Team Spawn Locations

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Team Spawn Locations

Post by R-Tard »

I am currently making a map and I had questions about the spawn locations. I looked around the wiki and couldn't find an answer.

When setting the spawn locations, how do you make sure that team members spawn by each other?

For example on CTWF all teammates spawn by each other so they can grind at the beginning. I want to make sure I don't have mixed team spawns.

Edit: I realize you can just make two spawn points and have the two teams spawn around them, but I want to set custom spawn points by team.
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Post by wrtlprnft »

That's not possible. Every team gets only one spawn point. The other teammates are arranged around that point in a wingman formation.

There's two ways to influence that formation, though:
  • You can play around with the settings SPAWN_WINGMEN_BACK and SPAWN_WINGMEN_SIDE. That way you can get a one-line formation.
    I think noone's tried negative values for SPAWN_WINGMEN_BACK yet, that might make for some interesting grinds :D
  • Undocumented feature, it may not work in the future: If the direction of a spawn point doesn't match the direction of any axis, it's set to the closest axis. So if you have a regular 4-axes map and a <Spawn x="0" y="0" angle="44.99" /> it should have the same effect as <Spawn x="0" y="0" angle="0"> (so far it's documented and shouldn't change). There's a bug, however: The offset of the wingmen's spawn points are calculated as if there was an axis matching the 49.99° angle. In fact, the SPAWN_WINGMEN(SIDE|BACK) settings are scaled by √(xdir²+ydir²) if you use those attributes.
    The minefield map on CTWF is done this way:

    Code: Select all

       <Axes number="4"/>
       <Spawn x="128" y="64" xdir="0.707" ydir="0.707106781"/>
       <Spawn x="128" y="512" xdir="-0.707" ydir="-0.707106781"/>
    The settings are something like:

    Code: Select all

    SPAWN_WINGMEN_SIDE <some positive value, don't remember it. determines the spacing of the players at start>
    This leads to a formation similar to this:

    Code: Select all

    │  ↓              │
    │    ↓            │
    │      ↓          │
    │        ↓ ← Location of actual spawn point
    │          ↓      │
    │            ↓    │
    │              ↓  │
    │  ↑              │
    │    ↑            │
    │      ↑          │
    │        ↑ ← Location of actual spawn point
    │          ↑      │
    │            ↑    │
    │              ↑  │
That's all the possibilities I know of without hacking the server…
Last edited by wrtlprnft on Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wrtlprnft »

Gah, mistook the quote button for the edit one…

Oh well, gonna put my addition here: Just tried it on a nearly full fortress café for one round, works as expected and confuses the hell out of everyone. I'd like to see what tactics emerge of this with two seperate grinds :)
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