I'm in love and want to get married
Permanent feed locations (not on armagetronad.net because I have quicker access on simamo):
Code: Select all
0alias 0armagetronad http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad.xml
0alias 0armagetronad-beta http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad-beta.xml
0alias 0armagetronad-alpha http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad-alpha.xml
0alias 0armagetronad-experimental http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad-experimental.xml
Gives you instant access to all our code stability branches in reasonably recent versions. The 0 prefix can be omitted, of course; I just have it here so the aliases don't conflict with the ppa builds. And actually, you can get all versions from the armagetronad.xml feed: it includes the other three as subfeeds. If you prefer, you can get your favorite flavor by running
right clicking on Armagetron Advanced, picking "Show Versions" (That's also where you can mark specific versions as bugged so you revert to the previous one until a fix is out) and selecting your Preferred Stability there. Stable gives you official final builds (, soon, Testing gives beta builds ( and Developer gives you Trunk builds (0.3_alphaX). Yeah, there are just three choices, so there is no way to get the 0.2.8 snapshots this way, for them, you either just use the armagetronad-alpha.xml feed or pick Developer stability and use
Code: Select all
0launch --before 0.3-pre http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad.xml
So yeah, that's a bit complicated, so why put all versions into the same feed? Three reasons: it's easy to do, some people may prefer the single feed way, and so that this script can do its magic:
Code: Select all
# plays back arma recording
# usage: multiplayback <recording> <additional arguments to client>
VERSION=$(head -n 3 "$1" | grep VERSION | sed -e "s,VERSION L,," )
ZEROVERSION=$(echo ${VERSION} | sed -e "s,_,-,g" -e "s,-alpha,-pre0.," -e "s,-beta,-pre1.," -e "s,\.-z,.," )
echo Version: "${VERSION} (${ZEROVERSION})"
0launch --not-before=$ZEROVERSION --before $ZEROVERSION. http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad.xml --playback "$*"
Yep, it plays back any recording, provided the version it was done with is in 0install.
If you absolutely want to be sure you're running the latest builds, you can edit the aliases. They're just shell scripts in ~/.local/bin. For example,
Code: Select all
if [ "$*" = "--versions" ]; then
exec 0launch -gd 'http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad-experimental.xml' "$@"
exec 0launch -c -r 'http://simamo.de/0install/armagetronad-experimental.xml' "$@"
as 0armagetronad-experimental will always check whether it's up to date (-r) and not bother you with a popup window (-c). Actually, I'd recommend putting the "-c" in all of them, it avoids the popup when it checks for updates and just makes them.
The overhead is really low: if no online checks are done, it's about 70 ms per launch for me (the portable app has about 200 ms launch overhead) and a bit under one second with online update checks (more, of course, if downloads need to be made).
And if you check out the trunk build, you'll notice it's split up into main, data and library packages. The data package consists of all the big data blocks unlikely to change from one build to the next (sound, music, graphics) and the libraries are even more stable (I'll try to properly factor them out and use existing feeds when available). This minimizes download bandwidth and storage usage. A little code change was required to make the game find the data in the separate package.