Armagetron as an online applet?

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Armagetron as an online applet?

Post by cheesetoast »

Could I make a website with all of the Armagetron source files and create an applet to display the game online, without download? This would be good for when I am at some random computer, want to play, but can't download it. I am a noob at applets (not html/javascript though), but I think that only .class files could be put in an applet, but the game is open source so that works. For stuff like autoexec.cfg, data could be stored in a cookie or localStorage, but how could javascript pass it to game?

btw, I'm new to the forum and this is my first post/topic/anything.
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Re: Armagetron as an online applet?

Post by .JamesBond »

Ok, sorry about this. I am cheesetoast and that account is done. My name in the game is JamesBond. Since I have 19 email accounts and only use my real one for personal stuff, when I created my first account JamesBond I typed in the wrong email, so I couldn't confirm and the username was taken. So I decided to just use cheesetoast. But after, I realized I could just put the dot. So I did.
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Re: Armagetron as an online applet?

Post by Z-Man »

What you're talking about is Java. This game is written in C++ and isn't easily transportable over to Java.
If you're content with running only on Windows and installing a small plugin and carrying a login around, there already sort of is what you want:

Configuration files are stored locally and not on the cloud, I think.

And of course we provide zeroinstall streams:
Windows and Linux only, and not really running in a browser.

Lastly, you can easily install the game on an USB stick and carry that around. It'll even allow you to save the configuration files on there.
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Re: Armagetron as an online applet?

Post by .JamesBond »

Sorry, I thought it was Java.
I guess you can't really embed c++ ...
this is just so I can play anywhere with my settings and not have it blocked at school
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