Rubber on Swampland 2.7.1

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Rubber on Swampland 2.7.1

Post by gss »

Looks like the rubber settings just changed on swampland. Here's why I liked the old setting and don't like the new ones: lag

With old settings, if it looked like I was ahead and turned, only to find out I was really behind, the rubber would give me a chance to stay alive. This is fair since on my client I was ahead.

With new settings, my client will show my wall going through my opponents wall, and the server will realize I was behind and kill me. This means people with higher pings have no shot against people with lower pings.
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Post by dlh »

I noticed that cycle_rubber_mindistance is changing every round, so something is up with everytime.cfg and settings_dedicated.cfg having different values.
cycle_rubber_mindistance changed from .00999 (guessing) to 0
cycle_rubber_mindistance changed from 0 to .00999
I also have noticed immediate death when you hit a user's wall right behind their cycle.
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Post by gss »

Yeah... i saw those messages as well and guessed they had something to do with the new rubber effects.

I die too easily now. :)
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Post by Lucifer »

Ok, here's the story as far as I know it. :)

Awhile back, I had ssh access to the server. Swampy shut off the ssh daemon when some curious log entries made it look like someone had tried a dict attack on it. (there's a slightly longer story that has me helping swampy set it up since he didn't know much about Linux, but at the time this happened I felt confident swampy could manage his server without me anyway, and I think swampy felt the same way about it, so no big loss) During the time when I had ssh access, I had a tendency to tweak the settings a bit. Swampy and I both wanted to try to get the pre-2.7.1 feel as much as possible. So I'd use everytime.cfg to make my changes, since I didn't have access to the server's console.

When I was satisfied with a change (and two or three other people agreed it was a good change with that in mind) I left the setting in everytime.cfg, but I copied it to settings_dedicated.cfg so it'd be permanent.

So it appears that someone (probably swampy) has gone into everytime.cfg and added another line after one of the ones that I probably left there. It also looks like the setting is being restored to what it was before I'd ever changed that one (cycle_rubber_mindistance).

I have a vague memory of seeing swampy on the grid recently and him telling me he was going to mess with it, but I could be confusing that with eggcozy's working on BoC again.

On a somewhat related note, Breakfast in Hell (by virtue of the recent discussion with z-man about timeshifting) has most of the pre- feel back. Grinding is still hard, but it's been back for awhile. I also adjusted the timeshifting thing that we've been talking about on the grid so there shouldn't be any more time-travelling. If BoC is still up, I'd kinda like z-man (and anyone else who wants to see the difference) play it and Hell and see what the differences are. Of course, I'll take suggestions on what I can do (besides downgrading, I'm looking at upgrading Hell to CVS code now that we're branched for release) to get it to feel like BoC again. There are a few minor differences in the two server's settings, though, but they are minor.

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Post by Phytotron »

Lucifer wrote:On a somewhat related note, Breakfast in Hell (by virtue of the recent discussion with z-man about timeshifting) has most of the pre- feel back. Grinding is still hard, but it's been back for awhile. I also adjusted the timeshifting thing that we've been talking about on the grid so there shouldn't be any more time-travelling. If BoC is still up, I'd kinda like z-man (and anyone else who wants to see the difference) play it and Hell and see what the differences are. Of course, I'll take suggestions on what I can do (besides downgrading, I'm looking at upgrading Hell to CVS code now that we're branched for release) to get it to feel like BoC again. There are a few minor differences in the two server's settings, though, but they are minor.
Does this mean you'll be changing the settings in Hell? I like the way they are now -- low rubber, receding tails, an outer rim that's tough to grind, and the dynamic speed. I like the way there's both quick acceleration and deceleration. It kind of counters the tactic of sitting off to one side tunneling (or whatever) and then jumping out at someone to wrap them up with speed, because that person decelerates quickly, and the intended victim only needs to do a quick double-back grind deal to make up the difference in speed. So it forces more one-on-one and maneuvers and whatnot, which I enjoy (even when I fail). Like I said, my favorite server...I also get good fps there, for whatever reason. :)
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Post by Lucifer »

The settings you're talking about aren't likely to change for some time, I like them too. :) What I changed only affects, mmmm, low-level feel? That sounds right. :) So you won't crash into a wall only to find on the next update that your turn was made early enough to have been shifted back a bit, and there's now a little bit more grinding.

Try it! :)

Also, see if you can get the newer versions to run on your OS, because I'm intending when I upgrade to lock out older clients by virture of the map I'm switching to, currently testing. I'd hate to lock you out, I really would, so.....

Look around, I know you can build projects with automake on Mac OS X, and the way I understand it GCC has shipped with OS X since the beginning. I could be wrong, though, but you should be able to follow the UNIX instructions to build it. You might need to do the same with SDL and libxml.

(I guess I'll keep the original server for older clients for awhile, but do keep me posted on when you can upgrade your client)

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Post by Swampy »

I was playing with one of the settings since a few players asked if I could fix the issue with crashing when you reach the rim. I didn't make any progress with that, and I musta forgot to remove my tweaks.

I'll clean up the changes when I return home in a couple of hours :wink:
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Post by gss »

Swampy wrote:I was playing with one of the settings since a few players asked if I could fix the issue with crashing when you reach the rim. I
For the record, I like the seemingly random rim crash issue. :) It drives me crazy when one of the last two people alive is a runner that uses the outer wall to block any attacks. The sensitive rim wall sometimes kills these people when 180'ing to run away.

Plus, fighting out in the open is sooo much more fun! :) (right Nemo?)

All IMHO of course.
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Post by Swampy »

it should be back to normal now..
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Post by gss »

Excellent. Fun again! Thanks.
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Post by Phytotron »

I agree with gss on the rim wall thang. I'll go there if I feel I'm trapped and have no other recourse, but generally speaking I think a lot of cheap (and arbitrary) kills happen out there and prefer the inner arena.

Lucifer: I don't think I'm geekly-inclinded enough to do any of that, but nemo said in the other thread that he's working on getting the new version to work on 10.8.2, for which I'm grateful (and I'm sure other Macsters will be as well), so hopefully I won't have to deal with any of that. :)
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