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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by LittleSteps »

Word wrote:
I do not know why you are still on the idea of open play I introduced high rubber and camping to prove its not about open play.
Fine, then go ahead and fix "camping" instead. Add a death zone, problem solved. (Well, it's a natural disadvantage of HR that you can survive forever even if you're new, that's why *I* avoid those servers anyway...)
And there is always more than one player involved, one who makes a spiral or maze and one who doesn't dare to get inside (it's a challenge, right?).
LittleSteps wrote:If your logic is true why do I get kicked for team killing in fort if thats how I know how to play and no one will teach me that they are on my team.
Actually I oppose that as well, unless the player clearly does so intentionally, repeatedly, and can't be avoided in any other way (shuffling for example).

Why go out of the way to change the server settings where multiple server hosters are inactive so this will never be possible when you can just teach the person not to do the wrongful action, do you have an issue having someone teach you things?

You can not survive forever, that is why there are tons of cycle_rubber_* commands and the admins of the server use them.

Word wrote:one who makes a spiral or maze and one who doesn't dare to get inside
Why would you go inside, this creates bugs and lags the server and is very time consuming and makes all the players lag as well as have to wait a long time, the death zone comes around three minutes in just incase but who wants to wait three minutes for a problem that can be solved by teaching them how to play or kicking them which takes a fraction of the time and eliminates the problem for the rest of the match.

You just sound arrogant and ignorant.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by Word »

Why go out of the way to change the server settings where multiple server hosters are inactive so this will never be possible when you can just teach the person not to do the wrongful action, do you have an issue having someone teach you things?
By now my stance on this should be clear and I'm not going to repeat myself. server hosters are inactive? well, too bad. Not your job to put yourself in their position via mob rulings and the supposed "teaching".
You can not survive forever, that is why there are tons of cycle_rubber_* commands and the admins of the server use them.
You again don't realize that you're contradicting yourself in the same sentence. It shouldn't be the admin's job to kill them. If it is, something is wrong with your settings.
Why would you go inside, this creates bugs and lags the server
part of the benefits of playing in a hr server...
and is very time consuming and makes all the players lag as well as have to wait a long time
That is very subjective. Also, why do you complain about it being time consuming when you're at least still alive and can do something other than spectate...(not an actual question)?
the death zone comes around three minutes in just incase but who wants to wait three minutes
Ask the host/admin to make the death zone appear faster?
...for a problem that can be solved by teaching them how to play or kicking them which takes a fraction of the time and eliminates the problem for the rest of the match.
See previous posts for why it negatively affects the game as a whole.
Last edited by Word on Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by LittleSteps »

Word wrote:
Why go out of the way to change the server settings where multiple server hosters are inactive so this will never be possible when you can just teach the person not to do the wrongful action, do you have an issue having someone teach you things?
By now my stance on this should be clear and I'm not going to repeat myself. server hosters are inactive? well, too bad. Not your job to put yourself in their position via mob rulings and the supposed "teaching".
Then why did the developers kindly add a polling menu, your entire argument is completely flawed.
"via mob rulings "

They added a kicking / polling menu to enforce the rules, us "kind" players prefer to help the player before kicking.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by sinewav »

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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by Word »

Hey sine!
They added a kicking / polling menu to enforce the rules, us "kind" players prefer to help the player before kicking.
You have no idea what you are talking about, but they even created options so you don't have to kick players (try to count how many players already disappeared thanks to your "kindness").
Then why did the developers kindly add a polling menu
As evidenced by the posts linked above, they didn't do that so you and your friends could use it to kick everyone whose playing style you personally don't like and still claim you were just being kind. How "arrogant and ignorant" is that?
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by [Anonymous] »

I managed to speak to one actually. Their "s" key is for their brakes aha
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by ConVicT »

This argument again...

I am one sided on this argument, as in, I believe if a server admin puts rules in place like "No Closing", or whatever rule they wish, it should be followed.
I don't care what the rule is, if I play that server, I follow the rules, if I don't like the rules then I simply play somewhere else. Or better yet, create my own server with my own rules and have the power to kick those out who don't follow them.
Why shouldn't they follow his rules because you think they're "made up (All rules are made up), or stupid"?
A lot of people, like myself, pay for their servers, why shouldn't our rules be followed?

I guess I should just have a look through these forum rules and decide which ones I think are made up, and then decide which ones I should follow...
We both know that wouldn't be acceptable. But, obviously you think I should be able to do that...
If you don't think I should be able to do that, then why don't you?
Is it because you think Tank's rules should be followed, but LittleSteps, me, and anyone else who agrees that server rules should be followed are just simply, idiots, and our rules are stupid, and "made up"?

I ask this because I don't remember the poll where we elected "Word", the master of rules, the one who decides which rules are stupid and which ones aren't.
Brought this up before too: The forum rules are much more stupid than the server rule "No Closing"... "1. Don't be an idiot", I mean c'mon, "No Closing" is stupid? Get some F**king perspective :roll:

Btw, Word, I know you don't follow rules. CLASSIC SUBMARINE clearly says "English only in chat please, if you have to talk in another language, please use /msg"
I understand why this rule's in place. It's because it's f**king ignorant to everyone else, especially just after you've been talking to them in English. It's as ignorant as whispering, and you're always talking English and then randomly change to German, and everyone who was talking to you just before that and don't understand German think they're being talked about right in front of their face. Especially when you go jajaja after everything you say.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by Word »

