already want to completely overhaul the game and turn it into something else altogether? I don't get that; never have, never will. Just play a different game.

And you're not alone, these posts come up on a regular basis. New player, "game is awesome, but I think it would be totally cooler if you made it a completely different game!" Either it's ramps (first apparent mention, 2004) and flying cycles or make it a first-person shooter—the latter of which has already been too successful.
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by SoulOfSet »

Youve been playing a month dude. Before you start asking for new things you should experiment with what arma can already do...which is a ridiculouis amount of stuff. Ive been doing arma servers for like a year and i still find a new command here and there. After you switch to sty even more so. Even after you feel like you can do it all you have a large choice of customizations after you incorporate say php or bash scripting. what you can do with tron goes on and on. Additions arent very necrsarry except for your bug fixes and security blah blah blah
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Re: Armaskytron & Armafloortron

Post by Scofield! »

I would just like to say that "the better the graphics, the less people would be able to play the game". example: "me", and the previous versions are never available to play so people like me would be stuck with this and the population of the game would drop, it would only be be people with top class computers that could play , and one more thing, have you seen the pings most of the time, can you imagine if it were more 3d pppfffffffttttttt **** that :(
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