Bad Admin named Kamikaze

Tigers Network and other servers hosted by the same fellow.

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Post by Kamikaze »

HoAX wrote:Kami is a well respected admin on tigers, even if he is a bit more trigger happy than ur average admin (he bloody kicked me cz he though i was camping once!), Dude u need to get over it. ur a shame on the uk and the other 'Dude' we all know and like.

And when I kick by mistake ( thing that happen sometimes since I've paramatred my F1-F12 keys for quick-kick and you can hit them by error during a hot dog fight ) what does I do ? I'm excusing myself for my mistake. Always.

So thank you very much for your witnessing and help. That's cool. 8)
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Post by Kamikaze »

Dude wrote:
I dont think so. As i said, he did not even watch me if i was really camping. He just kicked me after one or two seconds. No word. No nothing. The game had just begun and i was boxed in by another player. Four left at that time. So i waited a moment to see where the player who boxed me in is. Then i began to search for an exit up and down. Then i was kicked.

Thank you for your definition on what is camping on Tiger. The rest is only useless arguments. Pretty funny all campers are always saying " I was waiting for an exit or rubber...etc..."

And you have right. I kicked you without warning you. Because I already warned you plenty of times and I'm not gonna waste my timesplay to argue over and over again with you.

By the way you have wrong. I've waited to see if you were camping or not. And sorry, but you were. So you've been kicked.

Now I don't argue with you anymore because you don't care and you are just a conflictual guy. You just want to have right, point. The rest is above you. So I repeat, don't camp, don't harass, don't insult and you won't be kicked. Camp, harass or insult and you'll be kick. :!:

Have fun.
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Post by spirit »

Thx you Vertigo for your interest in that matter.
Kami, my interest on this topic is that I want to see players on tigers classic. As long as people are there Tank might not take it offline. I still love this server tho I don´t (can´t) play there any more.

The argument with the rubber is OK in my eyes. We all do it on Norm´s cause you have to wait for a high rubber to pass a wall sometimes.
Just have a look and play there.

I also think that kicking a camper at the beginning is unnecessary due to a large number of players.
I´m only getting annoyed if there are 2 players left and one is camping. If there are still serveral alive I don´t care about it. Warning yes - kicking no - kill option as an advanced warning yes. :)
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Post by Kamikaze »

" Kami, my interest on this topic is that I want to see players on tigers classic. As long as people are there Tank might not take it offline. I still love this server tho I don´t (can´t) play there any more. "

I hope you don't think I dislike the server ? :o I also want to see players there and would be really sad if Tank had to shut it down.

" The argument with the rubber is OK in my eyes. We all do it on Norm´s cause you have to wait for a high rubber to pass a wall sometimes. Just have a look and play there. "

May be it's ok on Norm server, but not on Tiger. It never been used as an argument until dude came with it. So he can use it as much a he want on Norm server, but not on Tiger server. Anyway, on Tiger, you don't have to wait for rubber.

I've to say that I always followed Tank server rules. When he told me maximum ping allowed was 400 instead of 300, then I stopped kicking peoples who had at least 300 between 400 ( and above ) ping. I don't even kick for 500 ping...

So, if for Tank, the " waiting for rubber " argument is ok, it will be okay for me 2. :!:

But I think it will be a terrible mistake because everyones will use this argument and the Admin job will be suddenly useless. May be you don't remember, but when I've been granted the Admin statu that's because I asked for it. And I asked for it because we had plenty of players camping just because they were happy to piss off everyones. That's why norm and I cleaned up the grid and now the server is cool, with peoples not camping and just enjoying the grid.

And I still think " waiting 4 rubber " is a crappy argument, especially on Tiger Classic server. Because what is good on Norm server is not inevitably good for Tank server and vice versa.

" I also think that kicking a camper at the beginning is unnecessary due to a large number of players. "

Not on the beginning. Only when they've been warned tons and tons of times.

" I´m only getting annoyed if there are 2 players left and one is camping. If there are still serveral alive I don´t care about it. Warning yes - kicking no - kill option as an advanced warning yes. :) "

Sorry, but I really can't stand campers as the vast majority of others Tron players. When a player is camping, it takes only some seconds to see peoples messages complaining about the camper and asking for his kicking. And you know what ? I don't kick him/her. I ask him/her to stop, and if they don't, then I kick. But ONLY if they don't stop to camp.

I've to say that I won't change my admin behavior because of a camper who's complaining, aka dude. So he can complain as much as he want, he can look good to you as much as he can on Norm server, I will still kick him if he camp on Tiger.

I can't believe that I've to explain myself because of a camper. No one has ever complain about me excepting this grumbler. In what kind of world are we living on ?
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Post by Phytotron »

:o Damn, I guess I better not play on Tiger's Classic when Kamikaze is there. :o
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Post by spirit »

Kami, no I don´t dislike the server. Just read
But read the whole thing.

Ialso agree with you that waiting for rubber on tigers is unnecessary. But when a player is new and starts playing on Norm´s he will probably not know
that, what is allowed on one isn´t allowed on the other server. When I started I didn´t even know the meaning of the rubber gauge.