Why shouldn't they follow his rules because you think they're "made up (All rules are made up), or stupid"?
A lot of people, like myself, pay for their servers, why shouldn't our rules be followed?
Because your rules are based on a notion that is wrong at its core (same for camping, see above for detailed reasoning). It's like asking everyone in your server to pray to the sun while they are there. You demand something that isn't possible from the moment you run the server and discourage them from entering a fair competition by spreading your own ignorance. There's a distinction to make between "impossible gameplay rules" like this and "rules about decent behaviour" (e.g. speaking English only), that should go without saying.
I ask this because I don't remember the poll where we elected "Word", the master of rules
Huh? Did I claim that title anywhere?
Is it because you think Tank's rules should be followed, but LittleSteps
Note that I didn't even bring up the developers as the ultimate authority on this to use them as an argument, he did. As for the rest, usually I try to keep the German to a minimum, unless the other person doesn't understand English that well. Bitching about people in a language they don't speak? Where? When? Why? Not taking that accusation seriously unless you have a screenshot or logs (there are perhaps two or three German Yellow Sub players whom I get along with, and we rarely talk about other players at all...we only happen to see each other every three or four months. If someone in Yellow Sub talks to me in German, it's usually an insult I get after having closed them).
The forum rules are much more stupid than the server rule "No Closing"... "1. Don't be an idiot", I mean c'mon
Yeah, there's room for improvement: "Convict, don't be an idiot", "Convict and Word, don't be idiots" if you prefer a more balanced approach. I would approve.
Last edited by Word on Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by ConVicT »

Word wrote:Huh? Did I claim that title anywhere?
This argument has cropped up several times, and you always add that you think it's a dumb rule.
We already know where you stand on closing/no closing.
So everytime you add that you think it's dumb, it says to me that you somehow think your opinion, not only counts, but is concrete (the way it is and should be).
But you're wrong!
There are far, far more tronners that don't close, and can't stand it when people don't follow the rules.

There are plenty servers where it's allowed, they should just play there.

Btw, don't think I don't know what you mean, because I do.
Saying no closing when you open a server, would be like opening a swimming baths with the rule: No Slipping!
I get it, I do, but I'm talking about the players who come in and don't even try, i.e they mean to close.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by Word »

There are far, far more tronners that don't close, and can't stand it when people don't follow the rules.
If a lot of tronners tell you to worship some old, mouldy slice of bread so you're part of the elite, you'll probably do that too. :roll:
I get it, I do, but I'm talking about the players who come in and don't even try, i.e they mean to close.
Apparently not. There's nothing wrong with players who "mean to close" and you don't have to put them down until they comply with something absurd. There are settings to prevent that so rules or "help" aren't required.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by ConVicT »

Word wrote: If a lot of tronners tell you to worship some old, mouldy slice of bread so you're part of the elite, you'll probably do that too. :roll:
No, but you seem to think I should listen to you instead.
Am I wrong?
Word wrote: Apparently not. There's nothing wrong with players who "mean to close" and you don't have to put them down until they comply with something absurd. There are settings to prevent that so rules or "help" aren't required.
I've tried these settings before, and they seemed to just cause other problems.
They make it that you can surpass a dig of 8 rubber when you only use 1 rubber, but you have to do it exactly at where the dig is, which kills you if you're using medium speed and low/medium rubber. It really only works well with low speeds.

If I've been using the wrong settings to enforce no closing then please share.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by LittleSteps »

Word wrote:Hey sine!
They added a kicking / polling menu to enforce the rules, us "kind" players prefer to help the player before kicking.
You have no idea what you are talking about, but they even created options so you don't have to kick players (try to count how many players already disappeared thanks to your "kindness").
Then why did the developers kindly add a polling menu
As evidenced by the posts linked above, they didn't do that so you and your friends could use it to kick everyone whose playing style you personally don't like and still claim you were just being kind. How "arrogant and ignorant" is that?
God damn, you stubborn idiot, how many times must I tell you this is not about open play yet server rules.

I completely agree with convict and I believe word is just stuck on the fact that open playing servers exist.

I only play open in servers where it is required.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by Word »

Convict wrote:No, but you seem to think I should listen to you instead.
No shit. But I forgot that I'm talking to the guy who thinks Durf made a valid case.
If I've been using the wrong settings to enforce no closing then please share.
Go ahead and ask the people who know how to tweak it. Some of that has already been discussed, if not solved, years ago I recall.
LittleSteps wrote:how many times must I tell you this is not about open play yet server rules.
So far you haven't even replied to any of the other points about HR/camping on this page.
God damn, you stubborn idiot,
us "kind" players
Well, I'm done here. That level of maturity disqualifies you.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by LittleSteps »

Word wrote:
LittleSteps wrote:how many times must I tell you this is not about open play yet server rules.
So far you haven't even replied to any of the other points about HR/camping on this page.
God damn, you stubborn idiot,
us "kind" players
Well, I'm done here. That level of maturity disqualifies you.

I certainly have, but you refuse to understand rules are rules.

When someone gets as defensive as you have and starts to curse like an idiot, thats how you know the person acting like a complete imbecile has invalid logic and you are arguing just to argue. Rules exist dude if they didn't you certainly would not be here.

Sorry for my lack of "maturity", next time I am sure I will break some rules when I see you on the grid because since you are obviously the mature one and agree with your logic I will never be in the wrong again.

I do not know if you lack the ability to understand english clearly or you're just retarded, good luck hahahah.
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Re: iD Student / iD Tech

Post by ConVicT »

Word wrote:
ConVicT wrote:No, but you seem to think I should listen to you instead.
No shit.
So by your logic, if I did agree with you:
Quote from Word edited to fit his logic wrote: If Word told you to worship some old, mouldy slice of bread so you're part of what is right, to him, in his thick skull, you'll probably do that too. :roll:
To sum up, Word, You're a twat!

p.s Durf was so right, he was banned for it. :lol:
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