Nooby cocoa programmer asking for help.

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Nooby cocoa programmer asking for help.

Post by Loor »

Hi all programmers.

I have recently gotten into to Mac programming, and i have made a little app that insults my friend by selecting a random insult out of however many i want whenever you press a button.
Now i've decided to take it a bit further, and make it insult whoever you type in the text field :D

I've got the text field, connected it through Interface builder, but whenever i try

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- (IBAction) getName: sender
	int rand =  random()%11;
	NSString* insults[11];
	insults[0]=NSString* finalString = [name stringByAppendingString;@" smells."];


[textView setString: insults[rand]];
I get a "Parse error before NSString".
I know i need to do something with finalString, but i can't figure out what.
Any help would be much appreciated.

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Post by Jonathan »

A few problems:
- Loor smells.
- You try to use a variable declaration like any expression. Don't insert = NSString* finalString there. This would be better, if you really need finalString at all:

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NSString *finalString = insults[0] = ...
How/whether you put spaces around * doesn't really matter, FYI, but I prefer to put the * closer to where it takes effect (int *a, *b; int* c, d; is equivalent to int *a; int *b; int *c; int d;).
- You used ; instead of : before @" smells."
- "getName" displays an insult in a text field?
- This would be cleaner:

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NSString *insults[11] = {
	@" smells.",

- (IBAction) getName: sender // sender is usually prepended by some type but I'm no Cocoa/Obj-C expert.
	[textView setString:[name stringByAppendingString:insults[rand()%11]]];
Some thoughts:

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// static keeps insults from affecting other source files, where it isn't used. It might cause trouble otherwise if another file also defines insults.
static NSString *insults[] = {
	@"%@ smells.",
	@"This person is too stubborn to move to the left side: %@",
	@"%@ was 100%% lucky.",

#define ARRAY_ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof (array)/sizeof *(array))

- (IBAction) getName: sender
	// This sizeof trick gives the # of elements in an array. Now you can easily add/remove insults without worrying about outdated constants throughout your code.
	[textView setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:insults[rand()%(sizeof insults/sizeof *insults)]]];

	// Can also #define it.
	[textView setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:insults[rand()%ARRAY_ELEMENTS(insults)], name]];

	// Note that I used stringWithFormat and added ", name". It allows you to move the name around in the message with %@. Use %% if you want an actual %.
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Post by Loor »

Great! Thanks for your help!

Except, now,


It gets the name of the button XD
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Post by DDMJ »

Jonathan wrote:A few problems:
- Loor smells.
It's not nice to say a girl smells :lol:.
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Post by dlh »

Loor wrote:Great! Thanks for your help!

Except, now,


It gets the name of the button XD

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[nameTextField stringValue];
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