Amazing zone settings

For developmental things relating to the graphics of the game.
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Post by epsy »

if you check them from here there will be no problem
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Post by hoop »

phewwww thanks epsy... XD
:? :x :o

ok, some more setting examples
zone_alpha_toggle 1
<br />zone_alpha .7
<br />zone_segments 20
<br />zone_seg_length .5
<br />zone_bottom 1
<br />zone_height 1
zone_alpha_toggle 1
zone_alpha .7
zone_segments 20
zone_seg_length .5
zone_bottom 1
zone_height 1
zone_alpha .3
<br />zone_segments 20
<br />zone_seg_length 1
<br />zone_bottom 1
<br />zone_height 50
<br />using this set with my card fps fall down :(
zone_alpha .3
zone_segments 20
zone_seg_length 1
zone_bottom 1
zone_height 50
using this set with my card fps fall down :(
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Post by Tank Program »

hoop wrote:
Tank Program wrote:I think you should be doing sanity checking on sg_zoneHeight/sg_zoneBottom so that a user can't wind up with oddly shaped zones, and then for height to truely be height, I think...
since the coordinates appear to be absolute.
I thought they were absolute too, since they were called 'bot' and 'top' before, but after a short test I realized that 'top' should've been called height.
Try it and you'll agree
Hmm, well. Sanity checking is on the list though right?
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Post by hoop »

Tank Program wrote:Hmm, well. Sanity checking is on the list though right?
Do you mean I should check whether the user tries weird values?
In that case I'd be a bit confused, which limits would you suggest?

Question: I do 2 checks inside gZone::Render

Code: Select all

    if ( sg_zoneSegLength <= 0 )
        sg_zoneSegLength = .5;
    if ( sg_zoneSegments < 1 )
        sg_zoneSegments = 11;
but I'm not sure that's the best place to put such conditionals... I'd like to check the values only when the user changes them, but I didn't realize how it'd be done yet
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Tank Program
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Post by Tank Program »

hoop wrote:
Tank Program wrote:Hmm, well. Sanity checking is on the list though right?
Do you mean I should check whether the user tries weird values?
In that case I'd be a bit confused, which limits would you suggest?
Yes, weird values. Things like the height being negative, or the height being less than the bottom... that sort of stuff.

If you're worried about running the checks every time, run them just when the zone is initialized, and then copy the approved values into the object itself so that any changes are ignored. Such changes are cosmetic only, so a short persistence shouldn't have any ill effects.
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Post by kyle »

I like Zone_segments 2

Path for 0.3_alpha trunk
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Post by hoop »

Thanks for posting the patch Kyle.
I've noticed 2 errors though:
1: line 43 seems just to be a delete mistake

Code: Select all

-    color_.a_ = ( lastTime - createTime_ ) * .2f;
2: the difference between 0.2.8 and 0.3 zone render code is right about how 'top' and 'bottom' are implemented. In 2.8 'top', which I renamed to sg_zoneHeight is indeed a variable for zone's height. In 0.3 instead the same variable effectively is the 'top' parameter.
We didn't notice that the last night because we were testing zone_height keeping zone_bottom at 0.
In fact if you try:

Code: Select all

the zone won't be rendered, and that's s not what we want.

So, sg_zoneHeight = top - bottom. In other words line 83, 84

Code: Select all

+        glVertex3f(sa, ca, sg_zoneHeight);
+        glVertex3f(sb, cb, sg_zoneHeight);
should be changed to

Code: Select all

+        glVertex3f(sa, ca, sg_zoneBottom + sg_zoneHeight);
+        glVertex3f(sb, cb, sg_zoneBottom + sg_zoneHeight);
That's what tank was saying in a previous post ... 634#198634
I'd like to know which developer changed that part of code and what he'd have to tell us about.

ps: why has ZONE_ALPHA been removed from 0.3? It's a pretty useful setting!

Here is the the patch corrected
zone settings patch for 0.3 (tested on alpha 20080819 source)
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Post by Z-Man »

hoop wrote:ps: why has ZONE_ALPHA been removed from 0.3? It's a pretty useful setting!
It hasn't been removed. It was never in 0.3. There was heavy merging trouble at one point (specifically, the 0.2.8 zone code was removed completely from 0.3) and you're not supposed to be touching the code since it's basically just there for backwards compatibility; we'll probably bring it back in sync with 0.2.8 one time the hard way (copy over the 0.2.8 code and hand-pick the 0.3 changes).

So, in short: if someone feels like committing the patch, do it on 0.2.8.
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Post by hoop »

ok I see.
Well, I hope it will be added in the future
ok useless experiment, but fun to see!
Pink Tomatoes
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Post by Pink Tomatoes »

Windmill effect is nice :D.
<br />ZONE_HEIGHT 10
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Post by hoop »

there it is the 0.2.8 alpha build for Mac OS X
Thanks madmax :)
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Post by madmax »

So, any chance this will get added to 0.2.8/0.3? :D
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Post by apparition »

Wow, hoop, this stuff is really cool. I remember checking the screenshots you first came out with a while back, and I'm glad to see you have this compiled :D
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Post by madmax »

I think it's a very useful *gameplay* setting. Particularly in game modes that involve a lot of inzone crazyness...
The current flying squares don't get that much in the way, but making it smaller/lower/etc is much better IMO.

EDIT: oops, a word was MIA
Last edited by madmax on Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sinewav »

I'd really like to see control of the zone setting in aa-map.xml. The map design possibilities could be amazing. But I guess the client should have control too. Maybe a setting you can change within a moviepack? I like all those ideas.
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