Well and sometimes people complain here. That´s our forum.
I also had to explain my, or another admins behaviour here. Read the topic "for Tesafilm" in the "general" section. It´s now on page 2 or 3.....
And other server admins have also been criticised here so don´t worry. As I said thats our forum. Freedom of speech. And that´s the world we live in and it´s good like that.
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Post by Tank Program »

For some reason the log between the 11th and the 16th appears to be missing. Ooops? I'll look into that some more. But that aside, when I've given out the remote admin password I've been very, very clear, on what counts as camping. I have to trust that people with administrative power on the server stick with this because I can't be the one in there all the time.

Just play nice please.
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Post by Kamikaze »

Phytotron wrote::o Damn, I guess I better not play on Tiger's Classic when Kamikaze is there. :o

No, don't worry. :D

{Vertigo} wrote: Ialso agree with you that waiting for rubber on tigers is unnecessary. But when a player is new and starts playing on Norm´s he will probably not know that, what is allowed on one isn´t allowed on the other server. When I started I didn´t even know the meaning of the rubber gauge.

- We agree Vertigo, we agree. But when I explained dude exactely that, he didn't care at all. He bear responsabilty for all this mess.

Well and sometimes people complain here. That´s our forum.
I also had to explain my, or another admins behaviour here. Read the topic "for Tesafilm" in the "general" section. It´s now on page 2 or 3.....
And other server admins have also been criticised here so don´t worry.

- I'm not worry but pissed off with dude, quite different. Because he's acting as a poor victim when in fact it's just the opposite.

As I said thats our forum. Freedom of speech. And that´s the world we live in and it´s good like that.

- Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of lieing because you want to have your point agreed :D
Tank Program wrote:For some reason the log between the 11th and the 16th appears to be missing. Ooops? I'll look into that some more. But that aside, when I've given out the remote admin password I've been very, very clear, on what counts as camping. I have to trust that people with administrative power on the server stick with this because I can't be the one in there all the time.

Just play nice please.

Thank you very much Tank. If you find the log, you'll see I didn't misused this Admin power.
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Post by spirit »

Kamikaze wrote: We agree Vertigo, we agree. But when I explained dude exactely that, he didn't care at all.
Point for you. :)
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Post by Kamikaze »

{Vertigo} wrote:
Kamikaze wrote: We agree Vertigo, we agree. But when I explained dude exactely that, he didn't care at all.
Point for you. :)
This isn't the only one. :D
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Post by spirit »

Kamikaze wrote:This isn't the only one.
That´s the only one for me that really counts. I couldn´t find this one very clear statement in the posts before.
It was all an I said this and he said that and he said this and I said that controversy.
Or perhaps the blue colour just made me read faster. I hate blue writing. :P
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Post by Dude »

{Vertigo} wrote:
Kamikaze wrote: We agree Vertigo, we agree. But when I explained dude exactely that, he didn't care at all.
Point for you. :)
Thats the whole point - Kamikaze still doesnt get this - I AM NOT THE DUDE HE IS REFERING TO, geez. That was actually the first day i ever played with Kamikaze !!!! I have never ever seen him before there together with me. Is it that difficult to understand that there are more Dudes playing this game ? I am the only Dude playing on Norms and on Classic. All the other Dudes do NOT play on Norms.

Tank should look up the IP numbers in his logs. But i am afraid that even then Kamikaze would not believe it. He is just to much in his world of wonderful "powers" someone gave him ... man, wake up and get a life. And if you see a Dude on Classic, it aint me. Just another one who is using this name ...

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Post by Kamikaze »

Dude wrote:
{Vertigo} wrote:
Kamikaze wrote: We agree Vertigo, we agree. But when I explained dude exactely that, he didn't care at all.
Point for you. :)
Thats the whole point - Kamikaze still doesnt get this - I AM NOT THE DUDE HE IS REFERING TO, geez. That was actually the first day i ever played with Kamikaze !!!! I have never ever seen him before there together with me. Is it that difficult to understand that there are more Dudes playing this game ? I am the only Dude playing on Norms and on Classic. All the other Dudes do NOT play on Norms.

Tank should look up the IP numbers in his logs. But i am afraid that even then Kamikaze would not believe it. He is just to much in his world of wonderful "powers" someone gave him ... man, wake up and get a life. And if you see a Dude on Classic, it aint me. Just another one who is using this name ...

Yes yes, sure. A dude with the same tronplay tactics, the same insulting words, the same arguments, the same rethoric, always complaining to me that he's right about camping and I'm wrong, EVERYTHING is the same but....surprise surprise, you are not the first one.

I know when I have and don't have different kind of peoples in front of me. And even if it's true there are many " dude ", you are the " dudes " I'm talking about.

Anyway, now, you have the answer to your question and you know you were camping. :idea:
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Post by spirit »

Oh my! This leads to nothing. I don´t know who´s right or who is wrong.

Dude. Is this you?
If yes then Kami and you should try to get along with each other. Just stick to your colors and Kami will know that you´re a correct player and all of this really is some kind of stupid name mixing or the fault of some imposter.

How´s that?
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Post by Dude »

Kamikaze wrote: Yes yes, sure. A dude with the same tronplay tactics, the same insulting words, the same arguments, the same rethoric, always complaining to me that he's right about camping and I'm wrong, EVERYTHING is the same but....surprise surprise, you are not the first one.
Geez, you kicked me after two seconds, did not speak a single word to me. And you continiously kicked me after that. So how can you know i am the same Dude with the retoric and complaints ? I did not have a chance to say a whole sentence .... come on, how do you know ? Give some lame explanation ... maybe you read my thoughts ?

you are pathetic, really
