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Post by Z-Man »

Well, I had a quick talk with KRABBELBABY. Of course, he vowed never to tk again and that he wasn't KRABBELBABY at all. Yeah, right. Half an hour later KRABBELBABY with coincidentally the same IP joins, leaves, and rejoins as [fe]kinked, volunteering to test the "stickiness" of kick votes :) And my little ban-by-regex script.

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[2] [fe]meriton: BUG killing was experiencing strange network problems
From the sound of it ("Netobject not spawned"), that's the same bug you and me had again. Network objects that get deleted accidentally. Since it was recurring, it may have been a player or team. Now if I had killer's clientside recording or at least the number of the object from the message...

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[10] Poll "Kick sean" submitted by sean.
[10] New poll: "Kick sean". Enter the main menu vote on it.
[15] Lucifer: BUG
[15] Lucifer: sean started a poll to kick himself
[15] Lucifer: ok, it may not be a bug, but it used to be that way
[15] Lucifer: that he couldn't
Just accept it, or he'll get kick vote protection for some minutes and can do what he wants. Oh, that's what you did :) 6 to 1.

And there was a genuine crash! We have code that kills a cycle once it gets too many reference counts (from walls, mostly) to protect against performance DOS attacks Jonathan discovered during the release process. Well, I added a reference to the cycle itself in gCycle::Kill, causing an endless recursion. Fixed for
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Post by Z-Man »

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[0] radian. core dumped Gnorty for 2 points.
[1] Gnorty: huh?? pressed left, turned right!
[1] Gnorty: BUG!!!
The server says it turned Gnorty left, and he was facing left (relative to the previous driving direction) when he died. His death position shows no sign of a teleport. All the previous turns were at the positions the client said they should be at, so I suppose Gnorty meant the last turn. Maybe radian. threw a wall in his direction? Or the client synced the position in a wrong way?
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Post by gnorty »

distinctly remember this one - I was outraged! ;)

pressed left, turned right, just as I said. tbh the report was tongue in cheek, and I didnt expect it to be taken seriously, although it really happened. It didn't look like a teleport, it looked like a normal right turn. I kinda put it down to a keybinding I was toying with that puts a right turn dangerously close to my left turns, and kinda figured I had miskeyed. Your log suggests otherwise!

certainly I was running along, under no pressure, parallel to radians wall (I say this cuz the server said he killed me, but guess it could be anyones), *intended* a left turn away from it, and instead turned right straight into it. I am surprised the log shows otherwise, as there seemed nothing on the left to hit.

Nothing like it has happened before that couldn't be explained by finger twitches etc, and I haven't upgraded my client since 0.2.8_beta4 so was prolly a wierd lag related thing or else undiagnosed brain lag.
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Post by Z-Man »

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[2] nemostultae: BUG Unsy died odd
[2] nemostultae: It looked like he sat on the wall for a few seconds before exploding
[2] nemostultae: BUG : same happened for | 40 |
Hmm, I have a clientside recording of Unsy's death, for me, he drove straight on from the round start and, well, just crashed where you crash whenever you do that :) Since Fortress has bits of real world induced network problems, I increased the tolerance values for packet loss, that causes extra delays on deaths where the player does not even try to turn. Add to that a possibly lost packet on the way to you, and quite a delay can sum up.
I'm playing back the server recording, it's annoyingly long. I'm making restarts faster again.

Tactical note here: that means, if you want to make a good hole, turn when you're sure you're dead, don't just sit there.

Gnorty: noted. I'll plot the action when I'm at the machine tomorrow, kind of hard to do it remotely, and see what else may have been going on. Your death would be attributed to radian if you crashed a teammate's wall or your own, of course then it would be an invisiwall :)
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Post by Z-Man »

Gnorty: here's a debug plot of your last seconds as the server saw it. Note that receeding walls are not properly seen there, so you (green) passing trough radian's wall (blue) means nothing. But there is also the wall of Draco around, who died just a second before you at the T-junction of the red wall. The segment you crashed into was about 200m old, so it was dangerous, no doubt.
So, either we have an invisible wall bug on your client (in that case, I'd need a clientside recording to do something) or Gnorty confusing left and right :) Because it would have been a good thing to turn right and escape through Draco's hole.
Or we have me attributing the report to a different death than it was meant for, but this happened directly before the bug cry.
Debug plot
Debug plot
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Post by Z-Man »

Nemo: played it back. The reason Unsy was alive for so long was that his ping was fluctuating wildly, some extra tolerance is added then. For, I'll clamp the extra tolerance with the normal tolerance.
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Post by Z-Man »

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[5] Lucifer: BUG
[5] Lucifer: can't join gold, but no imbalance
Hmm, the log shows no message from the client showing you tried, so I assume the menu item was missing. This would be a clientside bug probably.

On February, the first:

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Killer: BUG
Killer: i saw someone go through a trail
Can anyone confirm this? Names of the involved players would help, too... It may be the same clientside bug meriton pointed out a page back.

Yes, yes, the "emey base" bug is fixed already, but only in b0_2_8_0, and Fortress is on b0_2_8.

The current configuration, as requested by joda and belenus, is attached. Heh, yes, I ban localhost so I can no longer play while working on the same machine :)
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another one...

Post by 2020 »

maybe i am wrong
i think i experienced something decidedly dodgy...
i was fully surrounding my zone as goalie
and the other team won

i couldn't work it out
and the other players didn't seem to notice when i asked...
has this happened before?

i think you should only look into this if it happens again...
just a note for now

i could be completely wrong
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Post by Z-Man »

Did you say anything so I can find the event in the logs? Usually, things like that turn out to be an enemy sneaking in from the dead angle or just the MATCH win which can come any time :)

I added the different aspects of the fortress server (physics, scoring and politics) as examples in CVS.
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@2020: Sorry, I did not think about this at the time, but I guess gold just won by hitting the score limit :P (e.g. kills boosted gold past 100 => round/match ends).
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Post by 2020 »

thanks joda
but it was just another round in the match
it came out of nowhere

and z-man:
i have no idea how to specify it...
time i was playing
with whom?

just leave it
and if someone else comes up with a similar experience
perhaps only then may it justify your attention
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Post by gnorty »

I have noticed similar I am sure.

I have been hanging around the midfield while a couple of teamies attack the opponents goal, and can clearly see our goalie circling, and no enemy attack.

suddenl;y the other team wins.

I have seen this 2-3 times, and when I expressed alarm, as 2020 says, nobody else seems bothered, which is odd.

mostly I say ??? wtf?? or something, but I also say that when I do something stupid, so that everyone thinks my stupidness is down to a bug or lag or something, and my leet status is maintained.

next time I think it happens, I will certainly do a "BUG! THOSE BASTA's DIDNT WIN!!!" and it will be clear.
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Post by 2020 »

gnorty wrote:next time I think it happens, I will certainly do a "BUG! THOSE BASTA's DIDNT WIN!!!" and it will be clear.
so that's the official term
is it?

i like it :D
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Post by meriton »

Gnorty, are you sure they didn't win the match by hitting the score limit? This end the round without a fortress being taken.
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Post by Lucifer »

I've noticed people lately kinda freaking out when the match ends by hitting the point limit. Even had to tell someone who plays there a lot that it was 10 rounds or 100 points, whichever happens first.

Be the devil's own, Lucifer's my name.
- Iron Maiden
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